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Abicht, A. and Stucka, R. and Schmidt, C. and Briguet, A. and Hopfner, S. and Song, I. -H. and Pongratz, D. and Muller-Felber, W. and Ruegg, M. A. and Lochmuller, H.. (2002) A newly identified chromosomal microdeletion and an N-box mutation of the AChR epsilon gene cause a congenital myasthenic syndrome. Brain, 125 (5). pp. 1005-1013.

Agre, P. and King, L. S. and Yasui, M. and Guggino, W. B. and Ottersen, O. P. and Fujiyoshi, Y. and Engel, A. and Nielsen, S.. (2002) Aquaporin water channels--from atomic structure to clinical medicine. The journal of physiology, Vol. 542, H. 1. pp. 3-16.

Albrecht, C. and Elliott, J. I. and Sardini, A. and Litman, T. and Stieger, B. and Meier, P. J. and Higgins, C. F.. (2002) Functional analysis of candidate ABC transporter proteins for sitosterol transport. Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 1567, H. 1-2. pp. 133-142.

Albrecht, Peter. (2002) Mitwirkungsrechte der Parteien im Strafverfahren aus der Sicht des Richters : kritische Anmerkungen zum Vorentwurf einer schweizerischen Strafprozessordnung. Schweizerische Juristenzeitung, 98 , H. 7. pp. 165-170.

Albrecht, Peter. (2002) Richterliche Drogenpolitik auf der Grundlage des Lebensmittelgesetzes? Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 11. pp. 597-598.

Albrecht, Peter. (2002) Schwangerschaftsabbruch : kriminalpolitische und rechtstheoretische Anmerkungen zur Fristenregelung. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht, Jg. 120. pp. 431-454.

Albrecht, Peter. (2002) Zur rechtlichen Problematik des Einsatzes von V-Leuten. Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 11. pp. 632-634.

Alvarez-Buylla, Arturo and Seri, Bettina and Doetsch, Fiona. (2002) Identification of neural stem cells in the adult vertebrate brain. Brain Research Bulletin, 57 (6). pp. 751-758.

Amrhein, V. and Korner, P. and Naguib, M.. (2002) Nocturnal and diurnal singing activity in the nightingale : correlations with mating status and breeding cycle. Animal Behaviour, Vol. 64. pp. 939-944.

Antonietti, Thomas and Müller, Seraina and Quinn, Luisa and Sattler, Simone and Schoch, Cyril and Tanfoglio, Carin and Waeber, Aurel. (2002) Schnee als kulturelle Tatsache : Formen der Musealisierung. In: Vom Ding zum Mensch / hrsg. von Thomas Antonietti und Werner Bellwald. - Baden : hier + jetzt, 2002. pp. 145-166.

Arber, S. and Burden, S. J. and Harris, A. J.. (2002) Patterning of skeletal muscle. Current opinion in neurobiology, Vol. 12, H. 1. pp. 100-103.

Aste, Andreas and Baur, Gerhard and Hencken, Kai and Trautmann, Dirk and Scharf, Günter. (2002) Electron positron pair production in the external electromagnetic field of colliding relativistic heavy ions. European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields , 23. pp. 545-550.

Atanasoski, Suzana and Scherer, Steven S. and Nave, Klaus-Armin and Suter, Ueli. (2002) Proliferation of Schwann cells and regulation of cyclin D1 expression in an animal model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 67 (4). pp. 443-449.

Auckenthaler, A. and Raso, G. and Huggenberger, P.. (2002) Particle transport in a karst aquifer : natural and artifical tracer experiments with bacteria, bacteriophages and microspheres. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 46. pp. 131-138.

Balmer, O.. (2002) Species lists in ecology and conservation : abundances matter. Conservation biology, 16 (4). pp. 1160-1161.

Bangert, Michael. (2002) "Die Schule der Liebe" : Raum des geistlichen Lernens im Werk Gertruds von Helfta. Geist und Leben, Jg. 75. pp. 47-60.

