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Meinlschmidt, Gunther and Lee, Jong-Hwan and Stalujanis, Esther and Belardi, Angelo and Oh, Minkyung and Jung, Eun Kyung and Kim, Hyun-Chul and Alfano, Janine and Yoo, Seung-Schik and Tegethoff, Marion. (2016) Smartphone-Based Psychotherapeutic Micro-Interventions to Improve Mood in a Real-World Setting. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. p. 1112.

Meinlschmidt, Gunther and Woike, Jan K. and Tegethoff, Marion. (2016) Disseminating Justified, Well-Designed, and Well-Executed Studies Despite Nonsignificant Tests. JAMA Psychiatry, 73 (1). pp. 88-89.

Kim, Dong-Youl and Yoo, Seung-Schik and Tegethoff, Marion and Meinlschmidt, Gunther and Lee, Jong-Hwan. (2015) The Inclusion of Functional Connectivity Information into fMRI-based Neurofeedback Improves Its Efficacy in the Reduction of Cigarette Cravings. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, Vol. 27, H. 8. pp. 1552-1572.

Tegethoff, Marion and Belardi, Angelo and Stalujanis, Esther and Meinlschmidt, Gunther. (2015) Comorbidity of Mental Disorders and Chronic Pain: Chronology of Onset in Adolescents of a National Representative Cohort. Journal of Pain, 16 (10). pp. 1054-1064.

Huber, M. and Koch, S. and Mäder, M. and Hund-Georgiadis, M. and Borgwardt, S. and Stieglitz, R. D.. (2014) Diagnostische Validität des Basler Vegetative State Assessments - BEVESTA. International Journal of Health Professions, Vol. 1, H. 1. pp. 50-60.

Lonstein, J. S. and Maguire, J. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Neumann, I. D.. (2014) Emotion and mood adaptations in the peripartum female : complementary contributions of GABA and oxytocin. Journal of neuroendocrinology, Vol. 26, H. 10. pp. 649-664.

Tegethoff, M. and Stalujanis, E. and Belardi, A. and Meinlschmidt, G.. (2014) School mental health services: signpost for out-of-school service utilization in adolescents with mental disorders? : a nationally representative United States cohort. PLoS one, 9 (6). e99675.

Tegethoff, Marion and Olsen, Jorn and Schaffner, Emmanuel and Meinlschmidt, Gunther. (2013) Asthma during pregnancy and clinical outcomes in offspring : A national cohort study. Pediatrics, Vol. 132, H. 3. pp. 1-9.

Tegethoff, Marion and Greene, Naomi and Olsen, Jørn and Schaffner, Emmanuel and Meinlschmidt, Gunther. (2012) Inhaled glucocorticoids during pregnancy and offspring pediatric diseases : a national cohort study. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine : an official journal of the American Thoracic Society, Vol. 185, H. 5. pp. 557-563.

Vriends, Noortje and Michael, Tanja and Schindler, Bettina and Margraf, Jürgen. (2011) Associative learning in flying phobia. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, Vol. 43, Iss. 2. pp. 838-843.

Cavelti, Marialuisa and Milenkovic, Natasa and Schmid, Otto and Meyer, Andrea and Wilhelm, Frank and Wiesbeck, Gerhard and Munsch, Simone. (2009) Der Zusammenhang zwischen Stimmung, Verlangen und Nikotinkonsum im Alltag von Opioidabhängigen. Verhaltenstherapie, 19 (4). pp. 229-236.

Kirmse, Ursula and Jacobsen, Thomas and Schroeger, Erich. (2009) Familiarity affects environmental sound processing outside the focus of attention : an event-related potential study. Clinical neurophysiology, Vol. 120, H. 5. pp. 887-896.

Pluess, Michael and Conrad, Ansgar and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2009) Muscle tension in generalized anxiety disorder : a critical review of the literature. Journal of anxiety disorders, 23 (1). pp. 1-11.

Ritz, Thomas and Meuret, Alicia E. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T.. (2009) Changes in pCO2, symptoms, and lung function of asthma patients during capnometry-assisted breathing training. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 34 (1). pp. 1-6.

