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Affolter, M. and Walldorf, U. and Kloter, U. and Schier, A. F. and Gehring, W. J.. (1993) Regional repression of a Drosophila POU box gene in the endoderm involves inductive interactions between germ layers. Development, Vol. 117, H. 4. pp. 1199-1210.

Alewell, C.. (1993) Effects of organic sulfur compounds on extraction and determination of inorganic sulfate. Plant and soil, Vol. 149, H. 1. pp. 141-144.

Alewell, C. and Matzner, E.. (1993) Reversibility of soil solution acidity and of sulfate retention in acid forest soils. Water, air and soil pollution, Vol. 71, no. 1/2. pp. 155-165.

Angehrn, Emil. (1993) Das unvollendete Projekt der Demokratie : [Rezension von Jürgen Habermas, Faktizität und Geltung, Beiträge zur Diskurstheorie des Rechts und des demokratischen Rechtsstaats]. Philosophische Rundschau, Bd. 40, H. 4. pp. 257-264.

Angehrn, Emil. (1993) Zivilgesellschaft und Staat : Anmerkungen zu einer Diskussion. Politisches Denken, 1992. pp. 145-158.

Anglister, J. and Bax, A. and Delaglio, F. and Grzesiek, S. and Vuister, G. W.. (1993) Recent Advances in the Study of Isotopically Enriched Proteins. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 1993. p. 243.

Anglister, J. and Grzesiek, S. and Ren, H. and Klee, C. B. and Bax, A.. (1993) Isotope-Edited Multidimensional NMR of Calcineurin-B in the Presence of the Non-Deuterated Detergent Chaps. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 3 (1). pp. 121-126.

Armbruster, Georg F. J.. (1993) Morphometrie und Genitalanatomie zweier süddeutscher Populationen von Cochlicopa nitens (Gallenstein, 1848) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Cochlicopidae). Malakologische Abhandlungen, 16 (2). pp. 141-145.

Awschalom, D. D. and Divincenzo, D. P. and Grinstein, G. and Loss, D.. (1993) Comment on "Have resonance experiments seen macroscopic quantum coherence in magnetic particles?" : "The case from power absorption". Physical review letters, Vol. 71, H. 25. p. 4276.

Awschalom, D. D. and Smyth, J. F. and Grinstein, G. and Divincenzo, D. P. and Loss, D.. (1993) [Erratum] Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in Magnetic Proteins (Vol. 68, PG 3092, 1992). Physical review letters, Vol. 71, H. 25. p. 4279.

Bax, A. and Grzesiek, S.. (1993) Methodological Advances in Protein NMR. Accounts of chemical research, Vol. 26, H. 4. pp. 131-138.

Bax, A. and Grzesiek, S.. (1993) Methodological Advances in Protein NMR. In: NMR of proteins. Basingstoke, pp. 33-52.

Beckmann, N. and Fried, R. and Turkalj, I. and Seelig, J. and Keller, U. and Stalder, G.. (1993) Noninvasive observation of hepatic glycogen formation in man by 13C MRS after oral and intravenous glucose administration. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 29 (5). pp. 583-590.

Behnisch, Urs. (1993) Steuerharmonisierung : Steuerstrafrecht. Archiv für schweizerisches Abgaberecht, 61 (1992/1993). pp. 457-473.

Behnisch, Urs. (1993) Verdeckte Gewinnausschüttungen und Steuerstrafrecht : schwerwiegende Sanktionen in einem komplexen Rechtsgebiet. Der Schweizer Treuhänder, 67 , Nr. 5. pp. 379-384.

Bernhardt, Reinhold. (1993) Der Absolutheitsanspruch des Christentums : ein theologisches Problem. Die Zeichen der Zeit, Jg. 47. pp. 52-58.

Bernhardt, Reinhold. (1993) Interreligiöse Bilder und Gleichnisse. Dialog der Religionen, Jg. 3. pp. 64-79.

