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Bechinger, B. and Macdonald, P. M. and Seelig, J.. (1988) Deuterium NMR studies of the interactions of polyhydroxyl compounds and of glycolipids with lipid model membranes. Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 943, H. 2. pp. 381-385.

Beglinger, C. and Koehler, E. and Born, W. and Fischer, J. A. and Keller, U. and Hanssen, L. E. and Gyr, K.. (1988) Effect of calcitonin and calcitonin gene-related peptide on pancreatic functions in man. Gut, Vol. 29, H. 2. pp. 243-248.

Berecek, K. H. and Hofbauer, K. G.. (1988) Neuropeptides as modulators of blood pressure. In: Neurotransmitters as modulators of blood pressure. Utrecht, pp. 231-260.

Bettler, B. and Ness, P. J. and Schmidlin, S. and Parish, R. W.. (1988) The upstream limit of nuclease-sensitive chromatin in Dictyostelium rRNA genes neighbors a topoisomerase I-like cluster. Journal of molecular biology, Vol. 204, H. 3. pp. 549-559.

Bickel, Susanne. (1988) Furcht und Schrecken in den Sargtexten. Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur, Jg. 15. pp. 17-26.

Bickel, Susanne. (1988) The Speos Artemidos: Its chronology and functions. In: Fifth International Congress of Egyptology : [Kairo 29. Oktober - 3. November 1988] : abstracts of papers. Kairo, p. 22.

Biot, T. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1988) The replication, partition and yop regulation of the pYV plasmids are highly conserved in Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis. Journal of General Microbiology, Vol. 134, H. 6. pp. 1525-1534.

Breitenmoser, Stephan and Wildhaber, Luzius. (1988) The Relationship between Customary International Law and Municipal Law in Western European Countries. Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 48. pp. 163-207.

Cerdan, S. and Kunnecke, B. and Dolle, A. and Seelig, J.. (1988) In situ metabolism of 1,omega medium chain dicarboxylic acids in the liver of intact rats as detected by 13C and 1H NMR. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 263 , no. 24. pp. 11664-11674.

Christofori, G. and Keller, W.. (1988) 3' cleavage and polyadenylation of mRNA precursors in vitro requires a poly(A) polymerase, a cleavage factor, and a snRNP. Cell, 54 (6). pp. 875-889.

Chung, L. Y. and Constable, E. C. and Lewis, J. and Raithby, P. R. and Kaye, P. T.. (1988) Transition metal complexes of substituted 2,2′-biquinolines : the crystal and molecular structures of [8,8′-bis(aminomethyl)-2,2′-biquinoline]dichloromanganese(II) and [8,8′-bis(aminomethyl)-2,2′-biquinoline]chlorocopper(II) chloride. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1988, H. 8. pp. 2121-2125.

Cornioley-Deuschel, Christine and Ward, Thomas R. and Von Zelewsky, Alex. (1988) Complexes with pincers : 2,6-Diphenylpyridine as twofold-deprotonated terdentate ligand in C,C-trans-, and as mono-deprotonated chelate ligand in chiral C,C-cis-complexes of platinum(II) and palladium(II). Helvetica Chimica Acta, 71 (1). pp. 130-133.

Den Boer, Harm. (1988) Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands in Madrid and Lisbon public collections : Towards a Bibliography of Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands (1580-1820). Studia Rosenthaliana, 22 (2). pp. 97-143.

Dencher, N. A. and Grzesiek, S.. (1988) Proton Hydroxide Ion Translocation Across Membranes and At the Membrane-Surface Studied By Optical Probes. Studia Biophysica, Vol. 127, H. 1-3. pp. 19-28.

Evers, C. and Hugentobler, G. and Lester, R. and Gmaj, P. and Meier, P. J. and Murer, H.. (1988) Calcium transport in plasma membrane subfractions of rat liver. Progress in clinical and biological research, Vol. 252. pp. 231-236.