Ritz, Thomas and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Meuret, Alicia E. and Gerlach, Alexander L. and Roth, Walton T.. (2009) Do blood phobia patients hyperventilate during exposure by breathing faster, deeper, or both? Depression and anxiety, 26 (2). pp. 60-67.

Schlup, B. and Munsch, S. and Meyer, A. H. and Margraf, J. and Wilhelm, F. H.. (2009) The efficacy of a short version of a cognitive-behavioral treatment followed by booster sessions for binge eating disorder. Behaviour research and therapy, 47 (7). pp. 628-635.

Taylor, C. Barr and Conrad, Ansgar and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Strachowski, Diane and Khaylis, Anna and Neri, Eric and Giese-Davis, Janine and Roth, Walton T. and Cooke, John P. and Kraemer, Helena and Spiegel, David. (2009) Does improving mood in depressed patients alter factors that may affect cardiovascular disease risk? Journal of psychiatric research, 43 (16). pp. 1246-1252.

Wingenfeld, K. and Hellhammer, D. H. and Schmidt, I. and Wagner, D. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Heim, C.. (2009) HPA axis reactivity in chronic pelvic pain : association with depression. Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology, Vol. 30, H. 4. pp. 282-286.

Blechert, J. and Michael, T. and Williams, S. L. and Purkis, H. M. and Wilhelm, F. H.. (2008) When two paradigms meet: Does evaluative learning extinguish in differential fear conditioning? Learning and Motivation, 39 (1). pp. 58-70.

Conrad, Ansgar and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T. and Spiegel, David and Taylor, C. Barr. (2008) Circadian affective, cardiopulmonary, and cortisol variability in depressed and nondepressed individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease. Journal of psychiatric research, 42 (9). pp. 769-777.

Kirmse, Ursula and Ylinen, Sari and Tervanierni, Mari and Vainio, Martti and Schroeger, Erich and Jacobsen, Thomas. (2008) Modulation of the mismatch negativity (MMN) to vowel duration changes in native speakers of Finnish and German as a result of language experience. International journal of psychophysiology, 67. pp. 131-143.

Meuret, Alicia E. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Ritz, Thomas and Roth, Walton T.. (2008) Feedback of end-tidal pCO2 as a therapeutic approach for panic disorder. Journal of psychiatric research, 42 (7). pp. 560-568.

Munsch, Simone and Roth, Binia and Michael, Tanja and Meyer, Andrea Hans and Biedert, Esther and Roth, Sandra and Speck, Vanessa and Zumsteg, Urs and Isler, Emanuel and Margraf, Jürgen. (2008) Randomized Controlled Comparison of Two Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Obese Children: Mother versus Mother-Child Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 77 (4). pp. 235-246.

Ray, Rebecca D. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gross, James J.. (2008) All in the mind's eye? : anger rumination and reappraisal. Journal of personality and social psychology, 94 (1). pp. 133-145.

Blechert, Jens and Michael, Tanja and Grossman, Paul and Lajtman, Marta and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2007) Autonomic and respiratory characteristics of posttraumatic stress disorder and panic disorder. Psychosomatic medicine, 69 (9). pp. 935-943.

Blechert, Jens and Michael, Tanja and Vriends, Noortje and Margraf, Jürgen and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2007) Fear conditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder : evidence for delayed extinction of autonomic, experiential, and behavioural responses. Behaviour research and therapy, 45 (9). pp. 2019-2033.

Coldwell, Susan E. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Milgrom, Peter and Prall, Christopher W. and Getz, Tracy and Spadafora, Agnes and Chiu, I-Yu and Leroux, Brian G. and Ramsay, Douglas S.. (2007) Combining alprazolam with systematic desensitization therapy for dental injection phobia. Journal of anxiety disorders, 21 (7). pp. 871-887.

