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Ackermann, Selina. Discharge communication in the emergency department : on quantity- and content-definition and on the benefit of information structuring. 2015, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology.


Bennis, Will M. and Pachur, Thorsten. (2011) Simple heuristics that help us win. In: Heuristics: The foundations of adaptive behavior. New York, pp. 624-632.

Brandstätter, Eduard and Hertwig, Ralph and Gußmack, Manuela.. (2010) Entscheiden unter Risiko : von Bernoulli zu kognitiven Heuristiken. In: Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie. Bd. 6: Schwerpunkt Neuere Entwicklungen des Konzepts der Rationalität und Ihre Anwendungen. Wiesbaden, Germany, pp. 101-123.

Brandstätter, Eduard and Gigerenzer, Gerd and Hertwig, Ralph. (2008) Risky choice with heuristics : reply to Birnbaum (2008), Johnson, Schulte-Mecklenbeck, and Willemsen (2008), and Rieger and Wang (2008). Psychological review, 115. pp. 281-290.

Bennis, Will M. and Pachur, Thorsten. (2006) Fast and frugal heuristics in sports. Psychology of sport and exercise : an official journal of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC), 7 (6). pp. 519-688.

Brandstätter, Eduard and Gigerenzer, Gerd and Hertwig, Ralph. (2006) The priority heuristic : making choices without trade-offs. Psychological review, 113. pp. 409-432.


Coall, David and Hertwig, Ralph. (2011) Grandparental investment : a relic of the past or a resource for the future? Current directions in psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society, 20 (2). pp. 93-98.

Coall, David and Hertwig, Ralph. (2010) Grandparental investment : past, present and future. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 33, H. 1. pp. 1-59.

Coall, David A. and Meier, Marc and Hertwig, Ralph and Wänke, Michaela and Höpflinger, François. (2009) Grandparental investment : the influence of reproductive timing and family size. American journal of human biology, Vol. 21, H. 4. pp. 455-463.

Chase, Valerie M. and Hertwig, Ralph and Gigerenzer, Gerd. (1998) Visions of rationality. Trends in cognitive sciences, Vol. 2, H. 6. pp. 206-214.


Dhami, Mandeep K. and Hertwig, Ralph and Hoffrage, Ulrich. (2004) The role of representative design in an ecological approach to cognition. Psychological bulletin, 130. pp. 959-988.


Erev, I. and Ert, E. and Roth, A. E. and Haruvy, E. and Herzog, S. M. and Hau, R. and Hertwig, R. and Stewart, and T., West and Lebiere, C.. (2010) A choice prediction competition : choices from experience and from description. Journal of behavioral decision making, 23 (1). pp. 15-47.

Erev, I. and Glozman, I. and Hertwig, R.. (2008) What impacts the impact of rare events. Journal of risk and uncertainty, Vol. 36. pp. 153-177.

Erev, I. and Shimonowitch, D. and Schurr, A. and Hertwig, R.. (2008) Base rates : how to make the intuitive mind appreciate or neglect them. In: Intuition in judgment and decision making. Hillsdale, pp. 135-148.


Frey, Renato and Rieskamp, Jörg and Hertwig, Ralph. (2015) Sell in May and go away? Learning and risk taking in nonmonotonic decision problems. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41 (1). pp. 193-208.

Frey, R. and Hertwig, R. and Herzog, S. M.. (2014) Surrogate decision making : Do we have to trade off accuracy and procedural satisfaction? Medical decision making, Vol. 34, H. 2. pp. 258-269.

Frey, R. and Hertwig, R. and Rieskamp, J.. (2014) Fear shapes information acquisition in decisions from experience. Cognition, Vol. 132, H. 1. pp. 90-99.

Fasolo, B. and Hertwig, R. and Huber, M. and Ludwig, M.. (2009) Size, entropy, and density : what is the difference that makes the difference between small and large real-world assortments? Psychology & marketing, Vol. 26, H. 3. pp. 254-279.


Glöckner, Andreas and Pachur, Thorsten. (2012) Cognitive models of risky choice: Parameter stability and predictive accuracy of prospect theory. Cognition, 123. pp. 21-32.

Gigerenzer, G. and Hertwig, R. and Hoffrage, U. and Sedlmeier, P.. (2008) Cognitive illusions reconsidered. In: Handbook of experimental economics results, Vol. 1. Amsterdam, pp. 1018-1034.

