Number of items at this level: 52.
Jennings, Benjamin.
Repair, recycle or re-use? : creating mnemonic devices through the modification of object biographies during the Late Bronze Age in Switzerland.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Vol. 24, no. 1.
pp. 163-176.
Menotti, Francesco.
Review of S.H. Andersen 2013 Tybrind Vig: submerged Mesolithic settlements in Denmark [Jutland Archaeological Society].
Antiquity, Vol. 88, no. 342.
pp. 1334-1336.
Menotti, Francesco and Jennings, Benjamin and Gollnisch-Moos, Hartmut.
'Gifts for the gods': lake-dwellers' macabre remedies against floods in the Central European Bronze Age.
Antiquity, 88 (340).
pp. 456-469.
Ismail-Meyer, Kristin and Rentzel, Philippe and Wiemann, Philipp.
Neolithic lake-shore Settlements in Switzerland : new insights on site formation processes from micromorphology.
Geoarchaeology, Vol. 28, no. 4.
pp. 317-339.
Jennings, Benjamin and Wiemann, Philipp.
Theorizing the Biographies of Wetland Settlement Utilizing Insights from Micromorphological Analysis.
Journal of wetland archaeology, Vol. 13.
pp. 59-70.
Diachenko, Aleksandr and Menotti, Francesco.
The gravity model : monitoring the formation and development of the Tripolye culture giant-settlements in Ukraine.
Journal of archaeological science, Vol. 39, no. 8.
pp. 2810-2817.
Jennings, Benjamin.
Settling and moving: a biographical approach to interpreting patterns of occupation in LBA Circum-Alpine lake-dwellings.
Journal of wetland archaeology, Vol. 12, no. 1.
pp. 1-21.
Menotti, Francesco.
Die ukrainische Tripolje-Kultur und das Phänomen der Grosssiedlungen am Beispiel Talianki.
Plattform, 19/20 (2010/2011).
pp. 4-16.
Menotti, Francesco and Rubat Borel, Francesco and Köninger, Joachim and Martinelli, Nicoletta.
Viverone (Bi) - Azeglio (To), sito palafitticolo Vi1-Emissario: indagini subacquee e campionamento dendrocronologico.
Quaderni della Soprintendenza archeologica del Piemonte, 27.
pp. 100-105.
Wiemann, Philipp and Kühn, M. and Heitz-Weniger, A. and Stopp, B. and Jennings, B. and Rentzel, P. and Menotti, F..
Zurich-Alpenquai : a multidisciplinary approach to the chronological development of a Late Bronze Age lakeside settlement in the northern Circum-Alpine Region.
Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 12 (1).
pp. 58-85.
Menotti, F..
[Rezension von] K. Altorfer, Die prähistorischen Feuchtbodensiedlungen am Südrand des Pfäffikersees: eine archäologische Bestandesaufnahme der Stationen Wetzikon-Robenhausen und Wetzikon-Himmerich : Zürich, 2010.
European journal of archaeology, Vol. 14, no. 1/2.
pp. 301-303.
Rassamakin, Y. and Menotti, F..
Chronological development of the Tripolye culture giant-settlement of Talianki (Ukraine) : 14C dating vs. pottery typology.
Radiocarbon, Vol. 53, Nr. 4.
pp. 645-657.
Kruts, V. A. and Korvin-Piotrovskiy A. G., and Menotti, F. and Ryzhov, S. N. and Chernovol, D. K. and Chabanyuk, V. V..
Talianki - giant-settlement of the Tripolye Culture: investigations in 2010.
Reports IANAS, 2010.
pp. 4-32.
Menotti, F..
[Rezension von] Andrew Jones, ed., Prehistoric Europe: Theory and Practice, Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology 12 : Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
European Journal of Archaeology, 13 (3).
pp. 396-398.
Kruts, V. A. and Korvin-Piotrovskiy, and A. G., Menotti and Ryzhov, S. N. and Tolochko, B. B. and Chabanyuk, V. V..
Talianki giant-settlement of The tripolye culture: investigations in 2009.