Kreibig, Sylvia D. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T. and Gross, James J.. (2007) Cardiovascular, electrodermal, and respiratory response patterns to fear- and sadness-inducing films. Psychophysiology, 44 (5). pp. 787-806.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Schmidt, I. and Wingenfeld, K. and Wagner, D. and Hellhammer, D. H. and Heim, C.. (2007) Altered female sex hormone effects on adrenocorticotropin secretion in women with adverse childhood experiences. Biologine Psichiatrija Ir Psichofarmakologija, Vol. 8, H. 1. p. 33.

Meuret, Alicia E. and Ritz, Thomas and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T.. (2007) Targeting pCO(2) in asthma : pilot evaluation of a capnometry-assisted breathing training. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, Vol. 32, H. 2. pp. 99-109.

Michael, Tanja and Blechert, Jens and Vriends, Noortje and Margraf, Jürgen and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2007) Fear conditioning in panic disorder : enhanced resistance to extinction. Journal of abnormal psychology, 116. pp. 612-617.

Muller-Gass, Alexandra and Roye, Anja and Kirmse, Ursula and Saupe, Katja and Jacobsen, Thomas and Schroeger, Erich. (2007) Automatic detection of lexical change: an auditory event-related potential study. NeuroReport, Vol. 18, H. 16. pp. 1747-1751.

Blechert, Jens and Lajtman, Marta and Michael, Tanja and Margraf, Jürgen and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2006) Identifying anxiety states using broad sampling and advanced processing of peripheral physiological information. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 42. pp. 136-141.

Butler, Emily A. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gross, James J.. (2006) Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, emotion, and emotion regulation during social interaction. Psychophysiology, 43 (6). pp. 612-622.

Epel, Elissa S. and Lin, Jue and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Wolkowitz, Owen M. and Cawthon, Richard and Adler, Nancy E. and Dolbier, Christyn and Mendes, Wendy B. and Blackburn, Elizabeth H.. (2006) Cell aging in relation to stress arousal and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 31 (3). pp. 277-287.

Giese-Davis, Janine and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Conrad, Ansgar and Abercrombie, Heather C. and Sephton, Sandra and Yutsis, Maya and Neri, Eric and Taylor, C. Barr and Kraemer, Helena C. and Spiegel, David. (2006) Depression and stress reactivity in metastatic breast cancer. Psychosomatic medicine, 68 (5). pp. 675-683.

Grossman, Paul and Spoerle, Monika and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2006) Reliability of respiratory tidal volume estimation by means of ambulatory inductive plethysmography. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 42. pp. 193-198.

Halligan, Sarah L. and Michael, Tanja and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Clark, David M. and Ehlers, Anke. (2006) Reduced heart rate responding to trauma reliving in trauma survivors with PTSD : correlates and consequences. Journal of traumatic stress, 19 (5). pp. 721-734.

Mauss, Iris B. and Evers, Catharine and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gross, James J.. (2006) How to bite your tongue without blowing your top : implicit evaluation of emotion regulation predicts affective responding to anger provocation. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 32 (5). pp. 589-602.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Bolt, O.. (2006) Verhaltensmedizin, Psychotherapie und Zahnheilkunde. Verhaltenstherapie, Vol. 16, H. 2. pp. 122-132.

Michalsen, Andreas and Knoblauch, Nicola T. M. and Lehmann, Nils and Grossman, Paul and Kerkhoff, Gert and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Moebus, Susanne and Konstantinides, Stavros and Binder, Lutz and Heusch, Gerd and Siffert, Winfried and Budde, Thomas and Dobos, Gustav J.. (2006) Effects of lifestyle modification on the progression of coronary atherosclerosis, autonomic function, and angina : the role of GNB3 C825T polymorphism. American heart journal, 151 (4). pp. 870-877.

Taylor, C. Barr and Conrad, Ansgar and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Neri, Eric and DeLorenzo, Allyson and Kramer, Marie A. and Giese-Davis, Janine and Roth, Walton T. and Oka, Roberta and Cooke, John P. and Kraemer, Helena and Spiegel, David. (2006) Psychophysiological and cortisol responses to psychological stress in depressed and nondepressed older men and women with elevated cardiovascular disease risk. Psychosomatic medicine, 68 (4). pp. 538-546.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Pfaltz, M. C. and Grossman, P.. (2006) Continuous electronic data capture of physiology, behavior and experience in real life : towards ecological momentary assessment of emotion. Interacting with Computers, 18 (2). pp. 171-186.