Flammer, August and Züblin, Caspar and Grob, Alexander. (1988) Sekundäre Kontrolle bei Jugendlichen. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie, Jg. 20, H. 3. pp. 239-262.

Fransen, J. A. M. and Oude Elferink, R. P. J. and Hauri, H. P. and Tager, J. M. and Ginsel, L. A.. (1988) Transport of sucrase-isomaltase and acid alpha-glucosidase in human enterocytes. In: Mammalian brush border membrane proteins. New York, pp. 12-28.

Ginsel, L. A. and Fransen, J. A. M. and Klumpermann, J. and Hauri, H. P. and Hilgers, J. and Oude Elferink, R. P. J. and Tager, J. M.. (1988) Intracellular transport of brush-border and lysosomal enzymes in the human enterocyte. In: Biomembranes. Heidelberg, pp. 61-80.

Gorr, S. U. and Stieger, B. and Fransen, J. A. and Kedinger, M. and Marxer, A. and Hauri, H. P.. (1988) A novel marker glycoprotein for the microvillus membrane of surface colonocytes of rat large intestine and its presence in small-intestinal crypt cells. The Journal of cell biology, Vol. 106, H. 6. pp. 1937-1946.

Grutter, P. and Meyer, E. and Heinzelmann, H. and Rosenthaler, L. and Hidber, H. R. and Guntherodt, H. J.. (1988) Application of atomic force microscopy to magnetic materials. Journal of vacuum science & technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces and films, Vol. 6, H. 2. pp. 279-282.

Grzesiek, S. and Dencher, N. A.. (1988) Monomeric and Aggregated Bacteriorhodopsin : single-Turnover Proton Transport Stoichiometry and Photochemistry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 85, H. 24. pp. 9509-9513.

Grzesiek, S. and Dencher, N. A.. (1988) The Delta-Ph-Probe 9-Aminoacridine : Response-Time, Binding Behavior and Dimerization At the Membrane. Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 938, H. 3. pp. 411-424.

Grözinger, Albrecht. (1988) "Das lebendige Wort Gottes selbst" : zum Verständnis der Predigt bei Eduard Thurneysen. Zeitschrift für Gottesdienst und Predigt, Jg. 6, H. 4. pp. 15-18.

Grözinger, Albrecht. (1988) "Steile, grifflose Wände" : zur Genese und zur Aktualität der praktisch-theologischen Theorie Eduard Thurneysens. Pastoraltheologie, Jg. 77. pp. 427-444.

Grözinger, Albrecht. (1988) Das "Epische" als Aufgabe der Praktischen Theologie. Evangelische Theologie, 48 (3). pp. 199-217.

Hall, M. N. and Fried, S. R.. (1988) Is nuclear protein localization receptor-mediated? In: Molecular Biology of Intracellular Protein Sorting and Organelle Assembly. New York, pp. 187-192.

Hauri, H. P.. (1988) Biogenesis and intracellular transport of intestinal brush border membrane hydrolases : Use of antibody probes and tissue culture. Sub-Cellular Biochemistry, Vol. 12. pp. 155-219.

Hauri, H. P. and Eilers, U. and Fransen, J. A. M. and Jascur, T. and Matter, K.. (1988) The transport of intestinal brush border enzymes to the cell surface. In: Mammalian Brush Border Membrane Proteins. New York, pp. 78-85.

Heinzelmann, H. and Meyer, E. and Grutter, P. and Hidber, H. R. and Rosenthaler, L. and Guntherodt, H. J.. (1988) Atomic force microscopy : general aspects and application to insulators. Journal of vacuum science & technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces and films, Vol. 6, H. 2. pp. 275-278.

Hofbauer, K. G. and Wood, J. M.. (1988) Renin inhibitors as possible antihypertensive agents. Klinische Wochenschrift, Vol. 66, H. 18. pp. 906-913.

Hofer, M. M. and Barde, Y. A.. (1988) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor prevents neuronal death in vivo. Nature, Vol. 331. pp. 261-262.