Berr, F. and Meier, P. J. and Stieger, B.. (1993) Evidence for the presence of a phosphatidylcholine translocator in isolated rat liver canalicular plasma membrane vesicles. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 268, no. 6. pp. 3976-3679.

Bickel, Susanne and Chappaz, Jean-Luc. (1993) Le Spéos Artémidos. Dossiers d'Archéologie, No. 187. pp. 94-101.

Bickel, Susanne and Mathieu, Bernard. (1993) L'écrivain Amennakht et son Enseignement. Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, T. 93. pp. 31-51.

Bienroth, S. and Keller, W. and Wahle, E.. (1993) Assembly of a processive messenger RNA polyadenylation complex. The EMBO Journal, 12 (2). pp. 585-594.

Bierl, Anton. (1993) [Rezension von] Karelisa V. Hartigan, Ambiguity and Self–Deception. The Apollo and Artemis Plays of Euripides, Frankfurt a. M., Bern, New York, Paris 1991 (Studien zur klassischen Philologie 50). Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Bd. 114 , S. 24–29.

Bloesch, D. and Keller, U. and Spinas, G. A. and Kury, D. and Girard, J. and Stauffacher, W.. (1993) Effects of endotoxin on leucine and glucose kinetics in man : contribution of prostaglandin E2 assessed by a cyclooxygenase inhibitor. Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, Vol. 77, H. 5. pp. 1156-1163.

Bogli, U. and Blatter, A. and Bachli, A. and Luthi, R. and Meyer, E.. (1993) Characterization of laser-irradiated surfaces of a polycrystalline diamond film with an atomic-force microscope. Diamond And Related Materials, Vol. 2, H. 5-7. pp. 924-927.

Borasio, G. D. and Markus, A. and Wittinghofer, A. and Barde, Y. A. and Heumann, R.. (1993) Involvement of ras p21 in neurotrophin-induced response of sensory, but not sympathetic neurons. The Journal of cell biology, Vol. 121, H. 3. pp. 665-672.

Bossard, R. and Stieger, B. and O'Neill, B. and Fricker, G. and Meier, P. J.. (1993) Ethinylestradiol treatment induces multiple canalicular membrane transport alterations in rat liver. Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 91, H. 6. pp. 2714-2720.

Boyer, J. L. and Hagenbuch, B. and Ananthanarayanan, M. and Suchy, F. and Stieger, B. and Meier, P. J.. (1993) Phylogenic and ontogenic expression of hepatocellular bile acid transport. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 90, No. 2. pp. 435-438.

Breitenmoser, Stephan. (1993) Das Recht auf Achtung des Privat- und Familienlebens in der Schweizer Rechtsprechung zum Ausländerrecht. Europäische Grundrechte, Vol. 20. pp. 537-546.

Breitenmoser, Stephan. (1993) New developments in the interrelationship between sovereignty and human rights in international judicial assistance in criminal matters. In: Evolution of legal thought in Vilnius University and its impact on the statehood of Lithuania (Law 26/1992). Vilnius, pp. 13-21.

Brosi, R. and Hauri, H. P. and Kramer, A.. (1993) Separation of splicing factor SF3 into two components and purification of SF3a activity. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 268 , no. 23. pp. 17640-17646.

Bruder, C. and Fazio, R. and SCHÖN, G.. (1993) Superconductor–Mott-insulator transition in Bose systems with finite-range interactions. Physical Review B, Vol. 47, H. 1. pp. 342-347.

Bumbacher, Stephan Peter. (1993) The astronomical significance of Early Japanese architectural structures. Shadow, Vol. 10. pp. 44-53.

Chappaz, Jean-Luc and Bickel, Susanne. (1993) Un fragment attribué à un autel du Gem-pa-Jtm. Cahiers de Karnak, 9. pp. 121-131.

China, B. and Sory, M. P. and N'Guyen, B. T. and De Bruyere, M. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1993) Role of the YadA protein in prevention of opsonization of Yersinia enterocolitica by C3b molecules. Infection and immunity, Vol. 61, H. 8. pp. 3129-3136.