Wilhelm, Frank H. and Pfaltz, Monique C. and Grossman, Paul and Roth, Walton T.. (2006) Distinguishing emotional from physical activation in ambulatory psychophysiological monitoring. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 42. pp. 458-463.

Alpers, Georg W. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T.. (2005) Psychophysiological assessment during exposure in driving phobic patients. Journal of abnormal psychology, 114. pp. 126-139.

Keenan, D. Barry and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2005) Adaptive and wavelet filtering methods for improving accuracy of respiratory measurement. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol. 41. pp. 37-42.

Keenan, D. Barry and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2005) Classification of locomotor activity by acceleration measurement : validation in Parkinson disease. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol. 41. pp. 329-334.

Mauss, Iris B. and Levenson, Robert W. and McCarter, Loren and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gross, James J.. (2005) The tie that binds? : coherence among emotion experience, behavior, and physiology. Emotion, 5 (2). pp. 175-190.

Meinlschmidt, G.. (2005) [Rezension von] Grawe, K. (2004). Neuropsychotherapie : Göttingen: Hogrefe. 509 Seiten, 39,95 Euro. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Forschung und Praxis, Vol. 34, H. 2. p. 144.

Meinlschmidt, G.. (2005) [Rezension von] Prüfungsfragen Psychotherapie - Fragensammlung mit kommentierten Antworten : Berlin: Springer, 2004. Report Psychologie, Vol. 30, H. 3. p. 124.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Bolt, O. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (2005) Adults That Have Been Small for Gestational Age at Birth Show Increased Gingival Bleeding. Pediatric Research, 58 (5). p. 1097.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Schmidt, I. and Wingenfeld, K. and Wagner, D. and Hellhammer, D. H. and Heim, C.. (2005) Langfristige biologische Veränderungen nach frühen aversiven Lebensereignissen in Form von sexuellen und körperlichen Gewalterfahrungen. Verhaltenstherapie, 15 (S1). p. 6.

Meinlschmidt, Gunther and Heim, Christine. (2005) Decreased cortisol awakening response after early loss experience. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30 (6). pp. 568-576.

Meuret, Alicia E. and Ritz, Thomas and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T.. (2005) Voluntary hyperventilation in the treatment of panic disorder-functions of hyperventilation, their implications for breathing training, and recommendations for standardization. Clinical psychology review, 25 (3). pp. 285-306.

Munsch, S. and Biedert, E. and Roth, B. and Speck, V. and Roth, S.. (2005) Ambulante Behandlung der Adipositas im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Vol. 33, H. 2. pp. 89-103.

Ritz, Thomas and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gerlach, Alexander L. and Kullowatz, Antje and Roth, Walton T.. (2005) End-tidal pCO2 in blood phobics during viewing of emotion- and disease-related films. Psychosomatic medicine, 67 (4). pp. 661-668.

Roth, W. T. and Wilhelm, F. H. and Pettit, D. and Meuret, A. E.. (2005) Rescuing the hyperventilation theory of panic : reply to Ley (2005). Psychological bulletin, 131. pp. 199-201.

Roth, Walton T. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Pettit, Dean. (2005) Are current theories of panic falsifiable? Psychological bulletin, 132. pp. 171-192.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Pfaltz, M. C. and Gross, J. J. and Mauss, I. and Kim, S. I. and Wiederhold, B. K.. (2005) Mechanisms of virtual reality exposure therapy : the role of the behavioral activation and behavioral inhibition systems. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 30 (3). pp. 271-284.

Wilhelm, Frank H. and Grossman, Paul and Roth, Walton T.. (2005) Assessment of heart rate variability during alterations in stress : complex demodulation vs. spectral analysis. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 41. pp. 346-351.

Grossman, P. and Wilhelm, F. H. and Spoerle, M.. (2004) Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, cardiac vagal control, and daily activity. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Vol. 287, H. 2 , H728-H734.

