Items where Division is "05 Faculty of Science > Departement Mathematik und Informatik > Ehemalige Einheiten Mathematik & Informatik > Numerik (Cohen)"
Number of items at this level: 9. ArticleWest, J. Jason and Cohen, Aaron and Dentener, Frank and Brunekreef, Bert and Zhu, Tong and Armstrong, Ben and Bell, Michelle L. and Brauer, Michael and Carmichael, Gregory and Costa, Dan L. and Dockery, Douglas W. and Kleeman, Michael and Krzyzanowski, Michal and Künzli, Nino and Liousse, Catherine and Lung, Shih-Chun Candice and Martin, Randall V. and Pöschl, Ulrich and Pope, C. Arden, III and Robert, James M. and Russell, Armistead G. and Wiedinmyer, Christine. (2016) What we breathe impacts our health : improving understanding of the link between air pollution and health. Environmental Science and Technology, 50 (10). pp. 4895-4904. Cohen, David. (2012) On the numerical discretisation of stochastic oscillators. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 82 (8). pp. 1478-1495. Cohen, David and Hairer, Ernst. (2011) Linear energy-preserving integrators for Poisson systems. BIT : numerical mathematics, Vol. 51, H. 1. pp. 91-101. Cohen, David and Raynaud, Xavier. (2011) Convergent numerical schemes for the compressible hyperelastic-rod wave equation. Numerische Mathematik, 122 (1). pp. 1-59. Cohen, David and Raynaud, Xavier. (2011) Geometric finite difference schemes for the generalized hyperelastic-rod wave equation. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, Vol. 235, H. 8. pp. 1925-1940. Cohen, David and Sigg, Magdalena. (2011) Convergence analysis of trigonometric methods for stiff second-order stochastic differential equations. Numerische Mathematik, 121 (1). pp. 1-29. Cohen, David and Hairer, Ernst and Lubich, Christian. (2008) Conservation of energy, momentum and actions in numerical discretizations of non-linear wave equations. Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 110, H. 2. pp. 113-143. Cohen, David and Hairer, Ernst and Lubich, Christian. (2008) Long-time analysis of nonlinearly perturbed wave equations via modulated Fourier expansions. Archive for rational mechanics and analysis, Vol. 187, H. 2. pp. 341-368. PreprintZaspel, Peter and Cohen, David and Hairer, Ernst. (2010) Linear EnergyPreserving Integrators for Poisson Systems. Preprints Fachbereich Mathematik, 2010 (02). |