Reports IANAS, 2009.
pp. 3-101.
Menotti, F..
Climate variations in the Circum-Alpine region and their influence on the Neolithic-Bronze Age lacustrine communities : displacement and/or cultural adaptation.
Documenta praehistorica, 36.
pp. 61-66.
Menotti, F..
The last phase of the Tripolye culture in Ukraine (Tl. 1: New developments of East/West patterns of human interaction in the 3rd millennium BC ; Tl. 2: The 2009 field season ; Tl. 3: The 2010 field season and the project's conclusive results).
SLSA Jahresbericht, 2008, S. 61-70 (Teil 1) ; 2009, S. 71-78 (Teil 2) ; 2010, S. 244-252 (Teil 3).
Kruts, V. A. and Korvin-Piotrovskiy, A. G. and Menotti, F. and Ryzhov, S. N. and Chernovol, D. K. and Chabanyuk, V. V..
Tripol'skoe poselenie-gigant tal'janki = The Tripolie culture giant settlement of Talianki : issledovanija 2008 g. : the 2008 investigations.
Menotti, F. and Prankenaite, E..
Lake-dwelling building techniques in prehistory : driving wooden piles into lacustrine sediments.
EuroREA, Vol. 5.
pp. 3-7.
Scherer, Thomas and Wiemann, Philipp.
Freienbach SZ-Hurden Rosshorn: Ur- und frühgeschichtliche Wege und Brücken über den Zürichsee.
Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, 91.
pp. 7-38.
Menotti, F..
Litauens Pfahlbauer : spaetbronzezeitliche Pfahlbausiedlung am Luokesassee.
Plattform, Vol. 13, H. 14.
pp. 57-61.
Menotti, F..
[Review of] Kohika: the archaeology of the late Maori lake village.
Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 5 (1).
pp. 157-158.
Menotti, F. and Baubonis, Z. and Brazaitis, D. and Higham, T. and Kvedaravicius, M. and Lewis, H. and Motuzaite, G. and Pranckenaite, E..
The first lake-dwellers of Lithuania : Late Bronze Age pile settlements on lake Luokesas.
Oxford journal of archaeology, Vol. 24, S. 381 - 403.
Daly, P. and Menotti, F..
Cave Survey The Niah Cave Project : the fourth (2003) season of fieldwork.
Sarawak Museum journal, Vol. 58.
pp. 45-120.
Menotti, F..
Cultural response to environmental change in the Alpine lacustrine regions : the displacement model.
Oxford journal of archaeology, Vol. 22, no. 4.
pp. 375-396.
Daly, P. and Menotti, F..
Locating the archaeological zone : planning the West Mouth The Niah Cave Project : the third (2002) season of fieldwork.
The Sarawak Museum journal, Vol. 57.
pp. 87-178.
Menotti, F..
The Pfahlbauproblem and the history of lake-dwelling research in the alps.
Oxford journal of archaeology, Vol. 20, no. 4.
pp. 319-328.
Menotti, F..
Die Aufgabe der frühbronzezeitlichen Uferrandsiedlung von Bodman-Schachen 1.
Plattform, Vol. 7/8.
pp. 58-65.
Menotti, F..
The abandonment of the ZH-Mozartstrasse Early Bronze Age lake-settlement : GIS computer simulations of the lake-level fluctuation hypothesis.
Oxford Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 18, H. 2.
pp. 143-155.
Diachenko, Oleksandr S. and Menotti, Francesco and Ryžov, Serhij, eds.
Kulʹturnyj kompleks Kukutenʹ-Trypillja ta joho susidy
zbirka naukovych pracʹ pamʺjati Volodymyra Kruca [The Cucuteni-Tripolye culture and its neighbours: Festschrift for Vladimir Kruts on his 75th birthday].
Jennings, Benjamin.
Travelling Objects. Changing Values. The role of northern Alpine lake-dwelling communities in excange and communication networks during the Late Bronze Age.
Archaeopress Archaeology.
