Items where Division is "06 Faculty of Business and Economics > Departement Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Professuren Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Aussenwirtschaft und Europ. Integration (Weder)"
Jump to: Article | Book | Book Section | Working Paper | Newspaper or Magazine Article | Audiovisual Material & Event | Other Number of items at this level: 52. ArticleLewrick, Ulf and Mohler, Lukas and Weder, Rolf. (2016) Trade in Variety and Domestic Production: Evidence from US Manufacturing. Canadian Journal of Economics, 49 (4). pp. 1631-1657. Ludwig, Markus and Flückiger, Mathias. (2015) Chinese Export Competition, Declining Exports and Adjustments at the Industry and Regional Level in Europe. Canadian Journal of Economics, 48 (3). pp. 1120-1151. Flückiger, Matthias and Ludwig, Markus. (2015) Economic shocks in the fisheries sector and maritime piracy. Journal of Development Economics, 114. pp. 107-125. Mohler, Lukas. (2014) Variety Gains and the Extensive Margin of Trade. International economic journal, 28 (4). pp. 543-558. Sax, Christoph and Steiner, Peter. (2013) Temporal Disaggregation of Time Series. The R Journal, vol. 5/2 , S. 80-87, Ill.. Weder, Rolf. (2013) Wirtschaftliche Öffnung der Schweiz: Bis auf die Landwirtschaft überdurchschnittlich. Die Volkswirtschaft, Vol. 86, No. 6. pp. 43-46. Wyss, Simone and Weder, Rolf. (2013) Do Vertical Linkages Limit Protectionism? Switzerland in the Multifibre Arrangement. The World economy, Vol. 36, No.. 10. pp. 1261-1277. Mohler, Lukas and Seitz, Michael. (2012) The gains from variety in the European Union. Review of world economics, 148 , H. 3. pp. 475-500. Weder, Rolf and Grubel, Herbert G.. (2012) A Note on Political Contestability and the Future of the European Union. Kyklos, 65. pp. 409-423. Sax, Christoph and Weder, Rolf. (2009) How to Explain the High Prices in Switzerland? Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 145 , H. 4. pp. 463-483. Spirig, Beat and Weder, Rolf. (2008) To Wait or Not to Wait: Swiss EU-Membership as an Investment under Uncertainty. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 144 (1). pp. 85-114. Benarroch, Michael and Weder, Rolf. (2006) Intra-Industry Trade in Intermediate Products, Pollution and Internationally Increasing Returns. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 52 (3). pp. 675-689. Weder, Rolf. (2003) Comparative home-market advantage: an empirical analysis of British and American exports. Review of world economics, 139 (2). pp. 220-247. Weder, Rolf and Ziegler, Andreas R.. (2002) Agreements of Economic Integration and the Choice of National Environmental Policies. European Journal of Law and Economics, 13 (3). pp. 239-256. Schmitt, Nicolas and Weder, Rolf. (1998) Sunk Costs and Cartel Formation: Theory and Application to the Dyestuff Industry. Journal of economic behavior & organization, 36 (2). pp. 197-220. Weder, Rolf and Brunetti, Aymo and Jaggi, Markus. (1998) Umverteilungswirkungen einer wirtschaftlichen Oeffnung und Abstimmungsverhalten. Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Schweizer EWR-Entscheides. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 134 (1). pp. 63-92. Weder, Rolf. (1996) How Domestic Demand Shapes the Pattern of International Trade. The World Economy, 19 (3). pp. 273-286. Weder, Rolf. (1996) Relative Attraktivität von Standorten: Eine empirische Analyse der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 132 (3). pp. 441-456. Weder, Rolf and Dewald, Michael. (1996) Comparative advantage and bilateral foreign aid policy. World Development, 24 (3). pp. 549-556. Weder, Rolf. (1995) Linking Absolute and Comparative Advantage to Intra-Industry Trade Theory. Review of International Economics, 3 (3). pp. 342-354. Weder, Rolf. (1995) Domestic Demand, Comparative Advantage, and the Pattern of Trade. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 131 (3). pp. 377-388. Weder, Rolf and Grubel, Herbert G.. (1993) The New Growth Theory and Coasean Economics: Institutions to Capture Externalities. Review of world economics, 129 (3). pp. 488-513. BookVannoni, Stefan. (2009) Handelsinduzierte Umwelteffekte des Gütertransports. Schriftenreihe des Institut für Wirtschaftsstudien. Basel. Book SectionWeder, Rolf and Weder, Beatrice. (2012) Switzerland's rise to a wealthy Nation : ompetition and contestability as key success factors. In: Development success : historical accounts from more advanced countries. Ofxord, pp. 192-215. Weder, Rolf. (2009) Hohe Integration ohne Beitritt : die Personenfreizügigkeit aus Wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. In: Schweiz—Europa: wie weiter? kontrollierte Personenfreizügigkeit. Zürich, pp. 103-134. Working PaperLewrick, Ulf and Mohler, Lukas and Weder, Rolf. (2012) Do firms or industries matter for productivity growth? : An Analysis of swiss manufacturing. Leuwen. Sax, Christoph and Gubler, Matthias. (2012) Skill-Biased Technological Change and the Real Exchange Rate. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2012 (08). Basel. Weder, Rolf and Sax, Christoph. (2012) Globalisierung als Quelle des Wirtschaftswachstums. Lewrick, Ulf and Mohler, Lukas and Weder, Rolf. (2011) International Trade in Variety and Domestic Production. WWZ Working Papers, 2011 (03). Basel. Sax, Christoph and Gubler, Matthias. (2011) The Balassa-Samuelson Effect Reversed: New Evidence from OECD Countries. WWZ Working Papers, 2011 (09). Basel. Spirig, Beat. (2011) Gutachten betreffend Grundsätze zur Finanzierung der Staatsausgaben durch Gebühren und Steuern. WWZ Studien, 2011 (02). Basel. Weder, Rolf and Gantenbein, Pascal. (2011) Potenziale des Bankenplatzes Basel. WWZ Studien, 2011 (01). Basel. Mohler, Lukas. (2009) Globalization and the Gains from Variety : the Case of a Small Open Economy. [Österreich]. Spirig, Beat. (2009) Swiss Influence in Bargaining Coalitions like the EU or G10 in the WTO. Basel. Vannoni, Stefan. (2009) Environment, trade and transportation : Empirical evidence for Switzerland. Basel. Weder, Rolf and Weder di Mauro, Beatrice. (2009) Switzerland's Rise to a Wealthy Nation : Competition and Contestability as Key Success Factors. [S.l.]. Newspaper or Magazine ArticleErhardt, Tobias and Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf. (17 November 2017) Konzentration bei den Exporten: Währungseinfluss ist gering. Die Volkswirtschaft, 90 (11). pp. 10-13. Bern. Adamek, Jürg and Lewrick, Ulf. (2011) Die Banken in der Euro-Krise. Spirig, Beat and Weder, Rolf. (2011) Der Bilateralismus ist tot, lange lebe der Bilateralismus. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Der Euro : vom Politstar zum Klumpenrisiko. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Der Euro war stets ein ökonomisches Sorgenkind. Südostwestschweiz am Sonntag. pp. 17-18. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Die Grenzen der Währungsunion. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Die befreiende Pressekonferenz. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Euro-Löhne für Grenzgänger. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Euro-Malus, Euro-Bonus - was tun? Weder, Rolf. (2011) Mehr Eigenverantwortung der Länder. Audiovisual Material & EventWeder, Rolf. (2011) Das soziale Gleichgewicht ist in Gefahr. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Debatte: Griechenland eine Tragödie. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Rolf Weder zum Euro-Rettungsplan. Weder, Rolf. (2011) Stürzt uns die EU in die Krise? OtherErhardt, Tobias and Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf. (2017) Die Schweizer Wirtschaft in einem schwierigen Währungsumfeld. Frankenaufwertung und Exportstruktur. Seco Strukturberichterstattung, 56 (1). pp. 1-105. Bern. Mohler, Lukas and Deininger, Sebastian and Müller, Daniel. (2016) Energy Elasticities and the Rebound Effect: A Comprehensive Empirical Analysis. Bern. |