Bangert, Michael. (2002) Die Benediktsregel als innovatives Medium für Führungskultur und Unternehmensphilosophie. Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik, Jg. 78. pp. 353-375.

Barde, Y. -A.. (2002) Neurobiology : neurotrophin channels excitement. Nature, Vol. 419 No. 6908. pp. 683-684.

Barker-Ruchti, Natalie. (2002) A study journey : a useful example of action research. Journal of Physical Education New Zealand, Vol. 35, no. 1. pp. 12-24.

Baur, B. and Zschokke, S. and Coray, A. and Schläpfer, M. and Erhardt, A.. (2002) Habitat characteristics of the endangered flightless beetle 'Dorcadion fuliginator' (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) : implications for conservation. Biological Conservation. - Amsterdam, vol. 105, Nr. 2. pp. 133-142.

Bazin, A. and Goverde, M. and Erhardt, A. and Shykoff, J. A.. (2002) Influence of atmospheric CO₂ enrichment on induced defence and growth compensation after herbivore damage in Lotus corniculatus. Ecological Entomology, 27. pp. 271-278.

Beckmann, Michael. (2002) Firm-sponsored apprenticeship training in Germany : empirical evidence from establishment data. LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Vol. 16. pp. 287-310.

Beckmann, Michael. (2002) Lohnstrukturverzerrung und betriebliche Ausbildung : empirische Analyse des Acemoglu-Pischke-Modells mit Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels. Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Bd. 35. pp. 189-204.

Beer, H. and Sedyshev, P. V. and Rochow, W. and Rauscher, T. and Mohr, P.. (2002) Neutron capture of Si-30. Nuclear physics. A, Nuclear and hadronic physics, Vol. 709. pp. 453-466.

Behnisch, Urs. (2002) Fusionsgesetz : Spaltungen im Recht der direkten Steuern. Archiv für schweizerisches Abgaberecht, 71 (2002/2003), S. 711 ff..

Behnisch, Urs. (2002) Vom Gestrüpp unseres Steuerstrafrechts zu Beginn des 3. Jahrtausends. Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins, Bd. 138. pp. 77-95.

Behnisch, Urs and Locher, Peter. (2002) Die steuerrechtliche Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts im Jahre 2000. Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins, Bd. 138. pp. 481-517.

Bekmann, Michael. (2002) Wage compression and firm-sponsored training in Germany: Empirical evidence for the acemoglu-pischke model from a zero-inflated count data model. Applied economics quarterly = Konjunkturpolitik, Vol. 48. pp. 368-389.

Benjamin, Suresh P. and Düggelin, M. and Zschokke, Samuel. (2002) Fine structure of sheet-webs of Linyphia triangularis (Clerck) and Microlinyphia pusilla (Sundevall), with remarks on the presence of viscid silk. Acta Zoologica, 83. pp. 49-59.

Benjamin, Suresh P. and Zschokke, Samuel. (2002) Untangling the tangle-web : web construction behavior of the comb-footed spider Steatoda triangulosa and comments on phylogenetic implications (Araneae: Theridiidae). Journal of insect behavior, Vol. 15, H. 6. pp. 791-809.

Bennewitz, R. and Pfeiffer, O. and Schar, S. and Barwich, V. and Meyer, E. and Kantorovich, L. N.. (2002) Atomic corrugation in nc-AFM of alkali halides. Applied surface science, Vol. 188, H. 3-4. pp. 232-237.

Berenguer Amador, Ángel. (2002) [Rezension von] Elena ROMERO, Andanzas y prodigios de Ben-Sirá: edición del texto judeoespañol y traducción del texto hebreo; Publicaciones de Estudios Sefardíes, 7 : Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2001.- 280 págs. Sefarad, Vol. 62, No. 2. pp. 442-444.

Berentsen, Aleksander. (2002) On the distribution of money holdings in a random-matching model. International economic review, Vol. 43. pp. 945-954.

Berentsen, Aleksander. (2002) The economics of doping. European journal of political economy, Vol. 18. pp. 109-127.

