Items where Division is "05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Former Organization Units Physics > Astrophysik (Liebendörfer)"
Number of items at this level: 37. ArticleEichler, M and Nakamura, K. and Takiwaki, T. and Kuroda, T. and Kotake, K. and Hempel, M. and Cabezon, R. and Liebendörfer, M. and Thielemann, F.-K . (2018) Nucleosynthesis in 2D core-collapse supernovae of 11.2 and 17.0 M⊙ progenitors: implications for Mo and Ru production. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 45 (1). 014001. Dexheimer, Veronica and Hempel, Matthias and Iosilevskiy, Igor and Schramm, Stefan. (2017) Phase transitions in dense matter. Nuclear Physics A, 967 (Supplement C). pp. 780-783. Fischer, Tobias and Bastian, Niels-Uwe and Blaschke, David and Cierniak, Mateusz and Hempel, Matthias and Klähn, Thomas and Martínez-Pinedo, Gabriel and Newton, William G. and Röpke, Gerd and Typel, Stefan. (2017) The State of Matter in Simulations of Core-Collapse supernovae — Reflections and Recent Developments. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 34. e067. Klähn, Thomas and Fischer, Tobias and Hempel, Matthias. (2017) Simultaneous Chiral Symmetry Restoration and Deconfinement Consequences for the QCD Phase Diagram. Astrophysical Journal, 836 (1). p. 11. Marques, Miguel and Oertel, Micaela and Hempel, Matthias and Novak, Jérôme. (2017) New temperature dependent hyperonic equation of state: Application to rotating neutron star models and I−Q relations. Physical Review C, 96 (4). 045806. Oertel, Micaela and Hempel, Matthias and Klähn, Thomas and Typel, Stefan. (2017) Equations of state for supernovae and compact stars. Reviews of Modern Physics, 89. 015007. Käppeli, R. and Whitehouse, S. ~C. and Scheidegger, S. and Pen, U. -L. and Liebendörfer, M.. (2011) FISH: A Three-dimensional Parallel Magnetohydrodynamics Code for Astrophysical Applications. Astrophysical journal. Supplement series, Vol. 195. p. 20. Liebendörfer, M. and Whitehouse, S. C. and Fischer, T.. (2009) The isotropic diffusion source approximation for supernova neutrino transport. The astrophysical journal. Part 1, Vol. 698. pp. 1174-1190. Liebendörfer, M. and Fischer, T. and Fröhlich, C. and Hix, W. R. and Langanke, K. and Martinez-Pinedo, G. and Mezzacappa, A. and Scheidegger, S. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Whitehouse, S. C.. (2008) Nuclear physics in core-collapse supernovae. New astronomy reviews, Vol. 52. pp. 373-376. Liebendörfer, M. and Fischer, T. and Fröhlich, C. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Whitehouse, S.. (2008) Nuclear physics with spherically symmetric supernova models. Journal of physics. G, Nuclear physics, Vol. 35 , H. 1, 014056, 8 S.. Scheidegger, S. and Fischer, T. and Whitehouse, S. C. and Liebendörfer, M.. (2008) Gravitational waves from 3D MHD core collapse simulations. Astronomy & astrophysics, Vol. 490. pp. 231-241. Fischer, Tobias and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Mezzacappa, Anthony. (2007) The expected neutrino signal from the formation of black holes via protoneutron star collapse. Journal of physics. Conference series, Vol. 66 , 2043, 11 S.. Fröhlich, C. and Hauser, P. and Liebendörfer, M. and Martinez-Pinedo, G. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Bravo, E. and Zinner, N. T. and Hix, W. R. and Langanke, K. and Mezzacappa, A. and Nomoto, K.. (2006) Composition of the innermost core-collapse supernova ejecta. The astrophysical journal. Part 1, Vol. 637. pp. 415-426. Fröhlich, C. and Hix, W. R. and Martinez-Pinedo, G. and Liebendörfer, M. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Bravo, E. and Langanke, K. and Zinner, N. T.. (2006) Nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven supernovae. New astronomy reviews, Vol. 50. pp. 496-499. Fröhlich, C. and Martinez-Pinedo, G. and Liebendörfer, M. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Bravo, E. and Hix, W. R. and Langanke, K. and Zinner, N. T.. (2006) Neutrino-induced nucleosynthesis of A<64 nuclei : the νp process. Physical review letters, Vol. 96 , 142502, 4 S.. Martinez-Pinedo, Gabriel and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Frekers, Dieter. (2006) Nuclear input for core-collapse models. Nuclear physics. A, Nuclear and hadronic physics, Vol. 777. pp. 395-423. Hix, W. R. and Frohlich, C. and Martinez-Pinedo, G. and Liebendorfer, M. and Thielemann, F. K.. (2005) Influence of the explosion mechanism on the ejecta of core collapse supernovae. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Vol. 40, Supplement, Proceedings of 68th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. p. 5340. Liebendrfer, Matthias. (2005) A simple parameterization of the consequences of deleptonization for simulations of stellar core collapse. The astrophysical journal. Part 1, Vol. 633. pp. 1042-1051. Marek, A. and Janka, H. -Th. and Buras, R. and Liebendörfer, M. and Rampp, M.. (2005) On ion-ion correlation effects during stellar core collapse. Astronomy & astrophysics, Vol. 443. pp. 201-210. Conference or Workshop ItemEbinger, Kevin and Sinha, Sanjana and Fröhlich, Carla and Perego, Albino and Hempel, Matthias and Eichler, Marius and Casanova, Jordi and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl. (2017) Explosion Dynamics of Parametrized Spherically Symmetric Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016), 14. Eichler, Marius and Nakamura, Ko and Takiwaki, Tomoya and Kuroda, Takami and Kotake, Kei and Hempel, Matthias and Cabezon, Ruben and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl. (2017) Nucleosynthesis in 2D Core-Collapse Supernova Long-Term Simulations of 11.2 and 17.0 M⊙ Progenitors. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016), 14. Heinimann, Oliver and Hempel, Matthias and Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl. (2017) A Systematic Analysis of Hybrid Stars Using a Hadronic Equation of State Suitable for Core-Collapse Supernovae. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016), 14. Hempel, Matthias and Heinimann, Oliver and Yudin, Andrey and Iosilevskiy, Igor and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl. (2017) New aspects of the QCD phase transition in proto-neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae. In: Journal of Physics Conference Series, 861. Hempel, Matthias and Oertel, Micaela and Typel, Stefan and Klähn, Thomas. (2017) How Well Do We Know The Supernova Equation of State? In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016), 14. Pan, Kuo-Chuan and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Hempel, Matthias and Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl. (2017) Multi-dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations with Neutrino Transport. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016), 14. Sinha, Sanjana and Fröhlich, Carla and Ebinger, Kevin and Perego, Albino and Hempel, Matthias and Eichler, Marius and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl. (2017) PUSHing Core-Collapse Supernovae to Explosions in Spherical Symmetry: Nucleosynthesis Yields. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016), 14. Hagel, K. and Hempel, M. and Natowitz, J. B. and Röpke, G. and Typel, S. and Wuenschel, S. and Wada, R. and Barbui, M. and Schmidt, K.. (2016) From femtonova to supernova: Heavy-ion collisions and the supernova equation of state. In: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, 117. Whitehouse, S. and Liebendörfer, M.. (2008) Neutrino transport in 3D simulations of core-collapse supernovae. In: 10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos : (NIC X), 243, 5 S.. Trieste. Liebendörfer, M. and Whitehouse, S. and Fischer, T.. (2007) Toward three-dimensional simulations of stellar core collapse with magnetic fields. In: Convection in Astrophysics Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 239. Cambridge, pp. 326-328. Fröhlich, C. and Liebendörfer, M. and Martnez-Pinedo, G. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Bravo, E. and Zinner, N. T. and Hix, W. R. and Langanke, K. and Mezzacappa, A. and Nomoto, K.. (2006) Composition of the innermost core collapse supernova ejecta and the νp-Process. In: Origin of matter and evolution of galaxies, AIP Conference Proceedings ; 847. Woodbury, NY, pp. 333-338. Fröhlich, Carla and Liebendörfer, M. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Martinez Pinedo, G. and Langanke, K. and Zinner, N. T. and Hix, W. R. and Bravo, E.. (2006) The role of neutrinos in explosive nucleosynthesis. In: International symposium on nuclear astrophysics - Nuclei in the cosmos. Trieste, Italy, p. 33. Hirschi, Raphael and [et al.], . (2006) Stellar evolution of massive stars at very low metallicities. In: Reviews in modern astronomy / Astronomische Gesellschaft, Vol. 19. Weinheim, pp. 101-126. Liebendörfer, Matthias and Pen, Ue-Li and Thompson, Christopher. (2006) Efficient approximations of neutrino physics for three-dimensional simulations of stellar core collapse. In: International symposium on nuclear astrophysics - Nuclei in the cosmos. Trieste, Italy, p. 132. Martinez-Pinedo, Gabriel and Kelic, A. and Langanke, K. and Schmidt, K. -H. and Mocelj, D. and Fröhlich, C. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Panov, I. and Rauscher, T. and Liebendörfer, M. and Zinner, N. T. and Pfeiffer, B. and Buras, R. and Janka, H. -Th.. (2006) Weak interaction rates. In: International symposium on nuclear astrophysics - Nuclei in the cosmos. Trieste, Italy, p. 64. Mezzacappa, Anthony and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Cardall, Christian Y. and Bronson Messer, O. E. and Bruenn, Stephen W.. (2006) Neutrino transport in core collapse supernovae. In: Computational Methods in Transport. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 35-68. Frohlich, C. and Hauser, P. and Thielemann, F. K. and Liebendorfer, M. and Pinedo, G. M.. (2005) The innermost zones of core collapse supernovae. In: 1604 - 2004: supernovae as cosmological lighthouses. San Francisco, Calif., p. 199. ThesisWenger, Erich. On spectra and colours of synthetic stellar populations. 2005, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. |