Hood, V. L. and Schubert, C. and Keller, U. and Muller, S.. (1988) Effect of systemic pH on pHi and lactic acid generation in exhaustive forearm exercise. American journal of physiology : AJP, Vol. 255, H. 3, Pt. 2 , F479-F485.

Keller, U. and Gerber, P. P. and Stauffacher, W.. (1988) Fatty acid-independent inhibition of hepatic ketone body production by insulin in humans. American journal of physiology : AJP, Vol. 254, H. 6. Pt. 1 , E694-E699.

Keller, U. and Lustenberger, M. and Stauffacher, W.. (1988) Effect of insulin on ketone body clearance studied by a ketone body "clamp" technique in normal man. Diabetologia, Vol. 31, no. 1. pp. 24-29.

Krusche, B. and Lieb, K. P.. (1988) Gamma-ray flux in A≤80 odd-odd nuclei after thermal neutron capture B. Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics, Vol. 14, Suppl. S. pp. 183-190.

Loss, D. and Schoeller, H.. (1988) A new microscopic evaluation method for correlation functions : long time tails. Physica. A, Theoretical and statistical physics, Vol. 150, H. 1. pp. 199-243.

Macdonald, P. M. and Seelig, J.. (1988) Anion binding to neutral and positively charged lipid membranes. Biochemistry, Vol. 27, H. 18. pp. 6769-6775.

Macdonald, P. M. and Seelig, J.. (1988) Dynamic properties of gramicidin A in phospholipid membranes. Biochemistry, Vol. 27, H. 7. pp. 2357-2364.

Mah, S. C. and Hofbauer, K. G.. (1988) Evaluation of the pharmacologic properties of a vasopressin antagonist in Brattleboro rats. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 245, H. 3. pp. 1028-1032.

Mah, S. C. and Hofbauer, K. G.. (1988) Pharmacological studies with the vasopressin (V2) antagonist d(CH2)5D-Tyr(Et)VAVP : acute and chronic effects in Sprague-Dawley and Brattleboro rats. In: Vasopressin. New York, pp. 201-206.

Mah, S. C. and Opperman, J. R. and Baum, H. P. and Hofbauer, K. G.. (1988) Biologic response to chronic blockade of vasopressin receptors in Sprague-Dawley rats. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 245, H. 3. pp. 1021-1027.

Mah, S. C. and Whitebread, S. E. and De Gasparo, M. and Hofbauer, K. G.. (1988) [3H]AVP binding to rat renal tubular receptors during long-term treatment with an antagonist of arginine vasopressin. Peptides, Vol. 9, H. 3. pp. 595-600.

Maurer-Fogy, I. and Reutelingsperger, C. P. and Pieters, J. and Bodo, G. and Stratowa, C. and Hauptmann, R.. (1988) Cloning and expression of cDNA for human vascular anticoagulant, a Ca2+-dependent phospholipid-binding protein. European journal of biochemistry, Vol. 174, H. 4. pp. 585-592.

Meier, P. J.. (1988) Transport polarity of hepatocytes. Seminars in liver disease, Vol. 8, H. 4. pp. 293-307.

Meier, P. J. and Ziegler, W. H. and Neftel, K.. (1988) Benzodiazepine - Praxis und Probleme ihrer Anwendung. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, Jg. 118, Nr. 11. pp. 381-392.

Michiels, T. and Cornelis, G.. (1988) Nucleotide sequence and transcription analysis of yop51 from Yersinia enterocolitica W22703. Microbial pathogenesis, Vol. 5, H. 6. pp. 449-459.

Mlodzik, M. and Fjose, A. and Gehring, W. J.. (1988) Molecular structure and spatial expression of a homeobox gene from the labial region of the Antennapedia-complex. The EMBO journal, Vol. 7, H. 8. pp. 2569-2578.

