Items where Division is "03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Public Health > Institut für Pflegewissenschaft"
Number of items at this level: 158. ArticleJones, Tarsha and Lockhart, Joan S. and Mendelsohn-Victor, Kari E. and Duquette, Debra and Northouse, Laurel L. and Duffy, Sonia A. and Donley, Rosemary and Merajver, Sofia D. and Milliron, Kara J. and Roberts, J. Scott and Katapodi, Maria C.. (2016) Use of Cancer Genetics Services in African-American Young Breast Cancer Survivors. American journal of preventive medicine, 51 (4). pp. 427-436. Williams, Janet K. and Katapodi, Maria C. and Starkweather, Angela and Badzek, Laurie and Cashion, Ann K. and Coleman, Bernice and Fu, Mei R. and Lyon, Debra and Weaver, Michael T. and Hickey, Kathleen T.. (2016) Advanced nursing practice and research contributions to precision medicine. Nursing Outlook, 64 (2). pp. 117-123. Burkhalter, Hanna and Wirz-Justice, Anna and Denhaerynck, Kris and Fehr, Thomas and Steiger, Jürg and Venzin, Reto Martin and Cajochen, Christian and Weaver, Terri Elisabeth and De Geest, Sabina. (2015) The effect of bright light therapy on sleep and circadian rhythms in renal transplant recipients: a pilot randomized, multicentre wait-list controlled trial. Transplant International, 28 (1). pp. 59-70. Simon, Michael and Griffiths, Peter. (2015) Choose your tool wisely : U charts are more informative than run charts with or without tests of significance : comment on Unbeck et al. (2014), Unbeck et al. (2013) and Kottner (2014). International journal of nursing studies, Vol. 52, H. 1. pp. 481-486. Zúñiga, Franziska and Ausserhofer, Dietmar and Hamers, Jan P. H. and Engberg, Sandra and Simon, Michael and Schwendimann, René. (2015) Are Staffing, Work Environment, Work Stressors, and Rationing of Care Related to Care Workers' Perception of Quality of Care? A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16 (10). pp. 860-866. Aiken, Linda H. and Sloane, Douglas M. and Bruyneel, Luk and Van den Heede, Koen and Griffiths, Peter and Busse, Reinhard and Diomidous, Marianna and Kinnunen, Juha and Kózka, Maria and Lesaffre, Emmanuel and McHugh, Matthew D. and Moreno-Casbas, M. T. and Rafferty, Anne Marie and Schwendimann, Rene and Scott, P. Anne and Tishelman, Carol and van Achterberg, Theo and Sermeus, Walter. (2014) Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. Lancet, 383 (9931). pp. 1824-1830. Amsler, Marlen and König, Claudia and Ikhilor, Paola Origlia and Cignacco, Eva Lucia. (2014) Deutsche Übersetzung und Adaptation der «Uncertainty Stress Scale High Risk Pregnancy Version III» (USS-HRPV) für hospitalisierte Frauen mit Risikoschwangerschaft. Pflege, 27 (3). pp. 179-189. Astin, Felicity and Carroll, Diane L. and De Geest, Sabina and Martensson, Jan. (2014) Education for nurses working in cardiovascular care: a European survey. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 13 (6). pp. 532-540. Auer, Corinne and Schwendimann, René and Koch, Roswitha and De Geest, Sabina and Ausserhofer, Dietmar. (2014) How hospital leaders contribute to patient safety through the development of trust. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44 (1). pp. 23-29. Ausserhofer, Dietmar and Zander, Britta and Busse, Reinhard and Schubert, Maria and De Geest, Sabina and Rafferty, Anne Marie and Ball, Jane and Scott, Anne and Kinnunen, Juha and Heinen, Maud and Sjetne, Ingeborg Strømseng and Moreno-Casbas, Teresa and Kózka, Maria and Lindqvist, Rikard and Diomidous, Marianna and Bruyneel, Luk and Sermeus, Walter and Aiken, Linda H. and Schwendimann, René. (2014) Prevalence, patterns and predictors of nursing care left undone in European hospitals: results from the multicountry cross-sectional RN4CAST study. BMJ Quality & Safety, 23 (2). pp. 126-135. Becher, Christine and Regamey, Nicolas and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2014) Transition – Wie Jugendliche mit Cystischer Fibrose und ihre Eltern den Übertritt von der Kinder- in die Erwachsenenmedizin erleben. Pflege, 27 (6). pp. 359-368. Burkhalter, Hanna and Wirz-Justice, Anna and Cajochen, Christian and Weaver, Terri E. and Steiger, Jürg and Fehr, Thomas and Venzin, Reto M. and De Geest, Sabina. (2014) Daytime sleepiness in renal transplant recipients is associated with immunosuppressive non-adherence: a cross-sectional, multi-center study. Clinical Transplantation, 28 (1). pp. 58-66. Busch, A.