Mauss, Iris B. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gross, James. (2004) Is there less to social anxiety than meets the eye? : emotion experience, expression, and bodily responding. Cognition & emotion, 18 (5). pp. 631-662.

Mueller, S. and Roth, S. and Wilhelm, F. and Schachinger, H.. (2004) White coats increase startle : abstract. International journal of psychophysiology, 54. pp. 140-141.

Pruessner, J. C. and Kirschbaum, C. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (2004) Letter to the Editor : other formulas for computation of the area under the curve represent additional hormone concentration measures. Psychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 29, H. 4. pp. 564-566.

Roth, S. and Mueller, S. and Wilhelm, F. and Schachinger, H.. (2004) Acoustic startle potentiation during presentation of visual food cues in food-deprived subjects : abstract. International journal of psychophysiology, 54. p. 141.

Rouder, J. N. and Morey, R. D. and Cowan, N. and Pfaltz, M. C.. (2004) Learning in a unidimensional absolute identification task. Psychonomic bulletin & review : a journal of the Psychonomic Society, Vol. 11. pp. 938-944.

Schachinger, Hartmut and Port, Johannes and Brody, Stuart and Linder, Lilly and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Huber, Peter R. and Cox, Daniel and Keller, Ulrich. (2004) Increased high-frequency heart rate variability during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in healthy humans. Clinical Science, 106 (6). pp. 583-588.

Wilhelm, Frank H. and Grossman, Paul and Coyle, Michael A.. (2004) Improving estimation of cardiac vagal tone during spontaneous breathing using a paced breathing calibration. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 40. pp. 317-324.

Alpers, Georg W. and Abelson, James L. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T.. (2003) Salivary cortisol response during exposure treatment in driving phobics. Psychosomatic medicine, 65 (4). pp. 679-687.

Butler, Emily A. and Egloff, Boris and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Smith, Nancy C. and Erickson, Elizabeth A. and Gross, James J.. (2003) The social consequences of expressive suppression. Emotion, 3 (1). pp. 48-67.

Gerlach, Alexander L. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T.. (2003) Embarrassment and social phobia : the role of parasympathetic activation. Journal of anxiety disorders, 17 (2). pp. 197-210.

Heim, C. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Nemeroff, C. B.. (2003) The neurobiology of early-life stress. Psychiatric Annals, Vol. 33, H. 1. pp. 18-26.

Mauss, Iris B. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gross, James J.. (2003) Autonomic recovery and habituation in social anxiety. Psychophysiology, 40 (4). pp. 648-653.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Krampen, G.. (2003) Weltweite psychopathologische Folgen gravierender Terrorakte und ihrer Jahrestage : ein Fallbericht zur Entwicklung einer depressiven Störung im Kontext des Jahrestages der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001. Psychotherapie in Psychiatrie, psychotherapeutischer Medizin und klinischer Psychologie, Bd. 8, H. 2. pp. 214-216.

Meuret, Alicia E. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Ritz, Thomas and Roth, Walton T.. (2003) Breathing training for treating panic disorder : useful intervention or impediment? Behavior Modification, 27 (5). pp. 731-754.

Pruessner, J. C. and Kirschbaum, C. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (2003) Two formulas for computation of the area under the curve represent measures of total hormone concentration versus time-dependent change. Psychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 28, H. 7. pp. 916-931.

Rottenberg, Jonathan and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gross, James J. and Gotlib, Ian H.. (2003) Vagal rebound during resolution of tearful crying among depressed and nondepressed individuals. Psychophysiology, 40 (1). pp. 1-6.

Wilhelm, Frank H. and Handke, Eva M. and Roth, Walton T.. (2003) Detection of speaking with a new respiratory inductive plethysmography system. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 39. pp. 136-141.

Wilhelm, Frank H. and Roth, Walton T. and Sackner, Marvin A.. (2003) The lifeShirt : an advanced system for ambulatory measurement of respiratory and cardiac function. Behavior Modification, 27 (5). pp. 671-691.