Goldstein, D. G. and Arkes, H. R. and Beckenkamp, M. and Cooter, R. and Ellickson, R. C. and Engel, C. and Guthrie, C. and Hertwig, R. and Kurzenhäuser, S. and Weber, E. U.. (2006) Group report : how do heuristics mediate the impact of law on behavior? In: Heuristics and the law. Cambridge, MA, pp. 439-465.

Gigerenzer, Gerd and Hertwig, Ralph and van den Broek, Eva and Fasolo, Barbara and Katsikopoulos, Konstantinos V.. (2005) A 30% chance of rain tomorrow : how does the public understand probabilistic weather forecasts? Risk analysis, Vol. 25, H. 3. pp. 623-629.


Hilbrand, Sonja. Why care? : the impact of ancestral grandparental investments on caregiving and health today. 2017, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology.

Hertwig, Ralph and Frey, Renato. (2015) The challenge of the description-experience gap to the communication of risks. In: The Sage handbook of risk communication. Los Angeles, pp. 24-40.

Hills, Thomas and Pachur, Thorsten. (2012) Dynamic search and working memory in social recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38 (1). pp. 218-228.

Hertwig, R. and Buchan, H. and Davis, D. and Gaissmaier, W. and Härter, M. and Légaré, F. and Kolpatzik, K. and Schmacke, N. and Wormer, H.. (2011) How will health care professionals and patients work together in 2020? : a manifesto for change. In: Better doctors, better patients, better decisions : envisioning health care 2020. Cambridge, pp. 317-337.

Hertwig, Ralph. (2011) The psychology and rationality of decisions from experience. Synthese, 187. p. 269.

Hertwig, Ralph and Gigerenzer, Gerd. (2011) Behavioral Inconsistencies Do Not Imply Inconsistent Strategies. Frontiers in Psychology, 2. p. 292.

Herzog, S. M. and Hertwig, R.. (2011) The wisdom of ignorant crowds : predicting sport outcomes by mere recognition. Judgment and decision making, Vol. 6. pp. 58-72.

Hills, Thomas and Hertwig, Ralph. (2011) Why aren’t we smarter already: Evolutionary trade-offs and cognitive enhancements. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20 (6). pp. 373-377.

Hau, Robin and Pleskac, Timothy J. and Hertwig, Ralph.. (2010) Decisions from experience and statistical probabilities : why they trigger different choices than a priori probabilities. Journal of behavioral decision making, Vol. 23, H. 1. pp. 48-68.

Hertwig, Ralph and Pleskac, T. J.. (2010) Decisions from experience : why small samples? Cognition, Vol. 115, H. 2. pp. 225-237.

Hills, Thomas T. and Hertwig, Ralph. (2010) Information search in decisions from experience : do our patterns of sampling foreshadow our decisions? Psychological science, Vol. 21, H. 12. pp. 1787-1792.

Hertwig, R. and Herzog, S. M.. (2009) Fast and frugal heuristics : tools of social rationality. Social cognition, 27 (5). pp. 661-698.

Hertwig, Ralph and Erev, Ido. (2009) The description-experience gap in risky choice. Trends in cognitive sciences, Vol. 13, H. 12. pp. 517-523.

Herzog, S. M. and Hertwig, R.. (2009) The wisdom of many in one mind : improving individual judgments with dialectical bootstrapping. Psychological Science, 20 (2). pp. 231-237.

Hau, Robin and Pleskac, Timothy J. and Kiefer, Juergen and Hertwig, Ralph. (2008) The description-experience gap in risky choice : the role of sample size and experienced probabilities. Journal of behavioral decision making, Vol. 21, H. 4. pp. 493-518.

Hertwig, R. and Herzog, S. M. and Schooler, L. J. and Reimer, T.. (2008) Fluency heuristic : a model of how the mind exploits a by-product of information retrieval. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory and cognition, 34 (5). pp. 1191-1206.

Hertwig, R. and Ortmann, A.. (2008) Deception in psychological experiments : two misconceptions and a research agenda. Social psychology quarterly, Vol. 71. pp. 221-227.

Hertwig, Ralph and Benz, Björn and Krauss, Stefan. (2008) The conjunction fallacy and the many meanings of and. Cognition, Vol. 108, H. 3. pp. 740-753.

Hertwig, Ralph and Ortmann, Andreas. (2008) Deception in experiments : revisiting the arguments in its defense. Ethics and Behavior, Vol. 18. pp. 59-92.