-K. and Spirig, R. and Schnepp, W.. (2014) Bewältigung der Multiplen Sklerose in der Partnerschaft. Der Nervenarzt, 85 (6). pp. 727-737. Denhaerynck, K. and Schmid-Mohler, G. and Kiss, A. and Steiger, J. and Wüthrich, R. P. and Bock, A. and De Geest, S.. (2014) Differences in Medication Adherence between Living and Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant Patients. International Journal of Organ Transplantation Medicine, 5 (1). pp. 7-14. Dobbels, Fabienne and Mauthner, Oliver and Milisen, Koen. (2014) Frailty in left ventricular assist device destination therapy: putting a new motor in a rickety old car running out of gas? Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 33 (4). pp. 347-349. European Delirium Association, and American Delirium Society, . (2014) The DSM-5 criteria, level of arousal and delirium diagnosis: inclusiveness is safer. BMC Medicine, 12. p. 141. Fierz, Katharina and Gennaro, Susan and Dierickx, Kris and Van Achterberg, Theo and Morin, Karen H. and De Geest, Sabina. (2014) Scientific misconduct: also an issue in nursing science? Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46 (4). pp. 271-280. Griffiths, Peter and Dall'Ora, Chiara and Simon, Michael and Ball, Jane and Lindqvist, Rikard and Rafferty, Anne-Marie and Schoonhoven, Lisette and Tishelman, Carol and Aiken, Linda H.. (2014) Nurses' shift length and overtime working in 12 European countries: the association with perceived quality of care and patient safety. Medical Care, 52 (11). pp. 975-981. Grossmann, Florian F. and Hasemann, Wolfgang and Graber, Andreas and Bingisser, Roland and Kressig, Reto W. and Nickel, Christian H.. (2014) Screening, detection and management of delirium in the emergency department - a pilot study on the feasibility of a new algorithm for use in older emergency department patients: the modified Confusion Assessment Method for the Emergency Department (mCAM-ED). Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 22. p. 19. Kirsch, M. and Berben, L. and Johansson, E. and Calza, S. and Eeltink, C. and Stringer, J. and Liptrott, S. and De Geest, S.. (2014) Nurses' practice patterns in relation to adherence-enhancing interventions in stem cell transplant care: a survey from the Nurses Group of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. European Journal of Cancer Care, 23 (5). pp. 607-615. Kirsch, M. and Götz, A. and Halter, J. P. and Schanz, U. and Stussi, G. and Dobbels, F. and De Geest, S.. (2014) Differences in health behaviour between recipients of allogeneic haematopoietic SCT and the general population: a matched control study. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 49 (9). pp. 1223-1230. Kläusler-Troxler, Marianne and Kurth, Elisabeth and Spirig, Rebecca. (2014) Erfahrungen junger Eltern mit der familienzentrierten Betreuung in der Primärversorgung in der Schweiz: Eine qualitative Evaluationsstudie. Pflege, 27 (4). pp. 219-230. M. M. Vanhoof, Jasper and Delcroix, Marion and Vandevelde, Ellen and Denhaerynck, Kris and Wuyts, Wim and Belge, Catharina and Dobbels, Fabienne. (2014) Emotional symptoms and quality of life in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 33 (8). pp. 800-808. Meagher, David J. and Morandi, Alessandro and Inouye, Sharon K. and Ely, Wes and Adamis, Dimitrios and Maclullich, Alasdair J. and Rudolph, James L. and Neufeld, Karin and Leonard, Maeve and Bellelli, Giuseppe and Davis, Daniel and Teodorczuk, Andrew and Kreisel, Stefan and Thomas, Christine and Hasemann, Wolfgang and Timmons, Suzanne and O'Regan, Niamh and Grover, Sandeep and Jabbar, Faiza and Cullen, Walter and Dunne, Colum and Kamholz, Barbara and Van Munster, Barbara C. and De Rooij, Sophia E. and De Jonghe, Jos and Trzepacz, Paula T.. (2014) Concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for delirium diagnosis in a pooled database