Constable, E. C.. (1993) Molecule, assemble thyself! Nature, Vol. 362. pp. 412-413.

Cornelis, G. R.. (1993) Role of the transcription activator virF and the histone-like protein YmoA in the thermoregulation of virulence functions in yersiniae. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie : International Journal of Medical Microbiology, Vol. 278, H. 2/3. pp. 149-164.

Dechant, G. and Biffo, S. and Okazawa, H. and Kolbeck, R. and Pottgiesser, J. and Barde, Y. A.. (1993) Expression and binding characteristics of the BDNF receptor chick trkB. Development, Vol. 119, H. 2. pp. 545-558.

Dechant, G. and Rodriguez-Tebar, A. and Kolbeck, R. and Barde, Y. A.. (1993) Specific high-affinity receptors for neurotrophin-3 on sympathetic neurons. Journal of neuroscience, Vol. 13, H. 6. pp. 2610-2616.

Dehio, C. and Grossmann, K. and Schell, J. and Schmulling, T.. (1993) Phenotype and hormonal status of transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing the rolA gene of Agrobacterium rhizogenes T-DNA. Plant Molecular Biology, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 1199-1210.

Dehio, C. and Schell, J.. (1993) Stable expression of a single-copy rolA gene in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants allows an exhaustive mutagenic analysis of the transgene-associated phenotype. Molecular and general genetics, Vol. 241, no. 3-4. pp. 359-366.

Döpfner, M. and Lehmkuhl, G. and Berner, W. and Schwitzgebel, P. and von Aster, M. and Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph. (1993) Die Psychopathologische Befund-Dokumentation: Ein Vergleich zur Beurteilung psychischer Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 21 (2). pp. 90-100.

Eckert, A. and Förstl, H. and Hartmann, H. and Müller, W. E.. (1993) Decreased beta-amyloid sensitivity in Alzheimer's disease. Lancet, Vol. 342, no. 8874. pp. 805-806.

Eckert, A. and Gann, H. and Riemann, D. and Aldenhoff, J. and Müller, W. E.. (1993) Elevated intracellular calcium levels after 5-HT2 receptor stimulation in platelets of depressed patients. Biological Psychiatry, Vol. 34, H. 8. pp. 565-568.

Eckert, A. and Hartmann, H. and Müller, W. E.. (1993) β-Amyloid protein enhances the mitogen-induced calcium response in circulating human lymphocytes. FEBS letters, Vol. 330, H. 1. pp. 49-52.

Eubanks, J. H. and Puranam, R. S. and Kleckner, N. W. and Bettler, B. and Heinemann, S. F. and McNamara, J. O.. (1993) The gene encoding the glutamate receptor subunit GluR5 is located on human chromosome 21q21.1-22.1 in the vicinity of the gene for familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 90, No. 1. pp. 178-182.

Eugster, H. P. and Probst, M. and Würgler, F. E. and Sengstag, C.. (1993) Caffeine, estradiol, and progesterone interact with human CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 : evidence from cDNA-directed expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Drug metabolism and disposition, Vol. 21, H. 1. pp. 43-49.

Frommer, J. and Luthi, R. and Meyer, E. and Anselmetti, D. and Dreier, M. and Overney, R. and Guntherodt, H. J. and Fujihira, M.. (1993) Adsorption at domain edges. Nature, Vol. 364, H. 6434. p. 198.

Furukubo-Tokunaga, K. and Flister, S. and Gehring, W. J.. (1993) Functional specificity of the Antennapedia homeodomain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 90, H. 13. pp. 6360-6364.

Gampp, Axel Christoph. (1993) Besprechung: Il Lazio meridionale tra Papato e Impero al tempo di Enrico VI. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Vol. 43, Nr. 3. pp. 449-450.

