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Boos, Stefan and Meunier, Joël and Pichon, Samuel and Kölliker, Mathias. (2014) Maternal care provides antifungal protection to eggs in the European earwig. Behavioral Ecology, Vol. 25, H. 4. pp. 754-761.

Belz, Elodie. Olfactory information use for foraging in "Microplitis mediator", a parasitoid of the cabbage moth "Mamestra brassicae". 2013, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Brinkhof, M. W. G. and Heeb, P. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (1999) Immunocompetence of nestling great tits in relation to rearing environment and parentage. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, 266 (1435). pp. 2315-2322.


Dobler, R. and Kölliker, M.. (2011) Influence of weight asymmetry and kinship on siblicidal and cannibalistic beahviour in earwigs. Animal Behaviour, 82 (4). pp. 667-672.

Dobler, R. and Kölliker, M.. (2010) Kin-selected siblicide and cannibalism in the European earwig. Behavioral Ecology, 21 (2). pp. 257-263.

Dobler, Ralph. Interactions in families of the European earwig (Forficula auricularia) - behavioural dynamics and conflicts. 2010, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Dobler, R. and Kölliker, M.. (2009) Behavioural attainability of evolutionarily stable strategies in repeated interactions. Animal behaviour, 77 (6). pp. 1427-1434.


Falk, Joachim and Wong, Janine W. Y. and Kölliker, Mathias and Meunier, Joël. (2014) Sibling cooperation in earwig families provides insights into the early evolution of social life. The American naturalist, Vol. 183, H. 4. pp. 547-557.

Fitze, P. S. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2003) Effects of common origin and common environment on nestling plumage coloration in the great tit (Parus major). Evolution, 57 (1). pp. 144-150.


Gómez, Y. and Kölliker, M.. (2013) Maternal care, mother-offspring aggregation and age-dependent co-adaptation in the European earwig. Journal of evolutionary biology, Vol. 26, H. 9. pp. 1903-1911.


Heeb, P. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2000) Bird-ectoparasite interactions, nest humidity, and ectoparasite community structure. Ecology, Vol. 81, H. 4. pp. 958-968.

Heeb, P. and Werner, I. and Mateman, A. C. and Kölliker, M. and Brinkhof, M. W. G. and Lessells, C. M. and Richner, H.. (1999) Ectoparasite infestation and sex-biased local recruitment of hosts. Nature, 400 (6739). pp. 63-65.

Heeb, P. and Werner, I. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (1998) Benefits of induced host responses against an ectoparasite. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, 265 (1390). pp. 51-56.

Heeb, P. and Werner, I. and Richner, H. and Kölliker, M.. (1996) Horizontal transmission and reproductive rates of hen fleas in great tit nests. Journal of Animal Ecology, 65 (4). pp. 474-484.


Kölliker, Mathias and Smiseth, Per T. and Royle, Nick J.. (2014) The evolution of parental care. In: The Princeton guide to evolution. Princeton, N.J., pp. 663-670.

Kolliker, M. and Royle, N. J. and Smiseth, P. T.. (2012) Parent-Offspring Co-adaptation. In: The evolution of parental care. Oxford, pp. 285-303.

Kölliker, M.. (2011) On the meaning of hunger and behavioral control in the evolution of honest begging. Behavioral Ecology, 22 (5). pp. 919-920.

Kölliker, M. and Ridenhour, B. J. and Gaba, S.. (2010) Antagonistic parent-offspring co-adaptation. PLoS one, Vol. 5, H. 1 , e8606.

Kölliker, M.. (2007) Benefits and costs of earwig (Forficula auricularia) family life. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, 61 (9). pp. 1489-2497.

Kölliker, M. and Vancassel, M.. (2007) Maternal attendance and the maintenance of family groups in common earwigs (Forficula auricularia) : a field experiment. Ecological Entomology, 32 (1). pp. 24-27.

Kölliker, M. and Chuckalovcak, J. P. and Haynes, K. F. and Brodie III, E. D.. (2006) Maternal food provisioning in relation to condition-dependent offspring odours in burrower bugs (Sehirus cinctus). Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, 273 (1593). pp. 1523-1528.

Kölliker, M.. (2005) Ontogeny in the family. Behavior genetics, 35 (1). pp. 7-18.