Berentsen, Aleksander and Amstad, Marlene. (2002) Search theory and applied economic research. Swiss National Bank Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 20, H. 4. pp. 76-85.

Berentsen, Aleksander and Molico, Miguel and Wright, Randall. (2002) Indivisibilities, lotteries, and monetary exchange. Journal of economic theory, Vol. 107, H. 1. pp. 70-94.

Berentsen, Aleksander and Rocheteau, Guillaume. (2002) Money in Bilateral Trade. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 138. pp. 489-506.

Berentsen, Aleksander and Rocheteau, Guillaume. (2002) On the efficiency of monetary exchange : how divisibility of money matters. Journal of monetary economics, Vol. 49. pp. 1621-1649.

Berger, Ludwig R.. (2002) Nachlese zu den "Ausgrabungen am Petersberg". Jahresbericht der Archäologischen Bodenforschung des Kantons Basel-Stadt, 2001. pp. 151-173.

Bermond, D. and Boulouis, H. -J. and Heller, R. and Van Laere, G. and Monteil, H. and Chomel, B. B. and Sander, A. and Dehio, C. and Piemont, Y.. (2002) Bartonella bovis Bermond et al. sp. nov. and Bartonella capreoli sp. nov., isolated from European ruminants. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, Vol. 52, H. Pt 2. pp. 383-390.

Berneis, K. and Staub, J. J. and Gessler, A. and Meier, C. and Girard, J. and Muller, B.. (2002) Combined stimulation of adrenocorticotropin and compound-S by single dose metyrapone test as an outpatient procedure to assess hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 87 (12). pp. 5470-5475.

Bernhardt, Reinhold. (2002) Der perfekte Mensch und sein perfekter Gott. Das Baugerüst, 2002, H. 2. pp. 22-27.

Bernhardt, Reinhold. (2002) Die Soziobiologie als Anfrage an die Theologie. Theologische Zeitschrift, Jg. 58. pp. 172-188.

Bernhardt, Reinhold. (2002) Gott als Kreativität mit Richtungssinn? : Anfragen an die Prozesstheologie. Annex, Jg. 16, Nr. 7 , Annex. pp. 12-15.

Bernhardt, Reinhold. (2002) Offenbarung als Erschliessungsgeschehen. Theologische Zeitschrift, Jg. 58. pp. 61-80.

Bernèche, Simon and Roux, Benoît. (2002) The ionization state and the conformation of Glu-71 in the KcsA K(+) channel. Biophysical journal, Vol. 82, H. 2. pp. 772-780.

Beyrich, F. and Richter, S. H. and Weisensee, U. and Kohsiek, W. and Lohse, H. and de Bruin, H. A. R. and Foken, Th. and Göckede, M. and Berger, F. and Vogt, R. and Batchvarova, E.. (2002) Experimental determination of turbulent fluxes over the heterogeneous LITFASS area : Selected results from the LITFASS-98 experiment. Theoretical and applied climatology, Vol. 73, Nr. 1-2. pp. 19-34.

Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2002) Envisioning a plurality of worlds : metaphors as systems of thought. Papers on French seventeenth century literature, Vol. 57. pp. 361-386.

Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2002) The consumed image : friendship in Montaigne and Bacon. In: Masculinities - Maskulinitäten. Stuttgart, pp. 186-193.

Bianco, Monica. (2002) Fortuna metrica del Petrarca nel cinquecento : la canzone CCVI. Atti e memorie dell'Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti già dei Ricovrati e Patavina : Parte III, memorie della classe di scienze morali, lettere ed arti, Vol. 114. pp. 185-213.

Bianco, Monica. (2002) Una inedita reportatio di tre sermoni savonaroliani (Quaresimale sopra Giobbe XXVI-XXVIII). Memorie domenicane : Nuova serie, Vol. 32. pp. 217-249.

Bickel, Susanne. (2002) Aspects et fonctions de la déification d'Amenhotep III. Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, T. 102. pp. 63-90.