Geffen, I. and Fuhrer, C. and Leitinger, B. and Weiss, M. and Huggel, K. and Griffiths, G. and Spiess, M.. (1993) Related signals for endocytosis and basolateral sorting of the asialoglycoprotein receptor. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 268, H. 28. pp. 20772-20777.

Gehring, W. J.. (1993) Exploring the homeobox. Gene, Vol. 135, H. 1/2. pp. 215-221.

Glauser, Jürg. (1993) Eulenspiegels Sünden, Markolfs anderes Gesicht : Ausgrenzungs- und Disziplinierungsprozesse in der skandinavischen Populärliteratur. Ethnologia Europaea, vol. 23. pp. 27-40.

Glauser, Jürg. (1993) [Rezension von] Marianne E. Kalinke, Bridal-Quest Romance in Medieval Iceland, 1990. Journal of English and Germanic philology, vol. 92. pp. 82-85.

Glauser, Jürg. (1993) [Rezension von] Matthew J. Driscoll, ed., Sigurðar saga þögla, The shorter redaction, 1992. Germanistik, Vol. 34. pp. 154-155.

Glauser, Jürg. (1993) [Rezension von] Ulrike Sprenger, Die altnordische Heroische Elegie : 1992. Germanistik, Jg. 34. pp. 155-156.

Grzesiek, S. and Anglister, J. and Bax, A.. (1993) Correlation of Backbone Amide and Aliphatic Side-Chain Resonances in C-13/N-15-Enriched Proteins By Isotropic Mixing of C-13 Magnetization. Journal of magnetic resonance. Series B, 101 (1). pp. 114-119.

Grzesiek, S. and Anglister, J. and Ren, H. and Bax, A.. (1993) C-13 Line Narrowing By H-2 Decoupling in H-2/C-13/N-15-Enriched Proteins : application to Triple-Resonance 4d J-Connectivity of Sequential Amides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 115, H. 10. pp. 4369-4370.

Grzesiek, S. and Bax, A.. (1993) Amino-Acid Type Determination in the Sequential Assignment Procedure of Uniformly C-13/N-15-Enriched Proteins. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 3 (2). pp. 185-204.

Grzesiek, S. and Bax, A.. (1993) Measurement of Amide Proton-Exchange Rates and Noes With Water in C-13/N-15-Enriched Calcineurin-B. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 3 (6). pp. 627-638.

Grzesiek, S. and Bax, A.. (1993) The Importance of Not Saturating H2o in Protein NMR : application to Sensitivity Enhancement and Noe Measurements. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 115, H. 26. pp. 12593-12594.

Grzesiek, S. and Bax, A.. (1993) The Origin and Removal of Artifacts in 3D Hcaco Spectra of Proteins Uniformly Enriched With C-13. Journal of magnetic resonance. Series B, 102 (1). pp. 103-106.

Grzesiek, S. and Vuister, G. W. and Bax, A.. (1993) A Simple and Sensitive Experiment For Measurement of Jcc Couplings Between Backbone Carbonyl and Methyl Carbons in Isotopically Enriched Proteins. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 3 (4). pp. 487-493.

Grözinger, Albrecht. (1993) Stadt als Lebensform : Anmerkungen zu einem verlockenden Paradigma für die Kirche in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft. Theologia practica, Jg. 28. pp. 296-303.

Gygax, Franziska. (1993) Whose Autobiography? : Gertrude Stein and Everybody's Autobiographies. In: Methodologies of Gender. Rome, pp. 56-70.

Günthert, U.. (1993) CD44: a multitude of isoforms with diverse functions. Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 184. pp. 47-63.

Hakansson, S. and Bergman, T. and Vanooteghem, J. C. and Cornelis, G. and Wolf-Watz, H.. (1993) YopB and YopD constitute a novel class of Yersinia Yop proteins. Infection and immunity, Vol. 61, H. 1. pp. 71-80.