Hertwig, Ralph and Pleskac, Timothy J.. (2008) The game of life : how small samples render choice simpler. In: The probabilistic mind. Oxford, pp. 209-236.

Hertwig, Ralph and Zangerl, Monika Andrea and Biedert, Esther and Margraf, Jürgen. (2008) The public's probabilistic numeracy : how tasks, education and exposure to games of chance shape it. Journal of behavioral decision making, Vol. 21, H. 4. pp. 457-470.

Hertwig, Ralph. (2007) Efficient social engineering and realistic cognitive modeling : a psychologist's thoughts. In: Economics and psychology. Cambridge, MA, pp. 245-269.

Herzog, S. M. and Hansen, J. and Wänke, M.. (2007) Temporal distance and ease of retrieval. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43 (3). pp. 483-488.

Hertwig, R. and Barron, G. and Weber, E. and Erev, I.. (2006) The role of information sampling in risky choice. In: Information Sampling and Adaptive Cognition. Cambridge, pp. 72-91.

Hertwig, Ralph. (2006) Do legal rules really rule behavior. In: Heuristics and the law. Cambridge, MA, pp. 391-410.

Hertwig, Ralph. (2006) Strategien und Heuristiken. In: Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie - Kognition. Göttingen, pp. 461-469.

Hoffrage, U. and Hertwig, Ralph. (2006) Which world should be represented in representative design? In: Information Sampling and Adaptive Cognition. Cambridge, pp. 381-408.

Hertwig, Ralph and Ortmann, A.. (2005) The cognitive illusion controversy : a methodological debate in disguise that matters to economists. In: Marketing, accounting and cognitive perspectives. Dordrecht, pp. 113-130.

Hertwig, Ralph and Pachur, Thorsten and Kurzenhäuser, Stephanie. (2005) Judgments of risk frequencies : tests of possible cognitive mechanisms. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory and cognition, 31 (4). pp. 621-642.

Hoffrage, U. and Hertwig, R. and Gigerenzer, G.. (2005) Die ökologische Rationalität einfacher Entscheidungs- und Urteilsheuristiken. In: Rationalität im Prozess kultureller Evolution. Tübingen, pp. 65-89.

Hanoch, Yaniv and Pachur, Thorsten. (2004) Nurses as information providers : facilitating understanding and communication of statistical information. Nurse education today, 24 (3). pp. 236-243.

Hertwig, Ralph and Barron, Greg and Weber, Elke U. and Erev, Ido. (2004) Decisions from experience and the effect of rare events in risky choice. Psychological Science, Vol. 15, H. 8. pp. 534-539.

Hertwig, Ralph and Wallin, Annika. (2004) Out of the theoretical cul-de-sac. Behavioral and brain sciences, Vol. 27, H. 3. pp. 342-343.

Hertwig, R. and Todd, P. M.. (2003) More is not always better : the benefits of cognitive limits. In: Thinking: psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment and decision making. Chichester, pp. 213-231.

Hertwig, Ralph and Fanselow, C. and Hoffrage, Ullrich.. (2003) Hindsight bias: How do knowledge and heuristics affect our reconstruction of the past? Memory, Vol. 11. pp. 357-377.

Hoffrage, Ulrich and Weber, Angelika and Hertwig, Ralph and Chase, Valerie M.. (2003) How to keep children safe in traffic : find the daredevils early. Journal of experimental psychology. Applied, Vol. 9, H. 4. pp. 249-260.

Hertwig, Ralph and Davis, Jennifer Nerissa and Sulloway, Frank J.. (2002) Parental investment : how an equity motive can produce inequality. Psychological bulletin, 128. pp. 728-745.

Hertwig, R. and Hoffrage, U.. (2001) Eingeschränkte und ökologische Rationalität : ein Forschungsprogramm. Psychologische Rundschau, Jg. 52, H. 1. pp. 11-19.

Hertwig, R. and Ortmann, A.. (2001) Experimental practices in economics : a methodological challenge for psychologists? Behavioral and brain sciences, Vol. 24, H. 3. pp. 383-403.

Hertwig, Ralph and Hoffrage, Ullrich.. (2001) Empirische Evidenz für einfache Heuristiken : eine Antwort auf Bröder. Psychologische Rundschau, Jg. 52, H. 3 , S. 162–165.