Egloff, Boris and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Neubauer, Dana H. and Mauss, Iris B. and Gross, James J.. (2002) Implicit anxiety measure predicts cardiovascular reactivity to an evaluated speaking task. Emotion, 2 (1). pp. 3-11.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Schmidt, I. and Wingenfeld, K. and Wagner, D. and Hellhammer, D. H. and Heim, C.. (2002) Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity to physical stress in adult women with a history of child abuse. Stress : the international journal on the biology of stress, Vol. 5. p. 59.

Roth, Walton T. and Gomolla, Annette and Meuret, Alicia E. and Alpers, Georg W. and Handke, Eva M. and Wilhelm, Frank H.. (2002) High altitudes, anxiety, and panic attacks : is there a relationship? Depression and anxiety, 16 (2). pp. 51-58.

Rottenberg, Jonathan and Gross, James J. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Najmi, Sadia and Gotlib, Ian H.. (2002) Crying threshold and intensity in major depressive disorder. Journal of abnormal psychology, 111. pp. 302-312.

Rottenberg, Jonathan and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Gross, James J. and Gotlib, Ian H.. (2002) Respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a predictor of outcome in major depressive disorder. Journal of affective disorders, 71 (1-3). pp. 265-272.

Gerlach, A. L. and Wilhelm, F. H. and Gruber, K. and Roth, W. T.. (2001) Blushing and physiological arousability in social phobia. Journal of abnormal psychology, 110. pp. 247-258.

Grossman, P. and Wilhelm, F. H. and Kawachi, I. and Sparrow, D.. (2001) Gender differences in psychophysiological responses to speech stress among older social phobics : congruence and incongruence between self-evaluative and cardiovascular reactions. Psychosomatic medicine, 63 (5). pp. 765-777.

Heinrichs, M. and Ehlert, U. and Neumann, I. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Wagner, S. and Kirschbaum, C. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (2001) Breast-feeding and stress : evidence for psychoendocrine stress protective effects in women. Archives of women's mental health, Vol. 3. pp. 54-55.

Heinrichs, M. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Wippich, W. and Wagner, S. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (2001) Amnesic effects of oxytocin on human memory : does it depend on the sociobiological significance of stimuli? Journal of psychophysiology, Vol. 15. pp. 60-61.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Hellhammer, D. H. and Heim, C.. (2001) Erniedrigte Anstiege der Cortisolkonzentration im Speichel nach dem Erwachen bei Erwachsenen mit frühen Verlusterlebnissen. Nervenheilkunde, Vol. 20, Supplement 3. p. 135.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Gerlach, A. L. and Roth, W. T.. (2001) Slow recovery from voluntary hyperventilation in panic disorder. Psychosomatic medicine, 63 (4). pp. 638-649.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Gevirtz, R. and Roth, W. T.. (2001) Respiratory dysregulation in anxiety, functional cardiac, and pain disorders : assessment, phenomenology, and treatment. Behavior Modification, 25 (4). pp. 513-545.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Kochar, A. S. and Roth, W. T. and Gross, J. J.. (2001) Social anxiety and response to touch : incongruence between self-evaluative and physiological reactions. Biological psychology, 58 (3). pp. 181-202.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Roth, W. T.. (2001) The somatic symptom paradox in DSM-IV anxiety disorders : suggestions for a clinical focus in psychophysiology. Biological psychology, 57 (1-3). pp. 105-140.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Trabert, W. and Roth, W. T.. (2001) Characteristics of sighing in panic disorder. Biological psychiatry, 49 (7). pp. 606-614.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Trabert, W. and Roth, W. T.. (2001) Physiologic instability in panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Biological psychiatry, 49 (7). pp. 596-605.

Heinrichs, M. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Wagner, S. and Neumann, I. and Ehlert, U. and Kirschbaum, C. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (2000) Breast-feeding as a paradigm of social attachment : does it suppress psychoendocrine responses to psychosocial stress in lactating women? Journal of psychosomatic research, Vol. 48. pp. 213-214.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Gevirtz, R. and Roth, W. T.. (2000) Respiratorische Faktoren in der Klinischen Psychophysiologie und dem Biofeedback. Verhaltenstherapie, 10 (4). pp. 258-271.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Grossman, P. and Roth, W. T.. (1999) Analysis of cardiovascular regulation. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 35. pp. 135-140.