Handschin, Lukas. (1993) Richterliche Auflösung der Aktiengesellschaft aus wichtigem Grund und andere sachgemässe Lösungen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, Jg. 65 , H. 1. pp. 43-45.

Hartmann, H. and Eckert, A. and Müller, W. E.. (1993) Aging enhances the calcium sensitivity of central neurons of the mouse as an adaptive response to reduced free intracellular calcium. Neuroscience letters, Vol. 152, H. 1-2. pp. 181-184.

Hartmann, H. and Eckert, A. and Müller, W. E.. (1993) β-Amyloid protein amplifies calcium signalling in central neurons from the adult mouse. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol. 194, H. 3. pp. 1216-1220.

Heininger, U. and Böwing, B. and Stehr, K. and Solbach, W.. (1993) Aminoglykoside bei Patienten mit Mukoviszidose und pulmonaler Exazerbation : Vergleich von Einmal- und Dreimalgabe. Klinische Pädiatrie, Vol. 205, H. 1. pp. 18-22.

Heininger, U. and Cherry, J. D. and Eckhardt, T. and Lorenz, C. and Christenson, P. and Stehr, K.. (1993) Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of pertussis in the regions of a large vaccine efficacy trial in Germany. Pediatric infectious disease journal, Vol. 12, no. 6. pp. 504-509.

Heininger, U. and Zimmermann, T. and Schoerner, C. and Brade, V. and Stehr, K.. (1993) [Tick bite and Lyme borreliosis : an epidemiologic study in the Erlangen area]. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde, Vol. 141, H. 11. pp. 874-877.

Heitman, J. and Koller, A. and Cardenas, M. E. and Hall, M. N.. (1993) Identification of immunosuppressive drug targets in yeast. Methods, Vol. 5, no. 2. pp. 176-187.

Heitman, J. and Koller, A. and Kunz, J. and Henriquez, R. and Schmidt, A. and Movva, N. R. and Hall, M. N.. (1993) The immunosuppressant FK506 inhibits amino acid import in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular and cellular biology, Vol. 13, H. 8. pp. 5010-5019.

Hennekes, H. and Peter, M. and Weber, K. and Nigg, E. A.. (1993) Phosphorylation on protein kinase C sites inhibits nuclear import of lamin B2. The Journal of cell biology, Vol. 120, H. 6. pp. 1293-1304.

Hirsch, H. H. and Nair, A. P. and Moroni, C.. (1993) Suppressible and nonsuppressible autocrine mast cell tumors are distinguished by insertion of an endogenous retroviral element (IAP) into the interleukin 3 gene. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. 178, H. 2. pp. 403-411.

Hoenger, A. and Ghosh, R. and Schoenenberger, C. A. and Aebi, U. and Engel, A.. (1993) Direct in situ structural analysis of recombinant outer membrane porins expressed in an OmpA-deficient mutant Escherichia coli strain. Journal of Structural Biology, 111 (3). pp. 212-221.

Hofmann, M. and Rudy, W. and Günthert, U. and Zimmer, S. G. and Zawadzki, V. and Zöller, M. and Lichtner, R. B. and Herrlich, P. and Ponta, H.. (1993) A link between ras and metastatic behavior of tumor cells : ras induces CD44 promoter activity and leads to low-level expression of metastasis-specific variants of CD44 in CREF cells. Cancer research, 53 (7). pp. 1516-1521.

Holzemann, G. and Greiner, H. E. and Harting, J. and Barnickel, G. and Seelig, A.. (1993) Do substance P agonists insert into the lipid membrane? Regulatory Peptides, Vol. 46, H. 1-2. pp. 453-454.

Howald, L. and Meyer, E. and Luthi, R. and Haefke, H. and Overney, R. and Rudin, H. and Guntherodt, H. J.. (1993) Multifunctional probe microscope for facile operation in ultrahigh-vacuum. Applied physics letters, Vol. 63, H. 1. pp. 117-119.