Hertwig, Ralph. (2000) The questionable utility of "cognitive ability" in explaining cognitive illusions. Behavioral and brain sciences, Vol. 23, H. 5 , S. 678–679.

Hertwig, Ralph and Todd, Peter M.. (2000) Biases to the left, fallacies to the right: Stuck in the middle with null hypothesis significance testing : Commentary on Krueger on social bias. Psycoloquy, Vol. 11. p. 28.

Hoffrage, U. and Hertwig, R. and Gigerenzer, G.. (2000) Hindsight bias : a by-product of knowledge updating? Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory and cognition, Vol. 26, H. 3. pp. 566-581.

Hoffrage, U. and Lindsey, S. and Hertwig, R. and Gigerenzer, G.. (2000) Communicating statistical information. Science, Vol. 290, no. 5500. pp. 2261-2262.

Hertwig, Ralph and Gigerenzer, Gerd. (1999) The conjunction fallacy revisited : how intelligent inferences look like reasoning errors. Journal of behavioral decision making, Vol. 12, H. 4 , S. 275–305.

Hertwig, Ralph. (1998) Psychologie, experimentelle Ökonomie und die Frage, was gutes Experimentieren ist. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie, Bd. 45, H. 1. pp. 2-19.

Hertwig, Ralph and Chase, Valerie M.. (1998) Many reasons or just one : how response mode affects reasoning in the conjunction problem. Thinking and reasoning, Vol. 4. pp. 319-352.

Hertwig, R. and Gigerenzer, G. and Hoffrage, U.. (1997) The reiteration effect in hindsight bias. Psychological review, 104, p. 194–202.

Hertwig, R. and Ortmann, A. and Gigerenzer, G.. (1997) Deductive competence : a desert devoid of content and context. CPC - Cahiers de psychologie cognitive, Vol. 16 , S. 102–107.


Josef, Anika K.. The life span development of decision making. 2016, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology.


Khader, Patrick H. and Pachur, Thorsten and Meier, Stefanie and Bien, Siegfried and Jost, Kerstin and Rösler, Frank. (2011) Memory-based decision making with heuristics involves increased activation of decision-relevant memory representations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23 (11). pp. 3540-3554.

Katsikopoulos, Konstantinos V. and Schooler, Lael J. and Hertwig, Ralph. (2010) The robust beauty of ordinary information. Psychological review, 117 (4). pp. 1259-1266.

Katsikopoulos, Konstantinos V. and Pachur, Thorsten and Machery, Edouard and Wallin, Annika. (2008) From Meehl (1954) to fast and frugal heuristics (and back) : new insights into how to bridge the clinical-actuarial divide. Theory and psychology, 18 (4). pp. 443-464.

Kurzenhäuser, Stephanie and Hertwig, Ralph. (2006) How to foster citizens' statistical reasoning : implications for genetic counseling. Community Genetics, 9 (3). pp. 197-203.

Krauss, S. and Hertwig, Ralph. (2000) Muss DNA-Evidenz schwer verständlich sein? : der Ausweg aus einem Kommunikationsproblem. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, Jg. 83 , S. 155–162.


Lejarraga, Tomás and Pachur, Thorsten and Frey, Renato and Hertwig, Ralph. (2016) Decisions from Experience: From Monetary to Medical Gambles. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29 (1). pp. 67-77.

Lindsey, S. and Hertwig, Ralph and Gigerenzer, Gerd.. (2003) Communicating statistical DNA evidence. Jurimetrics, Journal of law, science and technology, 2003, Vol. 43. pp. 147-163.


Mata, Rui and Pachur, Thorsten and von Helversen, Bettina and Hertwig, Ralph and Rieskamp, Jörg and Schooler, Lael J.. (2012) Ecological rationality: A framework for understanding and aiding the aging decision maker. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6. p. 19.

Mata, Rui and Nunes, Ludmila. (2010) When less is enough: Cognitive aging, information search, and decision quality in consumer choice. Psychology and Aging, 25 (2). pp. 289-298.

Mata, Rui and von Helversen, Bettina and Rieskamp, Jörg. (2010) Learning to choose: Cognitive aging and strategy selection learning in decision making. Psychology and Aging, 25 (2). pp. 299-309.

Mata, Rui and Wilke, Andreas and Czienskowski, Uwe. (2009) Cognitive aging and adaptive foraging behavior. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 64 (4). pp. 474-481.