Kölliker, M. and Brodie III, E. D. and Moore, A. J.. (2005) The coadaptation of parental supply and offspring demand. The American naturalist, Vol. 166, H. 5. pp. 506-516.

Kölliker, M. and Chuckalovcak, J. P. and Brodie III, E. D.. (2005) Offspring chemical cues affect maternal provisioning in burrower bugs (Sehirus cinctus). Animal Behaviour, 69 (4). pp. 959-966.

Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2004) Navigation in a cup : chick positioning in great tit (Parus major) nests. Animal Behaviour, 68 (4). pp. 941-948.

Kölliker, M.. (2003) Estimating mechanisms and equilibria for offspring begging and parental provisioning. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, 270 (Suppl. 1). pp. 110-113.

Kölliker, M.. (2001) Zielgenau dank data mining. MK, 2001 (Mai). pp. 38-40.

Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2001) Parent-offspring conflict and the genetics of offspring soliciation and parental response. Animal Behaviour, 62 (3). pp. 395-407.

Kölliker, M. and Brinkhof, M. W. G. and Heeb, P. and Fitze, P. and Richner, H.. (2000) The quantitative genetic basis of offspring solicitation and parental response in a passerine bird with biparental care. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, 267 (1457). pp. 2127-2132.

Kölliker, M. and Heeb, P. and Werner, I. and Mateman, A. C. and Lessells, C. M. and Richner, H.. (1999) Offspring sex ratio is related to male body size in the great tit (Parus major). Behavioral Ecology, 10 (1). pp. 68-72.

Kölliker, M. and Richner, H. and Werner, I. and Heeb, P.. (1998) Begging signals and biparental care : nestling choice between parental feeding locations. Animal Behaviour, 55 (1). pp. 215-222.


Linder, R. and Geier, J. and Kölliker, M.. (2004) Artificial neural networks, classification trees and regression : which method for which customer? Journal of database marketing & consumer strategy marketing, Vol. 11, no. 4. pp. 344-356.


Meunier, J. and Kölliker, M.. (2013) Inbreeding depression in an insect with maternal care: influences of family interactions, life stage and offspring sex. Journal of evolutionary biology, Vol. 26, H. 10. pp. 2209-2220.

Meunier, J. and Kölliker, M.. (2012) Parental antagonism and parent-offspring co-adaptation interact to shape family life. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological Sciences, 279 (1744). pp. 3981-3988.

Meunier, J. and Kölliker, M.. (2012) When it is costly to have a caring mother: food limitation erases the benefits of parental care in earwigs. Biology Letters, 8 (4). pp. 547-550.

Meunier, J. and Wong, J. W. Y. and Gomez, Y. and Kuttler, S. and Rollin, L. and Stucki, D. and Kolliker, M.. (2012) One clutch or two clutches? : Fitness correlates of coexisting alternative female life-histories in the European earwig. Evolutionary Ecology, 26 (3). pp. 669-682.

Mas, F. and Kölliker, M.. (2011) An offspring signal of quality affects the timing of future parental reproduction. Biology Letters, 7 (3). pp. 352-354.

Mas, F. and Kölliker, M.. (2011) Differential effects of offspring condition-dependent signals on maternal care regulation in the European earwig. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, 65 (2). pp. 341-349.

Mas, F. and Meunier, J. and Kölliker, M.. (2011) A new function of hydrocarbons in insect communication : maternal care and offspring signalling in the European earwig. Chimia, Vol. 65, H. 9. p. 744.

Mas, Flore. Maternal behaviour and the evolution of chemical signalling by offspring in the European earwig (Forficula auricularia). 2011, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Mas, F. and Haynes, K. F. and Kölliker, M.. (2009) A chemical signal of offspring quality affects maternal care in a social insect. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, 276 (1668). pp. 2847-2853.

Mas, F. and Kölliker, M.. (2008) Maternal care and offspring begging in social insects : chemical signalling, hormonal regulation and evolution. Animal behaviour, 76 (4). pp. 1121-1131.


Neuenschwander, S. and Brinkhof, M. W. G. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2003) Brood size, sibling competition and the cost of begging in great tits (Parus major). Behavioral Ecology, 14 (4). pp. 457-462.