Häcki Buhofer, Annelies. (1993) Instrumentelles Schreiben im Alltag : schriftliche Versandhandelskommunikation. In: Schweizer Soziolinguistik - Soziolinguistik der Schweiz. Neuchâtel, pp. 213-232.

Häcki Buhofer, Annelies. (1993) Psycholinguistik der Phraseologie : zum Stand der Forschung. In: Frazeológia vo vzdelávaní, vede a kultúre = phraseology in education, science and culture. Nitra, pp. 148-160.

Häcki Buhofer, Annelies. (1993) Sachlichkeit, Zwänge und Emotionen als Charakteristika der schriftlichen Kommunikation im Versandhandel. In: Sprache, Kommunikation, Informatik : Akten des 26. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Poznań 1991. Tübingen, pp. 63-72.

Häcki Buhofer, Annelies. (1993) Zur Entwicklung von Sprachdifferenzbewusstsein und Einstellungen zu den Varianten des Deutschen in der Deutschen Schweiz. In: Schweizer Soziolinguistik - Soziolinguistik der Schweiz. Neuchâtel, pp. 179-199.

Häcki Buhofer, Annelies and Burger, Harald. (1993) Hochdeutsch bei sechs- bis achtjährigen Deutschschweizer Kindern: Verstehen-Einstellungen. In: Alemannisch in der Regio. Göppingen, pp. 11-23.

Hörtensteiner, S. and Vogt, E. and Hagenbuch, B. and Meier, P. J. and Amrhein, N. and Martinoia, E.. (1993) Direct energization of bile acid transport into plant vacuoles. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 268, no. 25. pp. 18446-18449.

Hübner, Gert. (1993) [Rezension von] Haverkamp, Anselm; Lachmann, Renate (Hg.), Memoria - Vergessen und Erinnern : München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1993. Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Ikonographie und Mythologie, Jg. 26. pp. 73-76.

Iriarte, M. and Vanooteghem, J. C. and Delor, I. and Diaz, R. and Knutton, S. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1993) The Myf fibrillae of Yersinia enterocolitica. Molecular microbiology, Vol. 9, H. 3. pp. 507-520.

Jenal, U. and Thurner, C. and Leisinger, T.. (1993) Transcription of the ileS operon in the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Marburg. Journal of bacteriology, Vol. 175, H. 18. pp. 5945-5952.

Keller, U.. (1993) Cholesterin in Nahrung und Serum. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, Vol. 118, H. 1-2. pp. 1-4.

Keller, U.. (1993) Pathophysiology of cancer cachexia. Supportive care in cancer, Vol. 1, H. 6. pp. 290-294.

Klora, J. and Borner, H. G. and Vonegidy, T. and Georgii, R. and Jolie, J. and Judge, S. and Khitrov, V. A. and Krusche, B. and Libman, V. A. and Lindner, H. and Litvinsky, L. L. and Mayerhofer, U. and Murzin, A. V. and Robinson, S. J. and Sukhovoj, A. M. and Trieb, H.. (1993) Nuclear structure of ¹⁵⁶Gd studied with (n, γ), (n, e−), (d, p), (d, t) reactions and lifetime measurements. Nuclear physics. A, Nuclear and hadronic physics, Vol. 561, H. 1. pp. 1-73.

Koller, Heinrich. (1993) Grundzüge des baselstädtischen Finanzhaushaltsrechts. Basler juristische Mitteilungen, 1993, Nr. 2. pp. 57-74.

Kornilova, S. A. and Kapinos, L. E. and Blagoĭ, Iu. P.. (1993) Studies on DNA interaction with manganese ions by IR spectroscopy. Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 27 (6). pp. 1276-1286.

Kunnecke, B. and Cerdan, S. and Seelig, J.. (1993) Cerebral metabolism of [1,2-13C2]glucose and [U-13C4]3-hydroxybutyrate in rat brain as detected by 13C NMR spectroscopy. NMR in Biomedicine, 6 (4). pp. 264-277.