Maier, M. A. and Bernern, M. P. and Hau, R. and Pekrun, R.. (2007) Priming the trait category "hostility" : the moderating role of trait anxiety. Cognition & emotion, Vol. 21, H. 3. pp. 577-595.

Mellers, B. and Hertwig, R. and Kahneman, D.. (2001) Do frequency representations eliminate conjunction effects? : an exercise in adversarial collaboration. Psychological Science, Vol. 12, H. 4. pp. 269-275.

Mussgay, L. and Hertwig, Ralph. (1990) Signal detection indices in schizophrenics on a visual, auditory and bimodal continuous performance test. Schizophrenia research, Vol. 3, H. 5-6 , S. 303–310.


Ortmann, Andreas and Hertwig, Ralph.. (2002) The costs of deception : evidence from psychology. Experimental economics, Vol. 5 , S. 111–131.

Ortmann, Andreas and Hertwig, Ralph.. (1997) Is deception acceptable? American psychologist, Vol. 52 , S. 746–747.


Phillips, Nathaniel David. Adaptive information search and judgment strategies in solitary and competitive tasks. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology.

Pachur, Thorsten and Olsson, Henrik. (2012) Type of learning task impacts performance and strategy selection in decision making. Cognitive Psychology, 6 (2). pp. 207-240.

Pachur, Thorsten and Raaijmakers, J. G. W. and Davelaar, E. J. and Daw, N. D. and Dougherty, M. R. and Hommel, B. and Lee, M. D. and Polyn, S. M. and Ridderinkhof, K. R. and Todd, P. M. and Wolfe, J. M.. (2012) Unpacking cognitive search : mechanisms and processes. In: Cognitive search : evolution, algorithms, and the brain. Cambridge, MA, pp. 237-253.

Pachur, Thorsten and Scheibehenne, Benjamin. (2012) Constructing preference from experience: The endowment effect reflected in external information search. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory and cognition, Vol. 3. pp. 1108-1116.

Pachur, Thorsten. (2011) The limited value of precise tests of the recognition heuristic. Judgment and Decision Making, 6 (5). pp. 413-422.

Pachur, Thorsten and Hanoch, Yaniv and Gummerum, Michaela. (2011) Prospects behind bars : analyzing decisions under risk in a prison population. Psychonomic bulletin & review : a journal of the Psychonomic Society, 17. pp. 630-636.

Pachur, Thorsten and Todd, Peter M. and Gigerenzer, Gerd and Schooler, Lael J. and Goldstein, Daniel G.. (2011) The recognition heuristic: A review of theory and tests. Frontiers in Psychology, 2. p. 147.

Pachur, Thorsten. (2010) Ohne Fleiss zum Preis.

Pachur, Thorsten. (2010) Recognition-based inference : when is less more in the real world? Psychonomic bulletin & review : a journal of the Psychonomic Society, 17. pp. 589-598.

Pachur, Thorsten and Mata, Rui and Schooler, Lael J.. (2009) Cognitive aging and the adaptive use of recognition in decision making. Psychology and Aging, 24 (4). pp. 901-915.

Pachur, Thorsten and Mata, Rui and Schooler, Lael J.. (2009) Cognitive aging and the use of recognition in decision making. Psychology and Aging, 24 (4). pp. 901-915.

Pachur, Thorsten and Bröder, Arndt and Marewski, Julian N.. (2008) The recognition heuristic in memory-based inference : is recognition a non-compensatory cue? Journal of behavioral decision making, 21 (2). pp. 183-210.

Pachur, Thorsten and Biele, Guido. (2007) Forecasting from ignorance : the use and usefulness of recognition in lay predictions of sports events. Acta psychologica : international journal of psychonomics, 1.

Pachur, Thorsten and Hertwig, Ralph. (2006) On the psychology of the recognition heuristic : retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory and cognition, 32 (5). pp. 983-1002.


Rydval, O. and Ortmann, A. and Prokosheva, S. and Hertwig, R.. (2009) How certain is the uncertainty effect? Experimental economics, Vol. 12. pp. 473-487.

Rieskamp, J. and Hertwig, R. and Todd, P. M.. (2006) Bounded rationality : two interpretations from psychology. In: Handbook of contemporary behavioral economics. Armonk, NJ, pp. 218-236.