Mohr, Hubert. (1988) Die Ecole des Annales. In: Handbuch religionswissenschaftlicher Grundbegriffe. Bd. 1, Systematischer Teil ; alphabetischer Teil: Aberglaube - Antisemitismus. Stuttgart, pp. 263-271.

Mohr, Hubert. (1988) Fernand Braudel. In: Handbuch religionswissenschaftlicher Grundbegriffe. Bd. 1, Systematischer Teil ; alphabetischer Teil: Aberglaube - Antisemitismus. Stuttgart, pp. 275-278.

Mohr, Hubert. (1988) Lucien Febvre. In: Handbuch religionswissenschaftlicher Grundbegriffe. Bd. 1, Systematischer Teil ; alphabetischer Teil: Aberglaube - Antisemitismus. Stuttgart, pp. 281-283.

Mohr, Hubert. (1988) Marc Bloch. In: Handbuch religionswissenschaftlicher Grundbegriffe. Bd. 1, Systematischer Teil ; alphabetischer Teil: Aberglaube - Antisemitismus. Stuttgart, pp. 272-274.

Muller, M. and Affolter, M. and Leupin, W. and Otting, G. and Wuthrich, K. and Gehring, W. J.. (1988) Isolation and sequence-specific DNA binding of the Antennapedia homeodomain. The EMBO journal, Vol. 7, H. 13. pp. 4299-4304.

Naim, H. Y. and Roth, J. and Sterchi, E. E. and Lentze, M. and Milla, P. and Schmitz, J. and Hauri, H. P.. (1988) Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency in humans : different mutations disrupt intracellular transport, processing, and function of an intestinal brush border enzyme. Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 82, H. 2. pp. 667-679.

Nigg, E. A.. (1988) Nuclear function and organization : the potential of immunochemical approaches. International review of cytology, Vol. 110. pp. 27-92.

Olsen, J. and Cowell, G. M. and Konigshofer, E. and Danielsen, E. M. and Moller, J. and Laustsen, L. and Hansen, O. C. and Welinder, K. G. and Engberg, J. and Hunziker, W. and Spiess, Martin and Sjostrom, H. and Noren, O.. (1988) Complete amino acid sequence of human intestinal aminopeptidase N as deduced from cloned cDNA. FEBS Letters, 238 (2). pp. 307-314.

Otting, G. and Qian, Y. Q. and Muller, M. and Affolter, M. and Gehring, W. and Wuthrich, K.. (1988) Secondary structure determination for the Antennapedia homeodomain by nuclear magnetic resonance and evidence for a helix-turn-helix motif. The EMBO journal, Vol. 7, H. 13. pp. 4305-4309.

Pieters, J. and Lindhout, T.. (1988) The limited importance of factor Xa inhibition to the anticoagulant property of heparin in thromboplastin-activated plasma. Blood, Vol. 72, H. 6. pp. 2048-2052.

Pieters, J. and Willems, G. and Hemker, H. C. and Lindhout, T.. (1988) Inhibition of faxtor lXa and factor Xa by antithrombin lll/heparin during factor X activation. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 263. pp. 15313-15318.

Puliafito, Anna Laura. (1988) 'Principio primo' e 'principi principiati' nella 'Nova de Universis Philosophia' di Francesco Patrizi. Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana, Vol. 67. pp. 154-201.

Puliafito, Anna Laura and Lunetta, Loredana. (1988) Bibliografia italiana di studi sull'umanesimo e il rinascimento 1987. Rinascimento/Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento. - Firenze, 28, Suppl.. pp. 3-104.

Reichert, H.. (1988) Control of sequences of movements in crayfish escape behavior. Experientia, Vol. 44. pp. 395-401.

Reichert, H.. (1988) Neural mechanisms underlying axial-appendicular steering reactions in locust flight. American zoologist, Vol. 29, no. 1. pp. 161-169.

Rodriguez-Tebar, A. and Barde, Y. A.. (1988) Binding characteristics of brain-derived neurotrophic factor to its receptors on neurons from the chick embryo. Journal of neuroscience, Vol. 8, H. 9. pp. 3337-3342.

