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Ackermann, Felix. Die Cappella Albertoni-Altieri in San Francesco a Ripa: Versuch einer Neuinterpretation von Berninis Intervention. 1990, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Affolter, M. and Percival-Smith, A. and Muller, M. and Leupin, W. and Gehring, W. J.. (1990) DNA binding properties of the purified Antennapedia homeodomain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 87, H. 11. pp. 4093-4097.

Affolter, M. and Schier, A. and Gehring, W. J.. (1990) Homeodomain proteins and the regulation of gene expression. Current opinion in cell biology, Vol. 2, H. 3. pp. 485-495.

Alderson, R. F. and Alterman, A. L. and Barde, Y. A. and Lindsay, R. M.. (1990) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor increases survival and differentiated functions of rat septal cholinergic neurons in culture. Neuron, Vol. 5, H. 3. pp. 297-306.

Angehrn, Emil. (1990) Ortsbestimmungen des Politischen : neuere Literatur zu Thomas Hobbes. Philosophische Rundschau, 37. pp. 1-26.


Barde, Y. A.. (1990) The nerve growth factor family. Progress in Growth Factor Research, Vol. 2, H. 4. pp. 237-248.

Beckmann, N. and Seelig, J. and Wick, H.. (1990) Analysis of glycogen storage disease by in vivo 13C NMR : comparison of normal volunteers with a patient. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 16 (1). pp. 150-160.

Behnisch, Urs. (1990) Internationale Rechtshilfe durch die Schweiz bei Steuervergehen. Steuerliche Vierteljahresschrift, 2 , S. 320 ff..

Bellen, H. J. and Wilson, C. and Gibson, G. and Grossniklaus, U. and Pearson, R. K. and O'Kane, C. and Gehring, W. J.. (1990) P-element-mediated enhancer detection allows rapid identification of developmentally regulated genes and cell specific markers in Drosophila. Journal de Physiologie, Vol. 84, H. 1. pp. 33-41.

Bernhardt, Reinhold. (1990) An Karl Barth. In: Verehrter Galileo. Gütersloh, pp. 145-150.

Beschiaschvili, G. and Seelig, J.. (1990) Melittin binding to mixed phosphatidylglycerol/phosphatidylcholine membranes. Biochemistry, Vol. 29, H. 1. pp. 52-58.

Beschiaschvili, G. and Seelig, J.. (1990) Peptide binding to lipid bilayers : binding isotherms and zeta-potential of a cyclic somatostatin analogue. Biochemistry, Vol. 29, H. 49. pp. 10995-11000.

Bettler, B. and Boulter, J. and Hermans-Borgmeyer, I. and O'Shea-Greenfield, A. and Deneris, E. S. and Moll, C. and Borgmeyer, U. and Hollmann, M. and Heinemann, S.. (1990) Cloning of a novel glutamate receptor subunit, GluR5 : expression in the nervous system during development. Neuron, Vol. 5, H. 5. pp. 583-595.

Beyer, Andreas. (1990) Roberto Longhi : 1890-1970. In: Altmeister moderner Kunstgeschichte. Berlin, pp. 251-266.

Bickel, Susanne. (1990) Die koptischen Graffiti im Grab Ramses' IV. In: Zwei ramessidische Königsgräber: Ramses IV. und Ramses VII. Mainz, pp. 134-137.

Bierl, Anton. (1990) Dionysus, Wine, and Tragic Poetry : a metatheatrical reading of P. Köln VI 242A = TrGF II F 646a. Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, Vol. 31 , S. 353–391.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) "Das einzig irdisch Bleibende" : über Kunst und Geschichte bei Jacob Burckhardt. In: Fermentum massae mundi : Jackowi Wozsniakowskiemu w siedemdziesiata rocznice urodzin [Festschrift Jacek Wozniakowski] / Red.: Nawojka Cieslinska ... [et al.]. Warszawa, pp. 363-372.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) "in ein ander über" : Anmerkungen zur Malerei Gerhard Hoehmes. In: Gerhard Hoehme : l'Etna : Mythos und Wirklichkeit : Saarbrücken, Saarland-Museum, 4.2. - 11.3.1990. Saarbrücken, pp. 11-27.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Abstraktion und Realität : zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Kunstphilosophie in der Moderne. Philosophisches Jahrbuch, Jg. 97. pp. 225-237.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Alberto, porträtierend. In: La mamma a Stampa : Annetta - gesehen von Giovanni und Alberto Giacometti. Chur, pp. 132-171.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Annette IX. Beiträge zu Kunstwerken der Gottfried Keller-Stiftung. pp. 97-100.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Bild versus Wort. In: In Erscheinung treten : Heinrich Barths Philosophie des Ästhetischen. Basel, pp. 261-273.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Das neue Bild der Natur : nach dem Ende der Landschaftsmalerei. Kunst und Kirche, 1990, H. 4. pp. 201-207.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Die Antwort des Auges. Thema : Magazin für Forschung und Wissenschaft an den Schweizer Hochschulen, Nr. 9. pp. 23-27.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Ikonoklastik und Transzendenz : der historische Hintergrund. In: Gegenwart Ewigkeit : Spuren des Transzendenten in der Kunst unserer Zeit. Stuttgart, pp. 27-34.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Sinnlicher Sinn. In: Über die Wahrheit in der Malerei, Symposium über Wahrnehmung und Individualität. Wien, pp. 49-53.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1990) Über die Konsistenz ästhetischer Erfahrung. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Jg.36,4. pp. 469-480.