Roth, W. T. and Wilhelm, F. H. and Trabert, W.. (1998) Autonomic instability during relaxation in panic disorder. Psychiatry research, 80 (2). pp. 155-164.

Roth, W. T. and Wilhelm, F. H. and Trabert, W.. (1998) Voluntary breath holding in panic and generalized anxiety disorders. Psychosomatic medicine, 60 (6). pp. 671-679.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Roth, W. T.. (1998) Akute und verzögerte Effekte von Alprazolam auf Flughobiker während Exposition in vivo. Verhaltenstherapie, 8 (1). pp. 38-47.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Roth, W. T.. (1998) Taking the laboratory to the skies : ambulatory assessment of self-report, autonomic, and respiratory responses in flying phobia. Psychophysiology, 35 (5). pp. 596-606.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Roth, W. T.. (1998) Trusting computerized data reduction too much : a critique of Anderson's ambulatory respiratory monitor. Biological psychology, 49 (1/2). pp. 215-219.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Roth, W. T.. (1998) Using minute ventilation for ambulatory estimation of additional heart rate. Biological psychology, 49 (1/2). pp. 137-150.

Grossman, P. and Watkins, L. L. and Ristuccia, H. and Wilhelm, F. H.. (1997) Blood pressure responses to mental stress in emotionally defensive patients with stable coronary artery disease. The American Journal of Cardiology, 80 (3). pp. 343-346.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Roth, W. T.. (1997) Acute and delayed effects of alprazolam on flight phobics during exposure. Behaviour research and therapy, 35 (9). pp. 831-841.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Roth, W. T.. (1997) Clinical characteristics of flight phobia. Journal of anxiety disorders, 11 (3). pp. 241-261.

Grossman, P. and Watkins, L. L. and Wilhelm, F. H. and Manolakis, D. and Lown, B.. (1996) Cardiac vagal control and dynamic responses to psychological stress among patients with coronary artery disease. The American Journal of Cardiology, 78 (12). pp. 1424-1427.

Wilhelm, F. and Margraf, J.. (1993) Nail-biting : description, etiological models, and treatment. Verhaltenstherapie, 3 (3). pp. 176-196.


Maheu, Marlene M. Pulier and Myron L. Wilhelm, Frank H. McMenamin and Joseph P. Brown-Connolly, Nancy E.. (2005) The mental health professional and the new technologies : a handbook for practice today. Mahwah.

Book Section

Angenendt, J. and Stieglitz, R. -D.. (2012) Psychoedukation, Patientenratgeber und Selbsthilfe-Manuale. In: Kompendium Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatische Medizin. Bern, pp. 575-587.

Fahrenberg, J. and Wilhelm, F. H.. (2009) Psychophysiologie und Verhaltenstherapie. In: Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie, Bd. 1: Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Verfahren, Rahmenbedingungen. Berlin, pp. 163-179.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (2008) Aktivitätsaufbau. In: Verhaltenstherapiemanual. Berlin, pp. 101-105.

Puetz, Petra and Tegethoff, Marion and Steinbrecher, Indra C. and Hellhammer, Dirk H.. (2007) Pränatale Programmierung der Vulnerabilität für stressbezogene Störungen: neurobiologische und diagnostische Aspekte. In: Wie wirkt Psychotherapie? Forschungsgrundlagen für die Praxis. Stuttgart, pp. 64-86.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Klingmann, P. and Hellhammer, D.. (2006) Diagnostik in der Verhaltensmedizin. In: Handbuch der psychologischen Diagnostik. Göttingen, pp. 707-716.

Meinlschmidt, G. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (2005) Aktivitätsaufbau. In: Verhaltenstherapiemanual. Berlin, pp. 97-102.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Schneider, S. and Friedman, B. H.. (2005) Psychophysiological assessment. In: Clinician's handbook of child behavioral assessment. Burlington, MA, pp. 200-231.