Bierl, Anton. (2002) Charitons Kallirhoe im Lichte von Sapphos Priamelgedicht (Fr. 16 Voigt) : Liebe und Intertextualität im griechischen Roman. Poetica, 34. pp. 1-27.

Bierl, Anton. (2002) Experimentelle Innovation und ihre rituell–pragmatischen Grenzen in der Alten Komödie. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, N.S. 72 = Vol. 101 , H. 3, S. 7–21.

Bierl, Anton. (2002) Religion und Literatur. In: Der neue Pauly, Bd. 15. Stuttgart, pp. 669-677.

Bierl, Anton. (2002) Viel Spott, viel Ehr – Die Ambivalenz des onomasti komodein im festlichen und generischen Kontext. In: Spoudaiogeloion : Form und Funktion der Verspottung in der aristophanischen Komödie. Stuttgart, pp. 169-187.

Bierl, Anton. (2002) [Rezension von] Xavier Riu, Dionysism and Comedy : Greek Studies - Interdisciplinary Approaches, Lanham 1999. Gnomon, 74. pp. 196-203.

Bixby, J. L. and Baerwald-De la Torre, K. and Wang, C. and Rathjen, F. G. and Ruegg, M. A.. (2002) A neuronal inhibitory domain in the N-terminal half of agrin. Journal of Neurobiology, 50 (2). pp. 164-179.

Bleves, S. and Marenne, M. -N. and Detry, G. and Cornelis, G. R.. (2002) Up-regulation of the Yersinia enterocolitica yop regulon by deletion of the flagellum master operon flhDC. Journal of bacteriology, Vol. 184, H. 12. pp. 3214-3223.

Bodmer, D. and Brors, D. and Bodmer, M. and Ryan, A. F.. (2002) Schutz der Haarzellen vor Gentamicin-vermittelter Ototoxizität durch CEP-11 004, ein Inhibitor der Januskinase Signaltransduktionskaskade. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, Jg. 81, Nr. 12. pp. 853-856.

Bodmer, Daniel and Brors, Dominik and Pak, Kwang and Gloddek, Bertrand and Ryan, Allen. (2002) Rescue of auditory hair cells from aminoglycoside toxicity by Clostridium difficile toxin B, an inhibitor of the small GTPases Rho/Rac/Cdc42. Hearing research, Vol. 172, no. 1-2. pp. 81-86.

Bodmer, Daniel and Brors, Dominik and Pak, Kwang and Keithley, Elizabeth M. and Mullen, Lina and Ryan, Allen F. and Gloddek, Bertrand. (2002) Inflammatory signals increase Fas ligand expression by inner ear cells. Journal of neuroimmunology, Vol. 129, H. 1-2. pp. 10-17.

Bodmer, Daniel and Gloddek, Bertrand and Ryan, Allen F. and Huverstuhl, Jochen and Brors, Dominik. (2002) Inhibition of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling pathway influences neurite outgrowth of spiral ganglion neurons in vitro. The Laryngoscope, Vol. 112, no. 11. pp. 2057-2061.

Bonhoeffer, J. and Kohl, K. and Chen, R. and Duclos, P. and Heijbel, H. and Heininger, U. and Jefferson, T. and Loupi, E.. (2002) The Brighton Collaboration: addressing the need for standardized case definitions of adverse events following immunization (AEFI). Vaccine, Vol. 21, no. 3-4. pp. 298-302.

Bowery, N. G. and Bettler, B. and Froestl, W. and Gallagher, J. P. and Marshall, F. and Raiteri, M. and Bonner, T. I. and Enna, S. J.. (2002) International Union of Pharmacology. XXXIII. Mammalian γ-aminobutyric acid(B) receptors: structure and function. Pharmacological reviews, Vol. 54, no. 2. pp. 247-264.