Boyer, J. L. and Meier, P. J.. (1990) Characterizing mechanisms of hepatic bile acid transport utilizing isolated membrane vesicles. Biomembranes, part W. pp. 517-533.

Breitenmoser, Stephan. (1990) [Buchbesprechung von] Raisonner la raison d'Etat, Travaux du séminaire "Politique Criminelle et Droits de l'homme" organiseé par Mireille Delmas-Marty (1989). Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 50. pp. 423-425.

Breitenmoser, Stephan and Wilms, Günther E.. (1990) Human Rights v. Extradition : the Soering Case. Michigan Journal of international law, Vol. 11. pp. 845-886.

Bruder, C.. (1990) Andreev scattering in anisotropic superconductors. Physical review B, Vol. 41, H. 7. pp. 4017-4032.

Bruder, C. and Blatter, G. and Rice, T. M.. (1990) Ballistic quasiparticle propagation and symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. Physical Review B, Vol. 42, H. 7, Part B. pp. 4812-4814.

Burckhardt, Leonhard. (1990) The political Elite of the Roman Republic : comments on recent Discussion of the Concepts of 'nobilitas' and 'homo novus'. Historia, Bd. 39. pp. 77-99.

Burghartz, Susanna. (1990) Leib, Ehre und Gut : Delinquenz in Zürich Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts. Zürich.

Buser, Denise. (1990) Der Anzug im baselstädtischen Parlamentsrecht. Basel.

Böni-Schnetzler, M. and Schmid, C. and Mary, J. L. and Zimmerli, B. and Meier, P. J. and Zapf, J. and Schwander, J. and Froesch, E. R.. (1990) Insulin regulates the expression of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 mRNA in rat hepatocytes. Molecular endocrinology, Vol. 4, H. 9. pp. 1320-1326.


Caflisch, C. and Zimmerli, B. and Reichen, J. and Meier, P. J.. (1990) Cholate uptake in basolateral rat liver plasma membrane vesicles and in liposomes. Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 1021, H. 1. pp. 70-76.

Cerdan, S. and Kunnecke, B. and Seelig, J.. (1990) Cerebral metabolism of [1,2-13C2]acetate as detected by in vivo and in vitro 13C NMR. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 265 , no. 22. pp. 12916-12926.

Cerdan, S. and Seelig, J.. (1990) NMR studies of metabolism. Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, Vol. 19. pp. 43-67.

Chavrier, P. and Parton, R. G. and Hauri, H. P. and Simons, K. and Zerial, M.. (1990) Localization of low molecular weight GTP binding proteins to exocytic and endocytic compartments. Cell, Vol. 62, H. 2. pp. 317-329.

China, B. and Michiels, T. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1990) The pYV plasmid of Yersinia encodes a lipoprotein, YlpA, related to TraT. Molecular microbiology, Vol. 4, H. 9. pp. 1585-1593.

Chung, L. Y. and Constable, E. C. and Dale, A. R. and Khan, M. S. and Liptrot, M. C. and Lewis, J. and Raithby, P. R.. (1990) The transient template effect : chromium(III)-directed syntheses of metal-free macrocyclic ligands and crystal structure of 1,11-bis(2′-hydroxyethyl)-4,8;12,16;17,21-trinitrilo-1,2,10,11-tetra-azacyclohenicosa-2,4,6,9,12,14,18,20-octaene hydrochloride tetrahydrate. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1990, H. 4. pp. 1397-1404.