Samanez-Larkin, Gregory R. and Mata, Rui and Radu, Peter T. and Ballard, Ian C. and Carstensen, Laura L. and McClure, Samuel M.. (2011) Age differences in striatal delay sensitivity during intertemporal choice in healthy adults. Frontiers in neuroscience, Vol. 5. p. 126.

Scheibe, Susanne and Mata, Rui and Carstensen, Laura L.. (2011) Age differences in affective forecasting and experienced emotion surrounding the 2008 US presidential election. Cognition & emotion, Vol. 25, H. 6. pp. 1029-1044.

Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M. and Murphy, R. O. and Hutzler, F.. (2011) Flashlight: Recording information acquisition online. Computers in Human Behavior, 27 (5). pp. 1771-1782.

Suter, Renata S. and Hertwig, Ralph. (2011) Time and moral judgment. Cognition, 119 (3). pp. 454-458.

Schooler, Lael J. and Hertwig, Ralph. (2005) How forgetting aids heuristic inference. Psychological review, 112. pp. 610-628.

Schmitt, David P. and Alcalay, Lidia and Allik, Jüri and Angleitner, Alois and Ault, Lara and Austers, Ivars and Bennett, Kevin L. and Bianchi, Gabriel and Boholst, Fredrick and Borg Cunen, Mary Ann and Braeckman, Johan and Brainerd, Edwin G. and Caral, Leo Gerard A. and Caron, Gabrielle and Casullo, Maria Martina and Cunningham, Michael and Daibo, Ikuo and De Backer, Charlotte and De Souza, Eros and Diaz-Loving, Rolando and Diniz, Gláucia and Durkin, Kevin and Echegaray, Marcela and Eremsoy, Ekin and Euler, Harald A. and Falzon, Ruth and Fisher, Maryanne L. and Foley, Dolores and Fry, Douglas P. and Fry, Sirpa and Ghayur, M. Arif and Golden, Debra L. and Grammer, Karl and Grimaldi, Liria and Halberstadt, Jamin and Haque, Shamsul and Herrera, Dora and Hertel, Janine and Hoffmann, Heather and Hooper, Danica and Hradilekova, Zuzana and Hudek-Kene-evi, Jasna and Jaafar, Jas and Jankauskaite, Margarita and Kabangu-Stahel, Heidel and Kardum, Igor and Khoury, Brigitte and Kwon, Hayrran and Laidra, Kaia and Laireiter, Anton-Rupert and Lakerveld, Dustin and Lampert, Ada and Lauri, Maryanne and Lavallée, Marguerite and Lee, Suk-Jae and Leung, Luk Chung and Locke, Kenneth D. and Locke, Vance and Luksik, Ivan and Magaisa, Ishmael and Marcinkeviciene, Dalia and Mata, André and Mata, Rui and McCarthy, Barry and Mills, Michael E. and Mkhize, Nhlanhla J. and Moreira, João and Moreira, Sérgio and Moya, Miguel and Munyae, M. and Noller, Patricia and Opre, Adrian and Panayiotou, Alexia and Petrovic, Nebojsa and Poels, Karolien and Popper, Miroslav and Poulimenou, Maria and P'yatokha, Volodymr and Raymond, Michel and Reips, Ulf-Dietrich and Reneau, Susan E. and Rivera-Aragon, Sofia and Rowatt, Wade C. and Ruch, Willibald and Rus, Velko S. and Safir, Marilyn P. and Salas, Sonia and Sambataro, Fabio and Sandnabba, Kenneth N. and Schulmeyer, Marion K. and Schütz, Astrid and Scrimali, Tullio and Shackelford, Todd K. and Shaver, Phillip R. and Sichona, Francis and Simonetti, Franco and Sineshaw, Tilahun and Sookdew, R. and Speelman, Tom and Spyrou, Spyros and Sümer, H. Canan and Sümer, Nebi and Supekova, Marianna and Szlendak, Tomasz and Timmermans, Bert and Tooke, William and Tsaousis, Ioannis and Tungaraza, F. S. K. and van Overwalle, Frank and Vandermassen, Griet and Vanhoomissen, Tim and Vanwesenbeeck, Ine and Vasey, Paul L. and Verissimo, João and Voracek, Martin and Wan, Wendy W. N. and Wang, Ta-Wei and Weiss, Peter and Wijaya, Andik and Woertman, Liesbeth and Youn, Gahyun and Zupanèiè, Agata and International Sexuality Description Project, . (2004) Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 nations: the effects of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person's partner. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86 (4). pp. 560-584.