Ronacher, B. and Wolf, H. and Reichert, H.. (1988) Locust flight behavior after hemisection of individual thoracic ganglia : evidence for hemiganglionic premotor centers. Journal of comparative physiology, Vol. 163. pp. 749-759.

Ruetz, S. and Hugentobler, G. and Meier, P. J.. (1988) Functional reconstitution of the canalicular bile salt transport system of rat liver. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 85, No. 16. pp. 6147-6151.

Rütti, B. and Berger, Ludwig R. and Fünfschilling, S. and Stern, W. B. and Spichtig, N.. (1988) Die Zirkusbecher der Schweiz. Eine Bestandesaufnahme. Jahresbericht / Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa, 1987. pp. 27-104.

Schmid, S. R. and Spiess, M.. (1988) Deletion of the amino-terminal domain of asialoglycoprotein receptor H1 allows cleavage of the internal signal sequence. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 263. pp. 16886-16891.

Schwarz, Peter-Andrew. (1988) Cornol JU, Mont Terri. Archäologie der Schweiz, Jg. 11. p. 35.

Schwarz, Peter-Andrew. (1988) Neues zu zwei altbekannten Inschriften aus Kaiseraugst. Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst, 9. pp. 259-264.

Schwarz, Peter-Andrew. (1988) [Fund-]Katalog. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, 71. pp. 31-43.

Schwarz, Peter-Andrew. (1988) [Fundbericht] Cornol JU, Mont Terri. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, 71. p. 261.

Schweizer, A. and Fransen, J. A. and Bachi, T. and Ginsel, L. and Hauri, H. P.. (1988) Identification, by a monoclonal antibody, of a 53-kD protein associated with a tubulo-vesicular compartment at the cis-side of the Golgi apparatus. The Journal of cell biology, Vol. 107, H. 5. pp. 1643-1653.

Schwenzer, Ingeborg. (1988) "The Battle of the Forms" und das EAG. Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts, 8. pp. 212-214.

Schwenzer, Ingeborg. (1988) "The Medical Student Syndrome" : Ausgleich von Karrierechancen nach Ehescheidung? Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht, 35. pp. 1114-1121.

Schwenzer, Ingeborg. (1988) Einbeziehung von Spediteurbedingungen sowie Anknüpfung des Schweigens bei grenzüberschreitenden Verträgen. Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts, 8. pp. 86-88.

Schwenzer, Ingeborg. (1988) Gesetzliche Regelung der Rechtsprobleme nichtehelicher Lebensgemeinschaften? Juristen-Zeitung, 43 (17). pp. 781-789.

Schwenzer, Ingeborg. (1988) Sachgüterschutz im Spannungsfeld deliktischer Verkehrspflichten und vertraglicher Leistungspflichten. Juristen-Zeitung, 43 (11). pp. 525-531.

Seelig, A. and Allegrini, P. R. and Seelig, J.. (1988) Partitioning of local anesthetics into membranes : surface charge effects monitored by the phospholipid head-group. Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 939, H. 2. pp. 267-276.

Seelig, J.. (1988) Biologische Membranphsopholipide als molekulare Voltmeter. Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium, 36 (10). pp. 1096-1100.

Seelig, J.. (1988) In vivo NMR spectroscopy. In: Physics of NMR spectroscopy in biology and medicine. Amsterdam, pp. 389-411.

Senn, H. P. and Jiricny, J. and Fopp, M. and Schmid, L. and Moroni, C.. (1988) Relapse cell population differs from acute onset clone as shown by absence of the initially activated N-ras oncogene in a patient with acute myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol. 72, H. 3. pp. 931-935.

Senn, H. P. and Tran-Thang, C. and Wodnar-Filipowicz, A. and Jiricny, J. and Fopp, M. and Gratwohl, A. and Signer, E. and Weber, W. and Moroni, C.. (1988) Mutation analysis of the N-ras proto-oncogene in active and remission phase of human acute leukemias. International journal of cancer, Vol. 41, H. 1. pp. 59-64.