Heim, C. and Meinlschmidt, G.. (2003) Biologische Grundlagen. In: Verhaltensmedizin. Berlin, pp. 17-94.

Meinlschmidt, G.. (2003) (Epi-)Genomics, Proteomics, Phenomics und der Mensch : Wettlauf um Komplexität in der "mind-body medicine" und den Verhaltenswissenschaften. In: Gesundheit fördern - Krankheit heilen ... ein Almanach junger Wissenschaftler. Köln, pp. 122-123.

Krampen, G. and Hank, P. and Lindel, B. U. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Saile, H. and Weiland-Heil, K.. (2002) Evaluationsstrategien für einen universitären Weiterbildungsstudiengang in Psychotherapie : Konzept, quantitative und qualitative Methoden sowie erste Erfahrungen. In: Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation, Bd. 4. Göttingen, pp. 164-183.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Alpers, G. W. and Meuret, A. E. and Roth, W. T.. (2001) Respiratory pathophysiology of clinical anxiety outside the laboratory : assessment of end-tidal pCO2, respiratory pattern variability, and transfer function RSA. In: Progress in ambulatory assessment. Göttingen, pp. 313-343.

Heinrichs, M. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Wagner, S. and Kirschbaum, C. and Hellhammer, D. H.. (1998) Oxytocin : Stress- und Gedächtniseffekte eines Neuropeptids. In: Medizinische Psychologie in einem sich wandelnden Gesundheitssystem. Berlin, pp. 82-83.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Margraf, J.. (1997) A cognitive-behavioral treatment package for panic disorder with agoraphobia. In: Treating anxiety disorders. San Francisco, pp. 205-244.

Wilhelm, F. H. and Roth, W. T.. (1996) Ambulatory assessment of clinical anxiety. In: Ambulatory Assessment. Seattle, pp. 317-345.

Conference or Workshop Item

Meinlschmidt, G. and Schmidt, I. and Wingenfeld, K. and Wagner, D. and Hellhammer, D. H. and Heim, C.. (2004) Langfristige Veränderungen von Stresshormonsystemen durch frühe aversive Lebensereignisse in Form von sexuellen und körperlichen Gewalterfahrungen. In: 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Lengerich, p. 258.


Ackermann, Dieter. Empowerment als gesundheitsfördernde Strategie in der psychosozialen Arbeit : eine evaluative Studie im Tageszentrum der Psychosozialen Arbeitsgemeinschaft (PSAG) in Basel. 2006, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Dreher, Caroline. Persönlichkeitsstrukturelle und symptombezogene Veränderungen während der psychoanalytisch orientierten Psychotherapie im stationären Behandlungssetting : eine naturalistische Verlaufsuntersuchung in der Littenheid - Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychothera. 2006, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Green, Lisa Katherine. Unconventional conceptions : family planning in lesbian-headed families created by donor insemination. 2006, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Vogel, Miriam. Triadische elterliche Kapazitaet und psychische Kindesentwicklung : Entwicklung des Triaden-Interview-Q-Sort (Tri-Q-Sort). 2006, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Weyermann, Ruth. Subjektives Erleben von Körpersymptomen : prozesssorientierte Entfaltung, Perspektiven und Bedeutungen. 2006, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Pflüger, Marlon. Differentielles kognitives Altern von Aspekten des verbalen episodischen Gedächtnisses und der Aufmersamkeit. 2005, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology.

Zechner, Stefanie. Functional imaging with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) : correlation between brain response, apoE genotype, and neuropsychological test performance. 2005, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology.


Wilhelm, F. H. and Peyk, P.. (2007) Autonomic Nervous System Laboratory (ANSLAB) – Full version. [S.l.].

Coyle, M. and Keenan, D. B. and Derchak, P. A. and Sackner, M. and Wilhelm, F. H. and Gilroy, K. and Gummels, E. M. and Inman, D. M. and Kennedy, P. and Mitchnick, M. and Behar, A.. (2005) Systems and methods for respiratory event detection. [New York].

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