of 768 prospectively evaluated patients using the delirium rating scale-revised-98. BMC Medicine, 12. p. 164. Rasi, Manuela and Künzler-Heule, Patrizia and Schmid, Patrick and Semela, David and Bruggmann, Philip and Fehr, Jan and Saxer, Susi and Nicca, Dunja. (2014) "Fighting an uphill battle": experience with the HCV triple therapy: a qualitative thematic analysis. BMC Infectious Diseases, 14. p. 507. Rolland, Yves and Resnick, Barbara and Katz, Paul R. and Little, Milta O. and Ouslander, Joseph G. and Bonner, Alice and Geary, Carol R. and Schumacher, Karen L. and Thompson, Sarah and Martin, Finbarr C. and Wilbers, Joachim and Zúñiga, Franziska and Ausserhofer, D. and Schwendimann, R. and Schüssler, S. and Dassen, Theo and Lohrmann, Christa and Levy, Cari and Whitfield, Emily and de Souto Barreto, Philipe and Etherton-Beer, Christopher and Dilles, Tinne and Azermai, Majda and Bourgeois, Jolyce and Orrell, Martin and Grossberg, George T. and Kergoat, Hélène and Thomas, David R. and Visschedijk, Jan and Taylor, Stephanie J. C. and Opera Study Team, and Handajani, Yvonne S. and Widjaja, Nelly T. and Turana, Yuda and Rantz, Marilyn J. and Skubic, Marjorie and Morley, John E.. (2014) Nursing home research: the first International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) research conference. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15 (5). pp. 313-325. Rütti, Gisela and Huynh-Do, Uyen and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2014) Wie Angehörige die pflegerische Betreuung von dialysepflichtigen Patientinnen und Patienten mit Demenz auf der Hämodialysestation erleben – Eine qualitative Studie. Pflege, 27 (6). pp. 381-391. Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Schäfer-Keller, Petra and Frei, Anja and Fehr, Thomas and Spirig, Rebecca. (2014) A mixed-method study to explore patients' perspective of self-management tasks in the early phase after kidney transplant. Progress in Transplantation, 24 (1). pp. 8-18. Schwendimann, René and Zúñiga, Franziska and Ausserhofer, Dietmar and Schubert, Maria and Engberg, Sandra and de Geest, Sabina. (2014) Swiss Nursing Homes Human Resources Project (SHURP): protocol of an observational study. Journal of advanced nursing, 70 (4). pp. 915-926. Sexton, J. Bryan and Sharek, Paul J. and Thomas, Eric J. and Gould, Jeffrey B. and Nisbet, Courtney C. and Amspoker, Amber B. and Kowalkowski, Mark A. and Schwendimann, René and Profit, Jochen. (2014) Exposure to Leadership WalkRounds in neonatal intensive care units is associated with a better patient safety culture and less caregiver burnout. BMJ Quality & Safety, 23 (10). pp. 814-822. Shim, Joanna and Brindle, Lucy and Simon, Michael and George, Steve. (2014) A systematic review of symptomatic diagnosis of lung cancer. Family Practice, 31 (2). pp. 137-148. Spirig, Rebecca and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Frei, Irena Anna and Müller, Marianne and Kleinknecht, Michael. (2014) Monitoring the impact of the DRG payment system on nursing service context factors in Swiss acute care hospitals: Study protocol. GMS German Medical Science, 12. Doc07. Squires, Allison and Finlayson, Catherine and Gerchow, Lauren and Cimiotti, Jeannie P. and Matthews, Anne and Schwendimann, Rene and Griffiths, Peter and Busse, Reinhard and Heinen, Maude and Brzostek, Tomasz and Moreno-Casbas, Maria Teresa and Aiken, Linda H. and Sermeus, Walter. (2014) Methodological considerations when translating "burnout". Burnout Research, 1 (2). pp. 59-68. Gisin, M. and Poat, A. and Fierz, K. and Frei, I. A.. (2013) Women’s experiences of acupuncture during labour. British Journal of Midwifery, 21 (4). pp. 254-262. Willener, R. and Spichiger, E.. (2013) Early post-operative incontinence following transurethral resection of the prostate: prevalence and patient experiences. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 6 (3). pp. 137-142. Zùñiga, F. and Schwappach, D. and De Geest, S. and Schwendimann, R.. (2013) Psychometric properties of the Swiss version of the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture. Safety Science, 55. pp. 88-118. Ausserhofer, D. and Schubert, M. and Engberg, S. and Blegen, M. and De, Geest and Schwendimann, R.. (2012) Nurse-reported patient safety climate in Swiss hospitals - a descriptive-explorative substudy of the Swiss RN4CAST study. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 142 , w13501. Cignacco, Eva L. and Sellam, Gila and Stoffel, Lillian and Gerull, Roland and Nelle, Mathias and Anand, Kanwaljeet J. S. and Engberg, Sandra. (2012) Oral sucrose and "facilitated tucking" for repeated pain relief in preterms: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics, Vol. 129. pp. 299-308. Devriendt, Els and Van den Heede, Koen and Coussement, Joke and Dejaeger, Eddy and Surmont, Kurt and Heylen, Dirk and Schwendimann, René and Sexton, Bryan and Wellens, Nathalie I. H. and Boonen, Steven and Milisen, Koen. (2012) Content validity and internal consistency of the Dutch translation of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire: An observational study. International journal of nursing studies, Vol. 49. pp. 327-337. Beckebaum, Susanne and Iacob, Speranta and Sweid, Dani and Sotiropoulos, Georgios C. and Saner, Fuat and Kaiser, Gernot and Radtke, Arnold and Klein, Christian G. and Erim, Yesim and de Geest, Sabina and Paul, Andreas and Gerken, Guido and Cicinnati, Vito R.. (2011) Efficacy, safety, and immunosuppressant adherence in stable liver transplant patients converted from a twice-daily tacrolimus-based regimen to once-daily tacrolimus extended-release formulation. Transplant international, Vol. 24, H. 7. pp. 666-675. Berben, Lut and Bogert, Laura and Leventhal, Marcia E. and Fridlund, Bengt and Jaarsma, Tiny and Norekvål, Tone M. and Smith, Karen and Strömberg, Anna and Thompson, David R. and De Geest, Sabina. (2011) Which interventions are used by health care professionals to enhance medication adherence in cardiovascular patients? : a survey of current clinical practice. European journal of cardiovascular nursing, Vol. 10, H. 1. pp. 14-21. Bischoff, Alexander and Denhaerynck, Kris and Schneider, Martin and Battegay, Edouard. (2011) The cost of war and the cost of health xare - an epidemiological study of asylum seekers. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 141 , w13252. Burkhalter, Hanna and Sereika, Susan M. and Engberg, Sandra and Wirz-Justice, Anna and Steiger, Jürg and De Geest, Sabina. (2011) Validity of 2 sleep quality items to be used in a large cohort study of kidney transplant recipients. Progress in transplantation, Vol. 21, H. 1. pp. 27-35. Cignacco, Eva and Zuñiga, Franziska and Kurth, Elisabeth. (2011) [Paradise lost - Reflexion of preterm birth from the perspective after a brain injury. A case study]. Pflege, Vol. 24, H. 2. pp. 137-144. Clyne, Wendy and Mshelia, Comfort and Hall, Stephanie and McLachlan, Sarah and Jones, Peter and Dobbels, Fabienne and Ruppar, Todd and Siebens, Kaat and Morrison, Val and De Geest, Sabina and Kardas, Premyzlaw. (2011) Management of patient adherence to medications: protocol for an online survey of doctors, pharmacists and nurses in Europe. BMJ open, Vol. 1, H. 1 , e000355. D. E. Bleser, Leentje and D. E. Geest, Sabina and Vincke, Birgit and Ruppar, Todd and Vanhaecke, Johan and Dobbels, Fabienne. (2011) How to test electronic adherence monitoring devices for use in daily life : a conceptual framework. CIN: Computers, informatics, nursing, Vol. 29, H. 9. pp. 489-495. De Bleser, Leentje and Dobbels, Fabienne and Berben, Lut and Vanhaecke, Johan and Verleden, Geert and Nevens, Frederik and De Geest, Sabina. (2011) The spectrum of nonadherence with medication in heart, liver, and lung transplant patients assessed in various ways. Transplant international, Vol. 24, H. 9. pp. 882-891. De Geest, S. and Dobbels, F. and Gordon, E. and De Simone, P.. (2011) Chronic illness management as an innovative pathway for enhancing long-term survival in transplantation. American journal of transplantation, Vol. 11. pp. 2262-2263. De Simone, P. and De Geest, S. and Ducci, J. and Carrai, P. and Petruccelli, S. and Baldoni, L. and Pollina, L. and Campani, D. and Filipponi, F.. (2011) Alcohol drinking after liver