Constable, E. C. and King, A. C.. (1990) The reactivity of rhodium(II) metal-metal bonded systems with nitrogen and sulfur donor ligands. Abstracts of papers / American Chemical Society, Vol. 200 , S. 204-INOR.

Constable, E. C. and Palmer, C. A. and Tocher, D. A.. (1990) The synthesis, crystal and molecular-structure of mer-tris (2-pyridinethiolato) cobalt (III). Inorganica chimica acta, Vol. 176, H. 1. pp. 57-60.

Cornelis, G. R.. (1990) [The molecular basis of the virulence of Yersinia]. Bulletin et mémoires de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique, Vol. 145, no. 6-7 , S. 280-7; discussion 287.


Degen, Bernard. (1990) Die ersten 100 Maifeiern in der Schweiz. In: Vorwärts - und nicht vergessen. Zürich, pp. 12-21.

Degen, Bernard. (1990) Hundertmal 1. Mai in Basel.

Degen, Bernard. (1990) Krieg dem Kriege! : der Basler Friedenskongress der Sozialistischen Internationale von 1912. Basel.

Degen, Bernard. (1990) Les cent premières fêtes du 1er Mai en Suisse. In: Vorwärts - und nicht vergessen. Zürich, pp. 45-47.

Degen, Bernard. (1990) Vom Fest zur Demo zum Ritual zur Buntheit : 100 Jahre Maifeiern in der Schweiz.

Degen, Bernard. (1990) Wie zufällig ist unser Nationalfeiertag?

Delor, I. and Kaeckenbeeck, A. and Wauters, G. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1990) Nucleotide sequence of yst, the Yersinia enterocolitica gene encoding the heat-stable enterotoxin, and prevalence of the gene among pathogenic and nonpathogenic yersiniae. Infection and immunity, Vol. 58, H. 9. pp. 2983-2988.

Den Boer, Harm. (1990) De Spaans- en Portugeestalige literatuur van de Sefardische joden van Amsterdam: tussen status en identiteit. De Zeventiende Eeuw: cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief , 6 (1). pp. 152-158.

Den Boer, Harm. (1990) Francisco de Caceres, litterator en koopman in talen te Amsterdam. In: Een gulden kleinood. Liber amicorum aangeboden aan de heer D. Goudsmit ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als bibliothecaris van `Ets Haim/Libraria Montezinos` van de Portugees-Israëlietische Gemeente te Amsterdam. Apeldoorn, pp. 55-70.

Desmoulin, F. and Seelig, J.. (1990) A homonuclear shift correlated and spatially localized spectroscopy using stimulated echoes. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14 (1). pp. 160-168.


Engler, Balz. (1990) Poetry and community. Tübingen.


Felber, Christine. Studien zum Palazzo Papale von Orvieto. 1990, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Flammer, August and Kasier, Florian G. and Lüthi, Ruth and Grob, Alexander. (1990) Kontrollmeinungen und Selbstwissen. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 49. pp. 159-172.

Fleury, Hans-Peter. Die Konzeption des Reliefs im Oeuvre Walter Bodmers. 1990, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Furger, A. R. and Schwarz, P. -A. and Müller, U. and Hürbin, W. and Oxé, E.. (1990) Hauptabteilung Augusta Raurica : Jahresbericht 1989. Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst, 11. pp. 5-23.


Gampp, Axel. Magnificenza Barberina - Studien zur Chiesa di Santa Rosalia in Palestrina. 1990, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Gampp, Axel Christoph. (1990) Zur 'Informellen Tätigkeit' von Verbänden. In: Politische und gesellschaftliche intermediäre Gewalten im sozialen Rechtsstaat. Basel, pp. 205-234.

Gehring, W. J. and Muller, M. and Affolter, M. and Percival-Smith, A. and Billeter, M. and Qian, Y. Q. and Otting, G. and Wuthrich, K.. (1990) The structure of the homeodomain and its functional implications. Trends in Genetics, Vol. 6, no. 10. pp. 323-329.

Gerson, Daniel. (1990) Die Ausschreitungen gegen die Juden im Elsass 1848. Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts, Nr. 87 , S. 29-44= N.F. Jg. 29.

Gibson, G. and Schier, A. and LeMotte, P. and Gehring, W. J.. (1990) The specificities of Sex combs reduced and Antennapedia are defined by a distinct portion of each protein that includes the homeodomain. Cell, Vol. 62, H. 6. pp. 1087-1103.