Kunz, J. and Hall, M. N.. (1993) Cyclosporin A, FK506 and rapamycin : more than just immunosuppression. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 18 (9). pp. 334-348.

Kunz, J. and Henriquez, R. and Schneider, U. and Deuter-Reinhard, M. and Movva, N. R. and Hall, M. N.. (1993) Target of rapamycin in yeast, TOR2, is an essential phosphatidylinositol kinase homolog required for G1 progression. Cell, 73 (3). pp. 585-596.

Laager, R. and Keller, U.. (1993) Effects of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I and insulin on counterregulation during acute plasma glucose decrements in normal and type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic subjects. Diabetologia, Vol. 36, H. 10. pp. 966-971.

Laager, R. and Ninnis, R. and Keller, U.. (1993) Comparison of the effects of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin on glucose and leucine kinetics in humans. Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 92, H. 4. pp. 1903-1909.

Labhardt, A. M. and Klaus, W. and Grzesiek, S. and Hunziker, W.. (1993) H-1, C-13 and N-15 Sequential Backbone Assignments and Secondary Structure of a Construct of Calbindin-D28k. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 1993. p. 307.

Liang, D. and Hagenbuch, B. and Stieger, B. and Meier, P. J.. (1993) Parallel decrease of Na(+)-taurocholate cotransport and its encoding mRNA in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Hepatology, Vol. 18, No. 5. pp. 1162-1166.

Lienemann-Perrin, Christine. (1993) Südafrika. VI. Kultur, Religion, Bildung. In: Staatslexikon. Bd. 6-7, Die Staaten der Welt, Bd.2. Freiburg i.Br., pp. 647-648.

Lingner, J. and Keller, W.. (1993) 3'-end labeling of RNA with recombinant yeast poly(A) polymerase. Nucleic Acids Research, 21 (12). pp. 2917-2920.

Linstedt, A. D. and Hauri, H. P.. (1993) Giantin, a novel conserved Golgi membrane protein containing a cytoplasmic domain of at least 350 kDa. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4 (7). pp. 679-693.

Loss, D. and Divincenzo, D. P. and Grinstein, G. and Awschalom, D. D. and Smyth, J. F.. (1993) Quantum tunneling and dissipation in nanometer-scale magnets. Physica. B, Condensed matter, Vol. 189, H. 1-4. pp. 189-203.

Loss, D. and Martin, T.. (1993) Absence of spontaneous persistent current for interacting fermions in a one-dimensional mesoscopic ring. Physical Review B, Vol. 47, H. 8. pp. 4619-4630.

Loss, D. and Schoeller, H. and Goldbart, P. M.. (1993) Weak-localization effects and conductance fluctuations: Implications of inhomogeneous magnetic fields. Physical Review B, Vol. 48, H. 20. pp. 15218-15236.

Luthi, R. and Haefke, H. and Meyer, K. P. and Meyer, E. and Howald, L. and Guntherodt, H. J.. (1993) Surface and domain structures of ferroelectric crystals studied with scanning force microscopy. Journal of applied physics, Vol. 74, H. 12. pp. 7461-7471.

Luthi, R. and Haefke, H. and Meyer, K. P. and Meyer, E. and Howald, L. and Ruetschi, M. and Overney, R. M. and Guntherodt, H. J.. (1993) Investigation on ferroelectric domains and domain-walls with scanning force microscopy. Helvetica physica acta, Vol. 66, H. 4. pp. 415-416.

Lüscher, Barbara. (1993) Die Ägypter. In: Aby M. Warburg, Bildersammlung zur Geschichte von Sternglaube und Sternkunde im Hamburger Planetarium. Hamburg, pp. 218-223.

Maridor, G. and Gallant, P. and Golsteyn, R. and Nigg, E. A.. (1993) Nuclear localization of vertebrate cyclin A correlates with its ability to form complexes with cdk catalytic subunits. Journal of cell science, Vol. 106, H. 2. pp. 535-544.

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