transplantation is associated with graft injury. Minerva gastroenterologica e dietologica, Vol. 57, H. 4. pp. 345-359. Dilles, Ann and Heymans, Valerie and Martin, Sandra and Droogné, Walter and Denhaerynck, Kris and De Geest, Sabina. (2011) Comparison of a computer assisted learning program to standard education tools in hospitalized heart failure patients. European journal of cardiovascular nursing, Vol. 10, H. 3. pp. 187-193. Flury, Maria and Caflisch, Ueli and Ullmann-Bremi, Andrea and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2011) Experiences of parents with caring for their child after a cancer diagnosis. Journal of pediatric oncology nursing, Vol. 28, H. 3. pp. 143-153. Grossmann, Florian F. and Leventhal, Marcia E. and Auer-Böer, Bernhard and Wanner, Philippe and Bischoff, Alexander. (2011) Self-reported cardiovascular risk factors in immigrants and Swiss nationals. Public health nursing, Vol. 28, H. 2. pp. 129-139. Hill, Martha N. and Miller, Nancy Houston and Degeest, Sabina and American Society of Hypertension Writing Group, and Materson, Barry J. and Black, Henry R. and Izzo, Joseph L. and Oparil, Suzanne and Weber, Michael A.. (2011) Adherence and persistence with taking medication to control high blood pressure. JASH : Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, Vol. 5, no. 1. pp. 56-63. Lanuza, Dorothy M. and Davidson, Patricia M. and Dunbar, Sandra B. and Hughes, Suzanne and De Geest, Sabina. (2011) Preparing nurses for leadership roles in cardiovascular disease prevention. The journal of cardiovascular nursing, Vol. 26, Suppl. 4 , S56-63. Leventhal, Marcia E. and Denhaerynck, Kris and Brunner-La Rocca, Hans-Peter and Burnand, Bernard and Conca-Zeller, Antoinette and Bernasconi, Arlette T. and Mahrer-Imhof, Romy and Froelicher, Erika Sivarajan and De Geest, Sabina. (2011) Swiss Interdisciplinary Management Programme for Heart Failure (SWIM-HF) : a randomised controlled trial study of an outpatient inter-professional management programme for heart failure patients in Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 141 , w13171. Mazzeo, Filomena and Duck, Lionel and Joosens, Eric and Dirix, Luc and Focan, Christian and Forget, Frédéric and De Geest, Sabina and Muermans, Katja and V. A. N. Lierde, Marie-Anne and Macdonald, Karen and Abraham, Ivo and De Grève, Jacques. (2011) Nonadherence to imatinib treatment in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors : the ADAGIO study. Anticancer research, Vol. 31, H. 4. pp. 1407-1409. Nufer, Theres Walther and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2011) [How family carers of people with dementia experienced their stay on an acute care facility and their own collaboration with professionals: a qualitative study]. Pflege, Vol. 24, H. 4. pp. 229-237. Riegel, Barbara and Moelter, Stephen T. and Ratcliffe, Sarah J. and Pressler, Susan J. and De Geest, Sabina and Potashnik, Sheryl and Fleck, Desiree and Sha, Daohang and Sayers, Steven L. and Weintraub, William S. and Weaver, Terri E. and Goldberg, Lee R.. (2011) Excessive daytime sleepiness is associated with poor medication adherence in adults with heart failure. Journal of cardiac failure, Vol. 17, H. 4. pp. 340-348. Schwendimann, Rene. (2011) Post doc in the USA : ein Erfahrungsbericht. Pflege, Vol. 24, H. 5. pp. 293-296. Sellam, Gila and Cignacco, Eva L. and Craig, Kenneth D. and Engberg, Sandra. (2011) Contextual factors influencing pain response to heelstick procedures in preterm infants : what do we know? : a systematic review. European journal of pain, Vol. 15, H. 7 , S. 661.e1-661.e15. Sellam, Gila and Schulz, Claudia and Hämmerli, Natascha Schütz and Cignacco, Eva. (2011) [Neonatal intensive care: optimizing pain management in newborn infants]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 9. pp. 32-33. Sieber, J. and De Geest, S. and Shah-Hosseini, K. and Mösges, R.. (2011) Medication persistence with long-term, specific grass pollen immunotherapy measured by prescription renewal rates. Current medical research and opinion, Vol. 27, H. 4. pp. 855-861. Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller-Fröhlich, Christa and Denhaerynck, Kris and Stoll, Hansruedi and Hantikainen, Virpi and Dodd, Marylin. (2011) Prevalence of symptoms, with a focus on fatigue, and changes of symptoms over three months in outpatients receiving cancer chemotherapy. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 141 , w13303. Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller-Fröhlich, Christa and Denhaerynck, Kris and Stoll, Hansruedi and Hantikainen, Virpi and Dodd, Marylin. (2011) Symptom prevalence and changes of symptoms over ten days in hospitalized patients with advanced cancer : a descriptive study. European journal of oncology nursing, Vol. 15, H. 2. pp. 95-102. Vandenbroeck, S. and De Geest, S. and Zeyen, T. and Stalmans, I. and Dobbels, F.. (2011) Patient-reported outcomes (PRO's) in glaucoma : a systematic review. Eye : the scientific journal of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Vol. 25. pp. 555-577. Vandenbroeck, Sofie and De Geest, Sabina and Dobbels, Fabienne and Fieuws, Steffen and Stalmans, Ingeborg and Zeyen, Thierry. (2011) Prevalence and correlates of self-reported nonadherence with eye drop treatment : the Belgian Compliance Study in Ophthalmology (BCSO). Journal of glaucoma, Vol. 20, H. 7. pp. 414-421. Zürcher, Sabin and Saxer, Susi and Schwendimann, René. (2011) Urinary incontinence in hospitalised elderly patients : do nurses recognise and manage the problem? Nursing research and practice, 2011, 671302. Ausserhofer, Dieter and Schubert, Maria and Schwendimann, René. (2010) [Risk lies in failing systems]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 9. pp. 34-35. Baehni, Claudia and Meier, Sabine and Spreiter, Pamela and Schild, Ursula and Regez, Katharina and Bossart, Rita and Thomann, Robert and Falconnier, Claudine and Christ-Crain, Mirjam and De Geest, Sabina and Müller, Beat and Schuetz, Philipp and ProHosp Study Group, . (2010) Which patients with lower respiratory tract infections need inpatient treatment? Perceptions of physicians, nurses, patients and relatives. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 10. p. 12. Bernhart-Just, Alexandra and Lassen, Britta and Schwendimann, René. (2010) Representing the nursing process with nursing terminologies in electronic medical record systems: a Swiss approach. CIN: Computers, informatics, nursing, Vol. 28, H. 6. pp. 345-352. Bischoff, Alexander and Denhaerynck, Kris. (2010) What do language barriers cost? : an exploratory study among asylum seekers in Switzerland. BMC health services research, Vol. 10 , 248. Bischoff, Alexander and Hudelson, Patricia. (2010) Access to healthcare interpreter services: where are we and where do we need to go? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 7. pp. 2838-2844. Bischoff, Alexander and Hudelson, Patricia. (2010) Communicating with foreign language-speaking patients : is access to professional interpreters enough? Journal of travel medicine, Vol. 17, H. 1. pp. 15-20. Davidson, Patricia M. and De Geest, Sabina and Hill, Martha N.. (2010) Nurses addressing the challenges of chronic illness : from primary to palliative care. Collegian, Vol. 17, H. 2. pp. 43-45. De Geest, Sabina and Dobbels, Fabienne. (2010) Transplantation : Increasing adherence to immunosuppression : a clinical priority. Nature reviews. Nephrology, Vol. 6, H. 3. pp. 139-140. De Geest, Sabina and Sullivan Marx, Eileen M. and Rich, Victoria and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Schwendimann, Rene and Spirig, Rebecca and Van Malderen, Greet. (2010) Developing a financial framework for academic service partnerships : models of the United States and Europe. Journal of nursing scholarship, Vol. 42, H. 3. pp. 295-304. Dobbels, F. and Ruppar, T. and De Geest, S. and Decorte, A. and Van Damme-Lombaerts, R. and Fine, R. N.. (2010) Adherence to the immunosuppressive regimen in pediatric kidney transplant recipients : a systematic review. Pediatric transplantation, Vol. 14, no. 5. pp. 603-613. Dobbels, Fabienne and Berben, Lut and De Geest, Sabina and Drent, Gerda and Lennerling, Annette and Whittaker, Clare and Kugler, Christiane. (2010) The psychometric