Glauser, Jürg. (1990) Romances, rímur, chapbooks : problems of popular literature in late medieval and early modern Scandinavia. Parergon, Vol. 8, H. 2. pp. 37-52.

Griffiths, G. and Hollinshead, R. and Hemmings, B. A. and Nigg, E. A.. (1990) Ultrastructural localization of the regulatory (RII) subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase to subcellular compartments active in endocytosis and recycling of membrane receptors. Journal of cell science, Vol. 96, H. 4. pp. 691-703.

Grubenmann, Beatrice. Das St. Galler Evangeliar - Struktur, Ornamentik und Ikonographie einer irischen Handschrift aus dem 8. Jh. 1990, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Grözinger, Albrecht. (1990) Christologie und Ästhetik : die Lichterlehre Karl Barths in ihrer Bedeutsamkeit für die Praktische Theologie. In: Lobet Gott. München, pp. 40-46.

Grözinger, Albrecht. (1990) Ästhetisches Engagement und ästhetische Distanzierung beim Aufbau lebensgeschichtlicher Erfahrung. In: Wer schreibt meine Lebensgeschichte?. Gütersloh, pp. 155-162.

Gygax, Franziska. (1990) Serious daring from within : female narrative strategies in Eudora Welty's novels. Contributions in women's studies, no. 114. Westport (Conn.) : London.


Hader, O. and Bahr, V. and Hensen, J. and Hofbauer, K. G. and Oelkers, W. K.. (1990) Effects of a V1-vasopressin antagonist on ACTH release following vasopressin infusion or insulin-induced hypoglycemia in normal men. Acta Endocrinologica, Vol. 123, H. 6. pp. 622-628.

Hafner, H. P. and Muller, S. and Seelig, J.. (1990) Numerical analysis of multislice MR excitation and inversion with multifrequency selective rf pulses. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 13 (2). pp. 279-292.

Hafner, H. P. and Radu, E. and Seelig, J.. (1990) Two-volume acquisition in image-guided proton spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 15 (1). pp. 135-141.

Hagemeister, Michael. (1990) P.A. Florenskijs "Wiederkehr" : Materialien zu einer Bibliographie (1985-1989). Ostkirchliche Studien, Vol. 39, H. 2/3. pp. 119-145.

Hagenbuch, B. and Lübbert, H. and Stieger, B. and Meier, P. J.. (1990) Expression of the hepatocyte Na+/bile acid cotransporter in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 265, no. 10. pp. 5357-5360.

Hall, M. N. and Craik, C. and Hiraoka, Y.. (1990) Homeodomain of yeast repressor alpha 2 contains a nuclear localization signal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 87 (18). pp. 6954-6958.

Hauser, Stephan. Das Problem der Meta-Ironie bei Marcel Duchamp. Eine kunsttheoretische Untersuchung. 1990, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Hauss, T. and Grzesiek, S. and Otto, H. and Westerhausen, J. and Heyn, M. P.. (1990) Transmembrane Location of Retinal in Bacteriorhodopsin By Neutron-Diffraction. Biochemistry, Vol. 29, H. 20. pp. 4904-4913.

Heininger, U. and Ries, M. and Christ, P. and Harms, D.. (1990) Simultaneous palsy of facial and vestibular nerve in a child with Lyme borreliosis. European Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 149, H. 11. pp. 781-782.

Hofer, M. and Pagliusi, S. R. and Hohn, A. and Leibrock, J. and Barde, Y. A.. (1990) Regional distribution of brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA in the adult mouse brain. The EMBO journal, Vol. 9, H. 8. pp. 2459-2464.

Hohn, A. and Leibrock, J. and Bailey, K. and Barde, Y. A.. (1990) Identification and characterization of a novel member of the nerve growth factor/brain-derived neurotrophic factor family. Nature, Vol. 344. pp. 339-341.

Hunziker, Edith. Studien zum Warmund-Sakramentar in Ivrea. 1990, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Jaeggi-Groisman, S. E. and Keller, S. and Zimmerli, B. and Meier, P. J. and Froesch, E. R.. (1990) Polar surface distribution of type II insulin-like growth factor receptor in rat hepatocytes. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, Vol. 74, H. 1. pp. 69-74.

Jegge, Alexander. Erzählweisen des Phantastischen bei Füssli und Wieland. 1990, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Judge, S. M. and Krusche, B. and Schreckenbach, K. and Tsertos, H. and Kienle, P.. (1990) Search for long-lived neutral resonances in Bhabha scattering around 1.8 MeV/c². Physical review letters, Vol. 65, H. 8. pp. 972-975.