Silver, P. A. and Hall, M. N.. (1988) Transport of proteins into the nucleus. In: Protein transfer and organelle biogenesis. San Diego, Calif., pp. 749-769.

Sory, M. P. and Cornelis, G.. (1988) Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 as a potential live oral carrier for protective antigens. Microbial pathogenesis, Vol. 4, H. 6. pp. 431-442.

Stegemann, Ekkehard W.. (1988) Christliche Wurzeln der Judenfeindschaft, vom Neuen Testament bis heute : Markus Mattmüller zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Reformatio, Jg. 37, Nr. 5. pp. 366-379.

Stegemann, Ekkehard W.. (1988) Der Esel des Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Reformatio, Jg. 37, Nr. 6. p. 486.

Stegemann, Ekkehard W.. (1988) Letzter Sonntag nach Epiphanias – 15.1.1989: Johannes 12,34-36(37-41), 10. Sonntag nach Trinitatis – 7.8.1988: Römer 9,1-5.31-10,4. Pastoraltheologie, Jg. 77, H. 11. pp. 93-98.

Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph and Göbel, D.. (1988) The relative importance of history and symptoms in child psychiatric diagnosis. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 237 (3). pp. 156-160.

Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph and Offer, D. and Ostrov, E. and Howard, K. I.. (1988) Transcultural Comparisons of Self-Image in German and United States Adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 17 (6). pp. 515-525.

Sterchi, E. E. and Naim, H. Y. and Lentze, M. J. and Hauri, H. P. and Fransen, J. A.. (1988) N-benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic acid hydrolase : a metalloendopeptidase of the human intestinal microvillus membrane which degrades biologically active peptides. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vol. 265, H. 1. pp. 105-118.

Stick, R. and Angres, B. and Lehner, C. F. and Nigg, E. A.. (1988) The fates of chicken nuclear lamin proteins during mitosis : evidence for a reversible redistribution of lamin B2 between inner nuclear membrane and elements of the endoplasmic reticulum. The Journal of cell biology, Vol. 107, H. 2. pp. 397-406.

Stieger, B. and Matter, K. and Baur, B. and Bucher, K. and Hochli, M. and Hauri, H. P.. (1988) Dissection of the asynchronous transport of intestinal microvillar hydrolases to the cell surface. The Journal of cell biology, Vol. 106, H. 6. pp. 1853-1861.

Storch, V. and Holm, Patricia and Ruhberg, H.. (1988) Ultrastructure and histochemistry of the alimentary tract in some onychophora - Zur Ultrastruktur und Histochemie des Darmkanals verschiedener Onychophora. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 221. pp. 281-294.

Straumann, E. and Keller, U. and Kraenzlin, M. and Girard, J. and Thelin, A. and Arnaud, M. and Perruchoud, A. and Stauffacher, W.. (1988) Interaction of cortisol and epinephrine in the regulation of leucine kinetics in man. Experientia, Vol. 44, Nr. 2. pp. 176-178.

Stückelberger, Johannes. (1988) Kunst für das Volk - zwischen Historismus und Heimatkunst. Albert Weltis Landsgemein-defresko im Bundeshaus in Bern. In: "Der sanfte Trug des Berner Milieus" : Künstler und Emigranten, 1910-1920. Bern, pp. 72-97.

Tsertos, H. and Kozhuharov, C. and Armbruster, P. and Kienle, P. and Krusche, B. and Schreckenbach, K.. (1988) New limits for resonant Bhabha scattering around the invariant mass of 1.8 MeV/c². Zeitschrift für Physik. A, Hadrons and nuclei, Vol. 331, H. 1. pp. 103-104.