properties and practicability of self-report instruments to identify medication nonadherence in adult transplant patients : a systematic review. Transplantation, Vol. 90, H. 2. pp. 205-219. Dobbels, Fabienne and Wernli-Fluri, Christa and Denhaerynck, Kris and Dickenmann, Michael and Vanrenterghem, Yves and Dupont, Lieven and Nevens, Frederik and Vanhaecke, Johan and De Geest, Sabina. (2010) Comparison of perceived health status among solid organ transplant candidates. Clinical transplantation, Vol. 24, H. 5. pp. 660-668. Doesch, A. O. and Mueller, S. and Konstandin, M. and Celik, S. and Erbel, C. and Kristen, A. and Frankenstein, L. and Koch, A. and Dengler, T. J. and Ehlermann, P. and Zugck, C. and De Geest, S. and Katus, H. A.. (2010) Increased adherence after switch from twice daily calcineurin inhibitor based treatment to once daily modified released tacrolimus in heart transplantation : a pre-experimental study. Transplantation proceedings, Vol. 42, no. 10. pp. 4238-4242. Glass, Tracy R. and Battegay, Manuel and Cavassini, Matthias and De Geest, Sabina and Furrer, Hansjakob and Vernazza, Pietro L. and Hirschel, Bernard and Bernasconi, Enos and Rickenbach, Martin and Günthard Huldrych, F. and Bucher, Heiner C. and Swiss HIV Cohort Study, . (2010) Longitudinal analysis of patterns and predictors of changes in self-reported adherence to antiretroviral therapy : Swiss HIV Cohort Study. JAIDS: journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes, Vol. 54, H. 2. pp. 197-203. Jaarsma, T. and Strömberg, A. and Fridlund, B. and De Geest, S. and Mårtensson, J. and Moons, P. and Norekval, T. M. and Smith, K. and Steinke, E. and Thompson, D. R. and Unite research group, . (2010) Sexual counselling of cardiac patients : nurses' perception of practice, responsibility and confidence. European journal of cardiovascular nursing, Vol. 9, H. 1. pp. 24-29. Koller, Antje and Denhaerynck, Kris and Moons, Philip and Steiger, Jürg and Bock, Andreas and De Geest, Sabina. (2010) Distress associated with adverse effects of immunosuppressive medication in kidney transplant recipients. Progress in transplantation, Vol. 20, H. 1. pp. 40-46. Kurth, E. and Spichiger, E. and Zemp Stutz E., and Biedermann, J. and Hösli, I. and Kennedy, H. P.. (2010) Crying babies, tired mothers - challenges of the postnatal hospital stay : an interpretive phenomenological study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, Vol. 10 , 21. Kurth, Elisabeth and Jaeger, Fabienne N. and Zemp, Elisabeth and Tschudin, Sibil and Bischoff, Alexander. (2010) Reproductive health care for asylum-seeking women - a challenge for health professionals. BMC public health, Vol. 10, H. 1. p. 659. Kurth, Elisabeth and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Cignacco, Eva and Kennedy, Holly Powell and Glanzmann, René and Schmid, Monika and Staehelin, Katharina and Schindler, Christian and Stutz, Elisabeth Zemp. (2010) Predictors of crying problems in the early postpartum period. Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, & neonatal nursing, Vol. 39, H. 3. pp. 250-262. Martin, Jacqueline S. and Frei, Irena Anna and Suter-Hofmann, Franziska and Fierz, Katharina and Schubert, Maria and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Evaluation of nursing and leadership competencies - a baseline for practice development]. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 3. pp. 191-203. Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Thut, Martina Pechula and Wüthrich, Rudolf Peter and Denhaerynck, Kris and De Geest, Sabina. (2010) Non-adherence to immunosuppressive medication in renal transplant recipients within the scope of the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction : a cross-sectional study. Clinical transplantation, Vol. 24, H. 2. pp. 213-222. Schubert, Maria. (2010) [Rationing of nursing care associations with patient safety and quality of hospital care]. Pflege, Vol. 23. pp. 57-58. Schwendimann, René. (2010) [Institute for Nursing Education at Basel University (Switzerland). Result of position after ten years]. 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