Keller, U.. (1990) Lipidsenkende Therapie zur Pravention der koronaren Herzkrankheit. Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin PRAXIS, Vol. 79, H. 39. pp. 1120-1124.

Keller, U.. (1990) Medikamente gegen Übergewicht. Therapeutische Umschau, Bd. 47, H. 8. pp. 658-663.

Keller, U.. (1990) Serumcholesterin von Schweizer Wehrmännern und Erhebung über die Ernährung im Militärdienst. Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin Praxis = Revue suisse de médecine PRAXIS, Vol. 79, H. 38. pp. 1079-1084.

Keller, U. and Golay, A. and Pometta, D.. (1990) Dyslipidamie bei Diabetes mellitus : Bedeutung, Diagnostik und Behandlung. Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin PRAXIS, Vol. 79, H. 41. pp. 1199-1204.

Keller, U. and Kraenzlin, M. E. and Gratwohl, A. and Thelin, A. and Straumann, E. and Arnaud, M. J. and Speck, B. and Stauffacher, W.. (1990) Protein metabolism assessed by 1-13C leucine infusions in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, Vol. 14, H. 5. pp. 480-484.

Koller, Heinrich. (1990) Aids als gesundheitspolitische und rechtspolitische Herausforderung. Recht und Aids, 1990. pp. 7-17.

Koller, Heinrich. (1990) Auswirkungen der Übernahme des "acquis communautaire" auf die schweizerische Rechtsordnung. Recht, Jg. 8. pp. 123-128.

Koller, Heinrich. (1990) Das bodenrechtliche Sofortprogramm im Siedlungsbereich : Entstehungsgeschichte und Konzept. In: Dringliches Bodenrecht. Zürich, pp. 9-17.

Koller, Heinrich. (1990) Gebietsveränderung im Bundesstaat : Ansichten und Aussichten nach dem Laufental-Entscheid. In: Festgabe Alfred Rötheli zum fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag. - Solothurn : Staatskanzlei des Kantons Solothurn, cop. 1990. pp. 173-191.

Krusche, B. and Schreckenbach, K.. (1990) Intense positron sources by pair creation with neutron capture γ-rays. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, Vol. 295, H. 1-2. pp. 155-171.


Landmann, L. and Meier, P. J. and Bianchi, L.. (1990) Bile duct ligation-induced redistribution of canalicular antigen in rat hepatocyte plasma membranes demonstrated by immunogold quantitation. Histochemistry, Vol. 94, H. 4. pp. 373-379.

Lang, K. M. and Keller, W.. (1990) Sequence requirements in different steps of the pre-mRNA splicing reaction : analysis by the RNA modification-exclusion technique. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 10 (9). pp. 4942-4947.

Leimgruber, Walter. (1990) Kalter Krieg um Afrika. die amerikanische Afrikapolitik unter Präsident Kennedy, 1961-1963. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, 47. Stuttgart.

Lienemann-Perrin, Christine. (1990) Sünde und Versöhnung im Kontext staatlicher Repression – untersucht an Beispielen aus Südkorea und Südafrika. Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie, Jg. 6. pp. 149-160.

Link, J. and Seelig, J.. (1990) Comparison of deuterium NMR imaging methods and applications to plants. Journal of magnetic resonance, Vol. 89. pp. 310-330.

Lippincott-Schwartz, J. and Donaldson, J. G. and Schweizer, A. and Berger, E. G. and Hauri, H. P. and Yuan, L. C. and Klausner, R. D.. (1990) Microtubule-dependent retrograde transport of proteins into the ER in the presence of brefeldin A suggests an ER recycling pathway. Cell, Vol. 60, H. 5. pp. 821-836.

Loss, D.. (1990) Linear quantum enskog equation (1.: Homogeneous quantum fluids ; 2.: Inhomogeneous quantum fluids). Journal of statistical physics, Vol. 59, H. 3/4 (1990), S. 691-723 (T. 1) ; Vol. 61, H. 1/2 (1990), S. 467-493 (T. 2).

Loss, D. and Goldbart, P. and Balatsky, A. V.. (1990) Berry’s phase and persistent charge and spin currents in textured mesoscopic rings. Physical review letters, Vol. 65, H. 13. pp. 1655-1658.