Raveh, Shirley and Vogt, Dominik and Montavon, Célien and Kölliker, Mathias. (2014) Sibling Aggregation Preference Depends on Activity Phase in the European Earwig (Forficula auricularia). Ethology, Vol. 120, Nr. 8. pp. 776-782.

Roulin, Anne C. and Wu, Min and Pichon, Samuel and Arbore, Roberto and Kühn-Bühlmann, Simone and Kölliker, Mathias and Walser, Jean-Claude. (2014) De Novo Transcriptome Hybrid Assembly and Validation in the European Earwig (Dermaptera; Forficula auricularia; ). PLoS one, Vol. 9, H. 4 , e94098.

Royle, N. J. and Pike, T. W. and Heeb, P. and Richner, H. and Kölliker, M.. (2012) Offspring social network structure predicts fitness in families. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological Sciences, 279 (1749). pp. 4914-4922.

Royle, N. J. and Smiseth, P. T. and Kolliker, M.. (2012) The evolution of parental care : summary, conclusions and implications. In: The evolution of parental care. Oxford, pp. 327-345.

Roulin, A. and Dreiss, A. N. and Kölliker, M.. (2010) Evolutionary perspective on the interplay between family life, and parent and offspring personality. Ethology, 116 (9). pp. 787-796.

Roulin, A. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2000) Barn owl (Tyto alba) siglings vocally negotiate resources. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, 267 (1442). pp. 459-463.


Stucki, D. and Kölliker, M.. (2013) Co-evolutionary feedbacks between family interactions and life-history. Evolution, Vol 67 , no. 11, S. 3208–3220.

Smiseth, P. T. and Kolliker, M. and Royle, N. J.. (2012) What is parental care? In: The evolution of parental care. Oxford, UK, pp. 1-14.

Smiseth, P. T. and Wright, J. and Kölliker, M.. (2008) Parent-offspring conflict and co-adaptation : behavioural ecology meets quantitative genetics. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, 275 (1645). pp. 1823-1830.

Staerkle, M. and Kölliker, M.. (2008) Maternal food regurgitation to nymphs in earwigs (Forficula auricularia). Ethology, 114 (9). pp. 844-850.


Tanner, M. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2008) Differential food allocation by male and female great tit, Parus major, parents : are parents or offspring in control? Animal behaviour, 75 (4). pp. 1563-1569.

Tanner, M. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2007) Parental influences on sibling rivalry in great tits (Parus major). Animal Behaviour, 74 (4). pp. 977-983.


Vogt, Kristina and Zimmermann, Fridolin and Kölliker, Mathias and Breitenmoser, Urs. (2014) Scent-marking behaviour and social dynamics in a wild population of Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx. Behavioural processes, Vol. 106. pp. 98-106.


Wong, Janine W. Y. and Kölliker, Mathias. (2014) Effects of food restriction across stages of juvenile and early adult development on body weight, survival, and adult life history. Journal of evolutionary biology, Vol. 27, H. 11. pp. 2420-2430.

Wong, Janine W. Y. and Lucas, Christophe and Kölliker, Mathias. (2014) Cues of maternal condition influence offspring selfishness. PloS one, Vol. 9, H. 1 , e87214.

Wong, Janine W. Y. and Meunier, Joël and Lucas, Christophe and Kölliker, Mathias. (2014) Paternal signature in kin recognition cues of a social insect : concealed in juveniles, revealed in adult. Proceedings of the Royal Society : Series B, Biological sciences, Vol. 281, H. 1793 , 2011236.

Wong, Janine W.Y.. Maternal care and interactions within and between families : how the environment and chemical communication shape family life in a social insect. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Wong, J. W. Y. and Meunier, J. and Kölliker, M.. (2013) The evolution of parental care in insects: the roles of ecology, life-history and the social environment. Ecological entomology, Vol. 38, H. 2. pp. 123-137.

Wong, Janine W. Y. and Kölliker, Mathias. (2013) The more the merrier? Condition-dependent brood mixing in earwigs. Animal behaviour, Vol. 86, H. 4. pp. 845-850.

Wong, J. W. Y. and Kölliker, M.. (2012) The effect of female condition on maternal care in the European earwig. Ethology, 118 (5). pp. 450-459.

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