Menotti, Francesco and O'Sullivan, Aidan, eds.
The Oxford handbook of wetland archaeology.
Menotti, Francesco and Korvin-Piotrovskiy, Aleksey, eds.
The Tripolye culture giant-settlements in Ukraine : formation, development and decline.
Menotti, Francesco.
Wetland archaeology and beyond : theory and practice.
Schmid-Sikimic, Biljana and Pernet, Lionel and Wiemann, Philipp and Senn, Marianne.
Wartau - Ur- und frühgeschichtliche Siedlungen und Brandopferplatz im Alpenrheintal (Kanton St.Gallen, Schweiz). Bd. 3: Eisenzeit.
Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 217.
Korvin-Piotrovskiy, A. G. and Menotti, F., eds.
Tripolʹskaja kulʹtura v Ukraine = Tripolye culture in Ukraine : poselenie-gigant Talʹjanki : the giant-settlement of Talianki.
Menotti, F., ed.
Living on the lake in prehistoric Europe : 150 years of lake-dwelling research.
Menotti, F..
"The missing period" : middle bronze age lake-dwellings in the Alps.
BAR. International series, 968.
Menotti, F..
The Inkas: last stage of stone masonry development in the Andes.
BAR. International series, 735.
Book Section
Menotti, Francesco.
Lakeside dwellings in the Circum alpine region : houses, habitation and community.
The Oxford Handbook of neolithic Europe.
Oxford, pp. 291-308.
Diachenko, Aleksandr and Menotti, Francesco.
Cucuteni-Tripolye Contact networks: cultural transmission and chronology.
Kulʹturnyj kompleks Kukutenʹ-Trypillja ta joho susidy = The Cucuteni-Tripolye culture and its neighbours.
Lʹviv, pp. 131-152.
Menotti, Francesco.
Environmental and Cultural Change in the Alps: Seeking Continuity in the Bronze Age Lake-Dwelling Tradition.
Comparative archaeology and paleoclimatology : socio-cultural responses to a changing world.
Oxford, pp. 281-288.
Menotti, Francesco.
Wetland occupations in prehistoric Europe.
The Oxford handbook of wetland archaeology.
Oxford, pp. 11-25.
Menotti, Francesco and Leuzinger, Urs.
Houses and domestic life in the Alpine region Bronze Age lacustrine communities.
The archaeology of household.
Oxford, pp. 131-158.
Menotti, Francesco and O'Sullivan, Aidan.
General Introduction to the Handbook.
The Oxford handbook of wetland archaeology.
Oxford, pp. 1-6.
Cavelti, Thomas and Wiemann, Philipp and Hügi, Ursula.
Bronzezeit im Kanton Schwyz.
Geschichte des Kantons Schwyz. Band 1, Von dessen erster Gründung bis zur Sempacher Schlacht.
Zürich, pp. 75-97.
Jennings, Benjamin.
When the going gets tough...? : climatic or cultural influences for the LBA abandonment of circum-alpine lake-dwellings.
Collapse of continuity?.
Bonn, pp. 85-99.
Menotti, F..
Trade and exchange, Europe.
Encyclopedia of society and culture in the ancient world.
New York, pp. 1101-1103.
Menotti, F..
Ancient Europe 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000 : encyclopedia of the Barbarian world.
New York, pp. 42-45.
Menotti, F..
Climatic change, flooding and occupational hiatus in the lake-dwelling central European Bronze Age.
Natural disasters and cultural change.
London, pp. 235-249.
Menotti, F..
The abandonment of the Early Bronze Age lake-settlement of Bodman-Schachen 1 : a CAD and GIS approach to the lake-level fluctuation hypothesis.
New techniques for old times : CAA 98 : computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology.
Oxford, pp. 265-269.
Jennings, Benjamin.
Travelling objects: changing values : trade, exchange, and cultural influences for the decline of the lake-dwelling tradition in the northern Circum-Alpine region during the Late Bronze Age.
Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Science.
This list was generated on Sun Feb 2 03:56:41 2025 CET.