Loss, D. and Thellung, A. and Turski, L. A.. (1990) Quantum Boltzmann-Lorentz model approach to the line-shape problem. Physical review A, General physics, Vol. 41, H. 6. pp. 3005-3015.

Lüscher, Barbara. (1990) Untersuchungen zu ägyptischen Kanopenkästen : vom Alten Reich bis zum Ende der Zweiten Zwischenzeit. Hildesheimer ägyptologische Beiträge, 31. Hildesheim.


Maridor, G. and Krek, W. and Nigg, E. A.. (1990) Structure and developmental expression of chicken nucleolin and NO38 : coordinate expression of two abundant non-ribosomal nucleolar proteins. Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 1049, H. 2. pp. 126-133.

Maridor, G. and Nigg, E. A.. (1990) cDNA sequences of chicken nucleolin/C23 and NO38/B23 : two major nucleolar proteins. Nucleic Acids Research, 18 (5). p. 1286.

Marti, U. and Hauri, H. P. and Meyer, U. A.. (1990) Induction of cytochrome P450 by phenobarbital in rat liver visualized by monoclonal antibody immunoelectron microscopy in situ. European journal of cell biology, Vol. 52, H. 2. pp. 193-200.

Mathys, Hans-Peter. (1990) Liebe deinen Nächsten wie dich selbst : Untersuchungen zum alttestamentlichen Gebot der Nächstenliebe (Lev 19, 18). Orbis biblicus et orientalis, 71. Freiburg (Schweiz) : Göttingen.

Matter, K. and Brauchbar, M. and Bucher, K. and Hauri, H. P.. (1990) Sorting of endogenous plasma membrane proteins occurs from two sites in cultured human intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2). Cell, Vol. 60, H. 3. pp. 429-437.

Matter, K. and Bucher, K. and Hauri, H. P.. (1990) Microtubule perturbation retards both the direct and the indirect apical pathway but does not affect sorting of plasma membrane proteins in intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2). The EMBO journal, Vol. 9, H. 10. pp. 3163-3170.

Matter, K. and Stieger, B. and Klumperman, J. and Ginsel, L. and Hauri, H. P.. (1990) Endocytosis, recycling, and lysosomal delivery of brush border hydrolases in cultured human intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2). Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 265 , no. 6. pp. 3503-3512.

Meier, P. J. and Bansky, G.. (1990) Neue Möglichkeiten in der Therapie der hepatischen Enzephalopathie? Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, Jg. 120, Nr. 15. pp. 553-556.

Meier, P. J. and Boyer, J. L.. (1990) Preparation of basolateral (sinusoidal) and canalicular plasma membrane vesicles for the study of hepatic transport processes. Biomembranes, part W. pp. 534-545.

Meier, T. and Reichert, H.. (1990) Embryonic development and evolutionary origin of the Orthopteran auditory organs. Journal of neurobiology, Vol. 21, H. 4. pp. 592-610.

Meyer, E. and Heinzelmann, H. and Brodbeck, D. and Overney, G. and Howald, L. and Guntherodt, H. J.. (1990) Atomic force microscopy : high-resolution and contrast mechanism. Helvetica physica acta, Vol. 63, H. 6. pp. 793-794.

Meyer, E. and Heinzelmann, H. and Rudin, H. and Guntherodt, H. J.. (1990) Atomic resolution on LiF (001) by atomic force microscopy. Zeitschrift für Physik. B, Condensed matter, Vol. 79, H. 1. pp. 3-4.

Meyer, E. and Wiesendanger, R. and Anselmetti, D. and Hidber, H. R. and Guntherodt, H. J. and Levy, F. and Berger, H.. (1990) Different Response of Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy to Charge Density Waves. Journal of vacuum science & technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces and films, Vol. 8, H. 1. pp. 495-499.

Michiels, T. and Wattiau, P. and Brasseur, R. and Ruysschaert, J. M. and Cornelis, G.. (1990) Secretion of Yop proteins by Yersiniae. Infection and immunity, Vol. 58, H. 9. pp. 2840-2849.

Mlodzik, M. and Gibson, G. and Gehring, W. J.. (1990) Effects of ectopic expression of caudal during Drosophila development. Development, Vol. 109, H. 2. pp. 271-277.

Mohr, Hubert and Cancik, Hubert. (1990) Erinnerung/Gedächtnis. In: Handbuch religionswissenschaftlicher Grundbegriffe. Bd. 2, Apokalyptik - Geschichte. Stuttgart, pp. 299-323.

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