Brandeis, Daniel and Banaschewski, Tobias and Baving, Lioba and Georgiewa, Petra and Blanz, Bernhard and Warnke, Andreas and Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph and Rothenberger, Aribert and Scheuerpflug, Peter. (2002) Multicenter P300 brain mapping of impaired attention to cues in hyperkinetic children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Bd. 41, H. 8. pp. 990-998.

Breitenmoser, Stephan. (2002) Strafrechtshilfe – eine Verwaltungssache. Jusletter, 23. September 2002.

Breitenmoser, Stephan and Isler, Michael. (2002) Der Rechtsschutz im Personenfreizügigkeitsabkommen zwischen der Schweiz und der EG sowie den EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 11. pp. 1003-1021.

Brenner, Andreas. (2002) Der Menschen und der Menschenaffen Würde. In: Die Würde des Tieres. Erlangen, pp. 243-258.

Brenner, Andreas. (2002) Politische Ethik. In: Handbuch Ethik. Stuttgart, pp. 273-276.

Breuza, L. and Corby, S. and Arsanto, J. -P. and Delgrossi, M. -H. and Scheiffele, P. and Le Bivic, A.. (2002) The scaffolding domain of caveolin 2 is responsible for its Golgi localization in Caco-2 cells. Journal of cell science, Vol. 115, H. 23. pp. 4457-4467.

Briz, Oscar and Serrano, Maria Angeles and Rebollo, Noemi and Hagenbuch, Bruno and Meier, Peter J. and Koepsell, Hermann and Marin, Jose J. G.. (2002) Carriers involved in targeting the cytostatic bile acid-cisplatin derivatives cis-diammine-chloro-cholylglycinate-platinum(II) and cis-diammine-bisursodeoxycholate-platinum(II) toward liver cells. Molecular pharmacology, Vol. 61, H. 4. pp. 853-860.

Bumann, D.. (2002) Examination of Salmonella gene expression in an infected mammalian host using the green fluorescent protein and two-colour flow cytometry. Molecular Microbiology, 43 (5). pp. 1269-1283.

Bumann, D. and Aksu, S. and Wendland, M. and Janek, K. and Zimny-Arndt, U. and Sabarth, N. and Meyer, T. F. and Jungblut, P. R.. (2002) Proteome analysis of secreted proteins of the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori. Infection and Immunity, 70 (7). pp. 3396-3403.

Bumann, D. and Holland, P. and Siejak, F. and Koesling, J. and Sabarth, N. and Lamer, S. and Zimny-Arndt, U. and Jungblut, P. R. and Meyer, T. F.. (2002) A comparison of murine and human immunoproteomes of Helicobacter pylori validates the preclinical murine infection model for antigen screening. Infection and Immunity, 70 (11). pp. 6494-6498.

Bumbacher, Stephan Peter. (2002) China. In: Metzler Lexikon Religion, Bd. 4. Stuttgart, pp. 236-245.

Bumbacher, Stephan Peter. (2002) Zum Problem nichtreflektierter Begrifflichkeit in der Sinologie. Asiatische Studien, 56 (1). pp. 15-48.

Burgin, M. T. and Burkli, P.. (2002) Embryonen und embryo-ähnliche Organismen : Definitionsprobleme im Entwurf zum Embryonenforschungsgesetz. Therapeutische Umschau, Bd. 59, H. 11. pp. 613-617.

Burkard, G. and Engel, H. A. and Loss, D.. (2002) Spintronics and quantum dots for quantum computing and quantum communication. In: Complexity from microscopic to macroscopic scales : coherence and large deviations (NATO science series II, Mathematics, physics and chemistry, Vol. 63). Dordrecht, pp. 83-104.

Burkard, G. and Engel, H. A. and Loss, D.. (2002) Spintronics, quantum computing, and quantum communication in quantum dots. In: Fundamentals of quantum information. Berlin, pp. 241-265.

Burkard, G. and Loss, D.. (2002) Cancellation of spin-orbit effects in quantum gates based on the exchange coupling in quantum dots. Physical review letters, Vol. 88, H. 4 , 047903, 4 S..

