Items where Division is "03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Biomedizin > Division of Anatomy > Musculosceletal Research (Müller-Gerbl)"
Number of items at this level: 37. ArticleLeumann, André and Valderrabano, Victor and Hoechel, Sebastian and Göpfert, Beat and Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena. (2014) Mineral density and penetration strength of the subchondral bone plate of the talar dome : high correlation and specific distribution patterns. The journal of foot and ankle surgery, Vol. 54, H. 1. pp. 17-22. Mueller, F. and Hoechel, S. and Klaws, J. and Wirz, D. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2014) The subtalar and talonavicular joints: a way to access the long-term load intake using conventional CT-data. Surgical and radiologic anatomy, Vol. 36, H. 5. pp. 463-472. Zumstein, V. and Kraljevic, M. and Conzen, A. and Hoechel, S. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2014) Thickness distribution of the glenohumeral joint cartilage : a quantitative study using computed tomography. Surgical and radiologic anatomy, Vol. 36, H. 4. pp. 327-331. Buettner, O. and Leumann, A. and Lehner, R. and Dell-Kuster, S. and Rosenthal, R. and Mueller-Gerbl, M. and Valderrabano, V.. (2013) Histomorphometric, CT arthrographic, and biomechanical mapping of the human ankle. Foot and ankle international, Vol. 34, H. 7. pp. 1025-1034. Hoechel, S. and Alder, M. and Wirz, D. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2013) The human hip joint and its long-term load intake - how x-ray density distribution mirrors bone strength. Hip international, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 583-589. Kraljevic, M. and Zumstein, V. and Hugli, R. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2013) A comparison of subchondral bone mineralization between the glenoid cavity and the humeral head on 57 cadaverous shoulder joints. Surgical and radiologic anatomy, Vol. 35, H. 4. pp. 295-300. Kuhl, S. and Zurcher, S. and Mahid, T. and Muller-Gerbl, M. and Filippi, A. and Cattin, P.. (2013) Accuracy of full guided vs. half-guided implant surgery. Clinical oral implants research, Vol. 24, H. 7. pp. 763-769. Maly, I. Piotr and Rahner, Christoph and Nowakowski, Andrej Maria and Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena. (2013) Novel polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) based cryoprotection method that facilitates cutting frozen sections of decalcified human trabecular bone. Histology and histopathology, Vol. 28, H. 12. pp. 1605-1611. Nowakowski, A. M. and Deyhle, H. and Zander, S. and Leumann, A. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2013) Micro CT analysis of the subarticular bone structure in the area of the talar trochlea. Surgical and radiologic anatomy, Vol. 35, H. 4. pp. 283-293. Nowakowski AM, Müller-Gerbl M. and Valderrabano, V.. (2013) Morphometrische Analyse der proximalen Tibia zur Designentwicklung kreuzbanderhaltender Knieendoprothesen. Sport-Orthopädie, Sport-Traumatologie, Vol. 29. pp. 112-117. Zumstein, V. and Kraljevic, M. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2013) Glenohumeral relationships : subchondral mineralization patterns, thickness of cartilage, and radii of curvature. Journal of orthopaedic research, Vol. 31, H. 11. pp. 1704-1707. Adler, T. and Eisenbarth, I. and Hirschmann, M. T. and Muller-Gerbl, M. and Fricker, R.. (2012) Can clinical examination cause a Stener lesion in patients with skier's thumb? : a cadaveric study. Clinical anatomy, Vol. 25, H. 6. pp. 762-766. Anetzberger, H. and Mayer, A. and Glaser, C. and Lorenz, S. and Birkenmaier, C. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2012) Meniscectomy leads to early changes in the mineralization distribution of subchondral bone plate. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy, Vol. 22, H. 1. pp. 112-119. Anetzberger, H. and Mayer, A. and Schulz, C. U. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2012) Computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry is reliable for the determination of the subchondral bone mineralization distribution in the rabbit knee. European Surgical Research, 48 (4). pp. 208-214. Bayer, T. and Schweizer, A. and Muller-Gerbl, M. and Bongartz, G.. (2012) Proximal interphalangeal joint volar plate configuration in the crimp grip position. Journal of hand surgery. American volume, Vol. 37, H. 5. pp. 899-905. Gortchacow, M. and Wettstein, M. and Pioletti, D. P. and Muller-Gerbl, M. and Terrier, A.. (2012) Simultaneous and multisite measure of micromotion, subsidence and gap to evaluate femoral stem stability. Journal of biomechanics, Vol. 45, H. 7. pp. 1232-1238. Hoechel, S. and Wirz, D. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2012) Density and strength distribution in the human subchondral bone plate of the patella. International orthopaedics, Vol. 36, H. 9. pp. 1827-1834. Hugle, T. and Geurts, J. and Nuesch, C. and Muller-Gerbl, M. and Valderrabano, V.. (2012) Aging and osteoarthritis: an inevitable encounter? Journal of aging research, Vol. 2012 , 950192. Mueller, A. A. and Schumann, D. and Reddy, R. R. and Schwenzer-Zimmerer, K. and Mueller-Gerbl, M. and Zeilhofer, H. F. and Sailer, H. F. and Reddy, S. G.. (2012) Intraoperative vascular anatomy, arterial blood flow velocity, and microcirculation in unilateral and bilateral cleft lip repair. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Vol. 130, H. 5. pp. 1120-1130. Nowakowski, Andrej M. and Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena and Valderrabano, Victor. (2012) Assessment of knee implant alignment using coordinate measurement on three-dimensional computed tomography reconstructions. Surgical innovation, Vol. 19, H. 4. pp. 375-384. Wiewiorski, M. and Hoechel, S. and Wishart, K. and Leumann, A. and Muller-Gerbl, M. and Valderrabano, V. and Nowakowski, A. M.. (2012) Computer tomographic evaluation of talar edge configuration for osteochondral graft transplantation. Clinical anatomy, Vol. 25, H. 6. pp. 773-780. Zumstein, V. and Kraljevic, M. and Wirz, D. and Hugli, R. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2012) Correlation between mineralization and mechanical strength of the subchondral bone plate of the humeral head. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery, Vol. 21, H. 7. pp. 887-893. Kraljevi?, Marko and Zumstein, Valentin and Wirz, Dieter and Hügli, Rolf and Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena. (2011) Mineralisation and mechanical strength of the glenoid cavity subchondral bone plate. International orthopaedics, Vol. 35, H. 12. pp. 1813-1819. Nowakowski, Andrej M. and Majewski, Martin and Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena and Valderrabano, Victor. (2011) Development of a force-determining tensor to measure "physiologic knee ligament gaps" without bone resection using a total knee arthroplasty approach. Journal of orthopaedic science, Vol. 16, issue 1. pp. 56-63. Schulz, Georg and Crooijmans, Hendrikus J. A. and Germann, Marco and Scheffler, Klaus and Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena and Müller, Bert. (2011) Three-dimensional strain fields in human brain resulting from formalin fixation. Journal of neuroscience methods, Vol. 202, no. 1. pp. 17-27. Zumstein, V. and Kraljevic, M. and Huegli, R. and Muller-Gerbl, M.. (2011) Mineralisation patterns in the subchondral bone plate of the humeral head. Surgical and radiologic anatomy, Vol. 33, H. 9. pp. 775-779. Ebel, Christine Maria Isabel and Prodinger, Peter M. and Mühlhofer, Heinz and Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena and Linsenmaier, Ulrich and Putz, Reinhard. (2010) Morphological adaptation of the tarso-metatarsal joints onto load transmission in the foot. Surgical and radiologic anatomy, Vol. 32, H. 2. pp. 107-113. Madry, Henning and van Dijk, C. Niek and Mueller-Gerbl, Magdalena. (2010) The basic science of the subchondral bone. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy, Vol. 18, H. 4. pp. 419-433. Mueller-Gerbl, Magdalena. (2010) CT-Osteoabsorptiometrie(CT- OAM) : eine In-vivo-Technik zur Darstellung der subchondralen Mineralisierungsverteilung als Maß für die individuelle Spannungsverteilung in Gelenken. Sport-Orthopädie, Sport-Traumatologie, Vol. 26, H. 2. pp. 76-83. Nowakowski, Andrej M. and Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena and Valderrabano, Victor. (2010) Surgical approach for a new knee prosthesis concept (TSTP) retaining both cruciate ligaments. Clinical anatomy, Vol. 23, H. 8. pp. 985-991. Schmoldt, A. and Benthe, H. F. and Haberland, G.. (2010) Scanning x-ray scattering: Evaluating the nanostructure of human tissues. European journal of nanomedicine, Vol. 3. pp. 30-33. Schulz, G. and Morel, A. and S. Imholz, M. and Deyhle, H. and Weitkamp, T. and Zanette, I. and Pfeiffer, F. and David, C. and Müller-Gerbl, M. and Müller, B.. (2010) Evaluating the microstructure of human brain tissues using synchrotron radiation-based micro computed tomography. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7804 , 7804F1-8. Mühlhofer, H. and Ercan, Y. and Drews, S. and Matsuura, M. and Meissner, J. and Linsenmaier, U. and Putz, R. and Müller-Gerbl, M.. (2009) Mineralisation and mechanical strength of the subchondral bone plate of the inferior tibial facies. Surgical and radiologic anatomy : journal of clinical anatomy : official organ of the European Association of Clinical Anatomy, of the Collège Médical Français des Professeurs d'Anatomie, official cooperative organ of the Section of Clinical Anatomy of, Vol. 31. pp. 237-243. Drews, S. and Beckmann, F. and Herzen, J. and Brunke, O. and Salmon, P. and Friess, S. and Laib, A. and Koller, B. and Hemberger, T. and Müller-Gerbl, M. and Müller, B.. (2008) Comparative micro computed tomography study of a vertebral body. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7078 , 70780C1-14. Müller-Gerbl, M. and Weisser, S. and Linsenmeier, U.. (2008) The distribution of mineral density in the cervical vertebral endplates. European spine journal, Vol. 17. pp. 432-438. von Eisenhart Rothe, R. and Müller-Gerbl, M. and Wiedemann, E. and Englmeier, K. H. and Graichen, H.. (2008) Functional malcentering of the humeral head and asymmetric long-term stress on the glenoid : potential reasons for glenoid loosening in total shoulder arthroplasty. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery, Vol. 17, H. 5. pp. 695-702. ThesisZander, Silvan. Zur subartikulären Knochenarchitektur der humanen Trochlea tali - eine mikrocomputertomographische Analyse. 2011, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Medicine. |