Schmitt, David P. and Alcalay, Lidia and Allik, Jüri and Ault, Lara and Austers, Ivars and Bennett, Kevin L. and Bianchi, Gabriel and Boholst, Fredric and Cunen, Mary Ann Borg and Braeckman, Johan and Brainerd, Edwin G. and Caral, Leo Gerard A. and Caron, Gabrielle and Casullo, Maria Martina and Cunningham, Michael and Daibo, Ikuo and De Backer, Charlotte and De Souza, Eros and Diaz-Loving, Rolando and Diniz, Gláucia and Durkin, Kevin and Echegaray, Marcela and Eremsoy, Ekin and Euler, Harald A. and Falzon, Ruth and Fisher, Maryanne L. and Foley, Dolores and Fry, Douglas P. and Fry, Sirpa and Ghayur, M. Arif and Golden, Debra L. and Grammer, Karl and Grimaldi, Liria and Halberstadt, Jamin and Herrera, Dora and Hertel, Janine and Hoffmann, Heather and Hooper, Danica and Hradilekova, Zuzana and Hudek-Kene-evi, Jasna and Jaafer, Jas and Jankauskaite, Margarita and Kabangu-Stahel, Heidi and Kardum, Igor and Khoury, Brigitte and Kwon, Hayrran and Laidra, Kaia and Laireiter, Anton-Rupert and Lakerveld, Dustin and Lampert, Ada and Lauri, Maryanne and Lavallée, Marguerite and Lee, Suk-Jae and Leung, Luk Chung and Locke, Kenneth D. and Locke, Vance and Luksik, Ivan and Magaisa, Ishmael and Marcinkeviciene, Dalia and Mata, André and Mata, Rui and McCarthy, Barry and Mills, Michael E. and Moreira, João and Moreira, Sérgio and Moya, Miguel and Munyae, M. and Noller, Patricia and Opre, Adrian and Panayiotou, Alexia and Petrovic, Nebojsa and Poels, Karolien and Popper, Miroslav and Poulimenou, Maria and P'yatokha, Volodymyr and Raymond, Michel and Reips, Ulf-Dietrich and Reneau, Susan E. and Rivera-Aragon, Sofia and Rowatt, Wade C. and Ruch, Willibald and Rus, Velko S. and Safir, Marilyn P. and Salas, Sonia and Sambataro, Fabio and Sandnabba, Kenneth N. and Schulmeyer, Marion K. and Schütz, Astrid and Scrimali, Tullio and Shackelford, Todd K. and Shaver, Phillip R. and Sichona, Francis and Simonetti, Franco and Sinehsaw, Tilahun and Speelman, Tom and Spyrou, Spyros and Sümer, H. Canan and Sümer, Nebi and Supekova, Marianna and Szlendak, Tomasz and Taylor, Robin and Timmermans, Bert and Tooke, William and Tsaousis, Ioannis and Tungaraza, F. S. K. and Vandermassen, Griet and Vanhoomissen, Tom and Van Overwalle, Frank and Vanwesenbeeck, Ine and Vasey, Paul L. and Verissimo, João and Voracek, Martin and Wan, Wendy W. N. and Wang, Ta-Wei and Weiss, Peter and Wijaya, Andik and Woertman, Liesbeth and Youn, Gahyun and Zupanèiè, Agata and International Sexuality Description Project, . (2003) Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85 (1). pp. 85-104.

Sedlmeier, Peter and Hertwig, Ralph and Gigerenzer, Gerd. (1998) Are judgments of the positional frequencies of letters systematically biased due to availability? Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory and cognition, Vol. 24, H. 3 , S. 754–770.


Todd, P. M. and Hertwig, R. and Hoffrage, U.. (2005) Evolutionary cognitive psychology. In: The handbook of evolutionary psychology. Hoboken, pp. 776-802.


von Helversen, Bettina and Mata, Rui and Olsson, Henrik. (2010) Do children profit from looking beyond looks? From similarity-based to cue abstraction processes in multiple-cue judgment. Developmental Psychology, 46 (1). pp. 220-229.


Wulff, Dirk U.. Information search in experience-based choice and valuation : challenges and applications. 2015, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology.

Wang, X. T. and Hertwig, Ralph. (1999) How is maternal survival related to reproductive success? Behavioral and brain sciences, Vol. 22, H. 2. pp. 236-237.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 3 03:58:14 2025 CET.