Burkart, Lucas. (2002) "Das crutzsyfix, so im munster uff dem letner stund". Bildersturm als Mediengeschichte. In: Macht und Ohnmacht der Bilder. Reformatorischer Bildersturm im Kontext der europäischen Geschichte. München, pp. 177-193.

Burkart, Lucas. (2002) Paradoxe Innovation. Funktionen des «Alten» und des «Neuen» am Hof Kaiser Maximilians I. In: Erziehung und Bildung bei Hofe. Stuttgart, pp. 215-234.

Burkhard, P. and Ivaninskii, S. and Lustig, A.. (2002) Improving coiled-coil stability by optimizing ionic interactions. Journal of molecular biology, Vol. 318, H. 3. pp. 901-910.

Burkhardt-Holm, P.. (2002) Proliferative kidney disease: Why is it of interest for the Swiss project "fishnet"? Journal of Fish Disease, 25 (8). pp. 441-442.

Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia and Peter, A. and Segner, H.. (2002) Decline of fish catch in Switzerland. Aquatic Sciences, 64 (1). pp. 36-54.

Burleigh, Peter. (2002) Seeking the subject in mid nineteenth-century images. In: Sensuality and power in visual culture. Umeå, pp. 82-128.

Buser, Denise. (2002) Anforderungen an die Rechtsgrundlagen für die Einführung von New Public Management. Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 11. pp. 1037-1049.

Bégaud, Bernard and Bergman, Ulf and Eichler, Hans-Georg and Leufkens, Hubert G. M. and Meier, Peter J.. (2002) Drug reimbursement: indicators of inappropriate resource allocation. British journal of clinical pharmacology, Vol. 54, no. 5. pp. 528-534.

Börlin, J. and Belzig, W. and Bruder, C.. (2002) Full counting statistics of a superconducting beam splitter. Physical review letters, Vol. 88, H. 19 , 197001, 4 S..

Büchler, Andrea and Cottier, Michelle. (2002) Transsexualität und Recht, oder, Das falsche Geschlecht : über die Inkongruenz biologischer, sozialer und rechtlicher Geschlechterkategorisierungen. FamPra.ch, Jg. 3. pp. 20-47.

Bühler, Marc and Wilkinson, Miles F. and Mühlemann, Oliver. (2002) Intranuclear degradation of nonsense codon-containing mRNA. EMBO reports, Vol. 3, H. 7. pp. 646-651.

Bühringer, G. and Kröger, C. and Küfner, H. and Lieb, R. and Schütz, C. G. and Soyka, M. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2002) Suchtforschungsverbund ASAT : Entwicklung von Zuordnungsmodellen für Interventionen bei Substanzstörungen. Sucht : Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis, Vol. 48, H. 3. pp. 200-208.

Bürgin, Matthias Till and Bürkli, Peter. (2002) Schutzwürdigkeit des Embryos : allgemeine Begründungen und die Konzeption im Entwurf zum Embryonenforschungsgesetz. Bioethica Forum, Nr. 37. pp. 59-64.

Bürkli, Peter and Kostka, U.. (2002) The Ineffectiveness of National Regulation of Transplantation Medicine in Increasing Willingness to Donate or the Supply of Organs. Transplantationsmedizin, Jg. 10 , Nr. 4, Suppl. 2.

Cao, Jingsong and Stieger, Bruno and Meier, Peter J. and Vore, Mary. (2002) Expression of rat hepatic multidrug resistance-associated proteins and organic anion transporters in pregnancy. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, Vol. 283, H. 3 , G757-G766.

Capus, Nadja. (2002) Kriminální Politika. Trestní Právo, 2002, H. 2.

Capus, Nadja. (2002) Schweizerische Geldwäschebekämpfung mittels Selbstregulierung : die Einführung einer neuen Steuerungsmethode. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, Bd. 114. pp. 696-719.

