Items where Year is 2001
Number of items: 866. AAcampora, D. and Boyl, P. P. and Signore, M. and Martinez-Barbera, J. P. and Ilengo, C. and Puelles, E. and Annino, A. and Reichert, H. and Corte, G. and Simeone, A.. (2001) OTD/OTX2 functional equivalence depends on 5' and 3' UTR-mediated control of Otx2 mRNA for nucleo-cytoplasmic export and epiblast-restricted translation. Development, Vol. 128, H. 23. pp. 4801-4813. Aeschlimann, Sabine. (2001) "The Welfare" oder "The Best Interest of the Child" im angloamerikanischen Rechtsraum., Jg. 2. pp. 247-264. Affolter, M. and Mann, R.. (2001) Development : legs, eyes, or wings - selectors and signals make the difference. Science, Vol. 292, H. 5519. pp. 1080-1081. Affolter, M. and Marty, T. and Vigano, M. A. and Jazwinska, A.. (2001) Nuclear interpretation of Dpp signaling in Drosophila. The EMBO journal, Vol. 20, H. 13. pp. 3298-3305. Akeret, Örni and Rentzel, Philippe. 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(2001) Cutting edge: human gamma delta T cells are activated by intermediates of the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis. Journal of Immunology, 166 (6). pp. 3655-3658. Alvarez, C. and Garcia-Mata, R. and Hauri, H. P. and Sztul, E.. (2001) The p115-interactive proteins GM130 and giantin participate in endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi traffic. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 276, H. 4. pp. 2693-2700. Ammann, Manuel and Zimmermann, Heinz. (2001) The relation between tracking error and tactical asset allocation. Financial analysts journal, Vol. 57. pp. 32-43. Andrial, Milorad. Pocken in der Aufklärung. Reaktionen der englischen, französischen und nordamerikanischen Gesellschaften auf die Pocken-Inokulation (Variolation). 2001, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Angehrn, Emil. (2001) Dialektik der Utopie : von der Unverzichtbarkeit und Fragwürdigkeit utopischen Denkens. In: Anerkennung : eine philosophische Propädeutik : Festschrift für Annemarie Pieper. Freiburg, pp. 186-200. Angehrn, Emil. (2001) Die Unabgeschlossenheit des Vergangenen : Erinnerung, Wiederholung und Neubeginn bei Walter Benjamin und Jacques Derrida. RISS, Jg. 16, Nr. 51, H. 2. pp. 43-62. Angehrn, Emil. (2001) Schrift und Spur bei Derrida. In: Wunderliche Figuren. München, pp. 347-363. Angehrn, Emil. (2001) Solidarität als Leitbegriff der Sozialphilosophie. In: Solidarität und Selbstverwirklichung. Giessen, pp. 13-31. Araújo, S. J. and Nigg, E. A. and Wood, R. D.. (2001) Strong functional interactions of TFIIH with XPC and XPG in human DNA nucleotide excision repair, without a preassembled repairosome. Molecular and cellular biology, Vol. 21, H. 7. pp. 2281-2291. Arlt, Veit. (2001) Highlife in Basel : das musikalische Vermächtnis der Union Trading Company. Armbruster, Georg F. J.. 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(2001) Vision einer Begegnung von Christentum und Wirtschaft unter einem guten Stern. In: Visionen für Gesellschaft und Christentum, Bd. 2. Würzburg, pp. 38-64. Bangerter, Adrian and Grob, Alexander and Krings, Franciska. (2001) Personal goals at age 25 in three generations of the twentieth century : young adulthood in historical context. Swiss journal of psychology, Vol. 60, Nr. 2. pp. 59-64. Barfield, M. and Dingley, A. J. and Feigon, J. and Grzesiek, S.. (2001) A DFT study of the interresidue dependencies of scalar J- coupling and magnetic shielding in the hydrogen-bonding regions of a DNA triplex. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 123, H. 17. pp. 4014-4022. Bartels, I. and Jüngert, J. and Lugauer, S. and Stehr, K. and Heininger, U.. (2001) Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of a single dose of a diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis component vaccine (DTaP) compared to a diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (Td) and a diphtheria toxoid vaccine (d) in adults. 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Beck, T. and Delley, P. A. and Hall, M. N.. (2001) Control of the actin cytoskeleton by extracellular signals. In: Molecular interactions of actin, Vol. 1: Actin structure and actin-binding proteins. Heidelberg, pp. 231-262. Becker, K. L. and White, J. C. and Nylen, E. S. and Wagner, K. E. and Muller, B. and Preas, H. L. and Suffredini, A. F. and Snider, R. H.. (2001) Toxicity of Procalcitonin: Beneficial Effects of its Immunoneutralization. Journal fuer Anaesthesie und Intensivbehandlung (2). pp. 64-66. Becskei, A. and Séraphin, B. and Serrano, L.. (2001) Positive feedback in eukaryotic gene networks: cell differentiation by graded to binary response conversion. The EMBO Journal, 20 (10). pp. 2528-2535. Behnisch, Urs. (2001) Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte hält erneut ein Bundesgerichtsurteil im Steuerstrafrecht für EMRK-widrig. Jusletter, 7. Mai 2001. Behnisch, Urs. (2001) Mängel des Entwurfs zum Fusionsgesetz im Bereich der Spaltung. Jusletter, 24. September 2001. 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