Tsertos, H. and Kozhuharov, C. and Armbruster, P. and Kienle, P. and Krusche, B. and Schreckenbach, K.. (1988) Sensitive search for neutral resonances in Bhabha scattering around 1.8 MeV/c². Physics letters. B, Vol. 207, H. 3. pp. 273-277.

Wessels, H. P. and Spiess, M.. (1988) Insertion of a multispanning membrane protein occurs sequentially and requires only one signal sequence. Cell, Vol. 55, H. 1. pp. 61-70.

Widmer, A. and Keller, U. and Pasquel, M. and Berger, W.. (1988) Alterations in insulin clearance and hepatic blood flow during the night do not contribute to the "dawn phenomenon" in type 1 diabetes. Hormone research, Vol. 29, H. 5-6. pp. 1-6.

Wolf, H. and Ronacher, B. and Reichert, H.. (1988) Patterned synaptic drive to locust flight motoneurons after hemisection of thoracic ganglia. Journal of comparative physiology, Vol. 163. pp. 761-769.

Zanger, U. M. and Hauri, H. P. and Loeper, J. and Homberg, J. C. and Meyer, U. A.. (1988) Antibodies against human cytochrome P-450db1 in autoimmune hepatitis type II. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 85, H. 21. pp. 8256-8260.


Engler, Balz and Kreis, Georg, eds. (1988) Das Festspiel : Formen, Funktionen, Perspektiven. Schweizer Theaterjahrbuch, Nr. 49. Willisau.

Kaufmann, Horst Albert and Huwiler, Bruno, eds. (1988) Das neue Ehe- und Erbrecht des ZGB mit seiner Übergangsordnung und seinen Auswirkungen auf das Scheidungs-, Miet-, Handels-, Steuer- und Betreibungsrecht : Berner Tage für die juristische Praxis 1987. Bern.

Schwenzer, Ingeborg and Limbach, Jutta, eds. (1988) Familie ohne Ehe. Schriften des Deutschen Juristinnenbundes, Bd. 3. Frankfurt/M. [etc.].

Stegemann, Ekkehard W. and Brändle, Rudolf, eds. (1988) Franz Overbecks unerledigte Anfragen an das Christentum. München.

Winter, Gundolf and Hees, Daniel, eds. (1988) Kreativität und Werkerfahrung : Festschrift für Ilse Krahl zum 65. Geburtstag. Duisburger Studien, Bd. 13. Duisburg.

Terzoli, Maria Antonietta, ed. (1988) Lettere a Giovanni Papini : 1915-1948. Saggi e testi. Milano.

Lienemann-Perrin, Christine and Lienemann Wolfgang, , eds. (1988) Political legitimacy in South Africa : freedom charter over against minority rule. Heidelberg : Johannesburg.

Lienemann-Perrin, Christine and Lienemann Wolfgang, , eds. (1988) Politische Legitimität in Südafrika : Freiheits-Charta gegen Minderheitsherrschaft. Texte und Materialien der Forschungsstätte der evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft. Reihe A, Nr. 27. Heidelberg.

Angehrn, Emil. (1988) Die Geschichtlichkeit des Subjekts in der Phänomenologie Merleau-Pontys. In: Wegbereiter der Historischen Psychologie. München, pp. 202-210.

Beyer, Andreas. (1988) Leben in Gegenwart des Vergangenen : Carl Justi, Jacob Burckhardt und Ferdinand Gregorovius in Rom vor dem Hintergrund der italienischen Einigung. In: Rom - Paris - London, S.289-300. Stuttgart.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1988) Einleitung zu: Karl Prantl, der Stein im Richisau. In: Karl Prantl : Der Stein im Richisau. St. Gallen.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1988) Kunst als Erkenntnis : über einige Grundlagen der Moderne. Zug.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1988) Mythos als bildnerischer Prozess. In: Mythos Europa : Europa und der Stier im Zeitalter der industriellen Zivilisation : Kunsthalle Bremen, 29.5. - 7.8.1988 : Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, 15.9. - 16.10.1988. Hamburg, pp. 21-29.

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