Carniel, E. and Autenrieth, I. and Cornelis, G. R. and Fukushima, H. and Guinet, E. and Ilsberg, R. and Pham, J. and Prentice, M. and Simonet, M. and Skurnik, M. and Wauters, G.. (2002) Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis. In: The prokaryotes. New York.

Chariatte, and Isabelle, . (2002) Le frontispice des Réflexions ou sentences et maximes moralesde la Rochefoucauld : une clé de lecture à plusieurs niveaux. Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, Année 102, No. 4. pp. 637-643.

Choi, Sun and Storici, Paola and Schirmer, Tilman and Silverman, Richard B.. (2002) Design of a conformationally restricted analogue of the antiepilepsy drug Vigabatrin that directs its mechanism of inactivation of gamma-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 124, H. 8. pp. 1620-1624.

Christ, Oliver and Günthert, Ursula and Schmidt, Dirk-Steffen and Zöller, Margot. (2002) Allogeneic reconstitution after nonmyeloablative conditioning: mitigation of graft-versus-host and host-versus-graft reactivity by anti-CD44v6. Journal of leukocyte biology, 71 (1). pp. 33-46.

Christ-Crain, M. and Meier, C. and Roth, C. B. and Huber, P. and Staub, J. J. and Muller, B.. (2002) Basal TSH levels compared with TRH-stimulated TSH levels to diagnose different degrees of TSH suppression: diagnostic and therapeutic impact of assay performance. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 32 (12). pp. 931-937.

Chtchelkatchev, N. M. and Belzig, W. and Bruder, C.. (2002) Josephson effect in SFXSF junctions. JETP letters, Vol. 75, H. 12. pp. 646-650.

Cordier, F. and Grzesiek, S.. (2002) Temperature-dependence of protein hydrogen bond properties as studied by high-resolution NMR. Journal of molecular biology, Vol. 317, H. 5. pp. 739-752.

Cornelis, G. R.. (2002) The Yersinia Ysc-Yop 'type III' weaponry. Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology, Vol. 3, H. 10. pp. 742-752.

Cornelis, G. R.. (2002) The Yersinia Ysc-Yop virulence apparatus. International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM, Vol. 291, H. 6/7. pp. 455-462.

Cornelis, G. R.. (2002) Yersinia type III secretion : send in the effectors. The Journal of cell biology, Vol. 158, H. 3. pp. 401-408.

Cornelis, Guy. (2002) Transport and intracellular Movement-Protein translocation via dedicated secretion systems. In: Molecular cellular microbiology. San Diego, pp. 263-275.

Crespo, J. L. and Hall, M. N.. (2002) Elucidating TOR signaling and rapamycin action : lessons from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbiology and molecular biology reviews, Vol. 66, H. 4. pp. 579-591.

Crespo, J. L. and Powers, T. and Fowler, B. and Hall, M. N.. (2002) The TOR-controlled transcription activators GLN3, RTG1, and RTG3 are regulated in response to intracellular levels of glutamine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99 (10). pp. 6784-6789.

Crottet, P. and Meyer, D. M. and Rohrer, J. and Spiess, M.. (2002) ARF1.GTP, tyrosine-based signals, and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate constitute a minimal machinery to recruit the AP-1 clathrin adaptor to membranes. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13 (10). pp. 3672-3682.

Dauphas, N. and Rauscher, T. and Schatz, H. and Marty, B. and Reisberg, L.. (2002) Technetium-97 and p-radionuclides. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, Vol. 66, H. 15A, Suppl. 1 , A169.

Dechant, G. and Barde, Y. -A.. (2002) The neurotrophin receptor p75(NTR) : novel functions and implications for diseases of the nervous system. Nature neuroscience, Vol. 5, H. 11. pp. 1131-1136.

Degen, Bernard. (2002) Allocations familiales. In: Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse, Vol. 2. Hauterive, pp. 182-183.

Degen, Bernard. (2002) Allocations pour perte de gain. In: Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse, Vol. 1. Hauterive, p. 183.

Degen, Bernard. (2002) Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung AHV. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Bd. 1. Basel, pp. 268-270.

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