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Abbondanno, U. and Aerts, G. and Alvarez, H. and Andriamonje, S. and Angelopoulos, A. and Assimakopoulos, P. and Bacri, C. O. and Badurek, G. and Baumann, P. and Becvar, F. and Beer, H. and Benlliure, J. and Berthier, B. and Berthomieux, E. and Boffi, S. and Borcea, C. and Boscolo-Marchi, E. and Bustreo, N. and Calvino, P. and Cano-Ott, D. and Capote, R. and Carlson, P. and Cennini, P. and Chepel, V. and Chiaveri, E. and Coceva, C. and Colonna, N. and Cortes, G. and Cortina, D. and Couture, A. and Cox, J. and Dababneh, S. and Dahlfors, M. and David, S. and Dolfini, R. and Domingo-Pardo, C. and Duran, I. and Eleftheriadis, C. and Embid-Segura, M. and Ferrant, L. and Ferrari, A. and Ferreira-Lourenco, L. and Ferreira-Marques, R. and Frais-Koelbl, H. and Furman, W. I. and Giomataris, Y. and Goncalves, I. F. and Gonzalez-Romero, E. and Goverdovski, A. and Gramegna, F. and Griesmayer, E. and Gunsing, F. and Haight, R. and Heil, M. and Herrera-Martinez, A. and Ioannides, K. G. and Janeva, N. and Jericha, E. and Kappeler, F. and Kadi, Y. and Karamanis, D. and Kelic, A. and Ketlerov, V. and Kitis, G. and Koehler, P. E. and Konovalov, V. and Kossionides, E. and Lacoste, V. and Leeb, H. and Lindote, A. and Lopes, M. I. and Lozano, M. and Lukic, S. and Markov, S. and Marrone, S. and Martinez-Val, J. and Mastinu, P. and Mengoni, A. and Milazzo, P. M. and Minguez, E. and Molina-Coballes, A. and Moreau, C. and Neves, F. and Oberhummer, H. and O`Brien, S. and Pancin, J. and Papaevangelou, T. and Paradela, C. and Pavlik, A. and Pavlopoulos, P. and Perez-Parra, A. and Perlado, J. M. and Perrot, L. and Peskov, V. and Plag, R. and Plompen, A. and Plukis, A. and Poch, A. and Policarpo, A. and Pretel, C. and Quesada, J. M. and Radici, M. and Raman, S. and Rapp, W. and Rauscher, T. and Reifarth, R. and Rejmund, F. and Rosetti, M. and Rubbia, C. and Rudolf, G. and Rullhusen, P. and Salgado, J. and Savvidis, E. and Soares, J. C. and Stephan, C. and Tagliente, G. and Tain, J. L. and Tapia, C. and Tassan-Got, L. and Tavora, L. M. N. and Terlizzi, R. and Terrani, M. and Tsangas, N. and Vannini, G. and Vaz, P. and Ventura, A. and Villamarin-Fernandez, D. and Vincente-Vincente, M. and Vlachoudis, V. and Vlastou, R. and Voss, F. and Wendler, H. and Wiescher, M. and Wisshak, K. and Zanini, L.. (2004) New experimental validation of the pulse height weighting technique for capture cross-section measurements. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, Vol. 521, H. 2-3. pp. 454-467.

Abbondanno, U. and Aerts, G. and Alvarez-Velarde, F. and Alvarez-Pol, H. and Andriamonje, S. and Andrzejewski, J. and Badurek, G. and Baumann, P. and Becvar, F. and Benlliure, J. and Berthoumieux, E. and Calvino, F. and Cano-Ott, D. and Capote, R. and Cennini, P. and Chepel, V. and Chiaveri, E. and Colonna, N. and Cortes, G. and Cortina, D. and Couture, A. and Cox, J. and Dababneh, S. and Dahlfors, M. and David, S. and Dolfini, R. and Domingo-Pardo, C. and Duran, I. and Embid-Segura, M. and Ferrant, L. and Ferrari, A. and Ferreira-Marques, R. and Frais-Koelbl, H. and Furman, W. and Goncalves, I. and Gallino, R. and Gonzalez-Romero, E. and Goverdovski, A. and Gramegna, F. and Griesmayer, E. and Gunsing, F. and Haas, B. and Haight, R. and Heil, M. and Herrera-Martinez, A. and Isaev, S. and Jericha, E. and Kappeler, F. and Kadi, Y. and Karadimos, D. and Kerveno, M. and Ketlerov, V. and Koehler, P. and Konovalov, V. and Krticka, M. and Lamboudis, C. and Leeb, H. and Lindote, A. and Lopes, I. and Lozano, M. and Lukic, S. and Marganiec, J. and Marrone, S. and Martinez-Val, J. and Mastinu, P. and Mengoni, A. and Milazzo, P. M. and Molina-Coballes, A. and Moreau, C. and Mosconi, M. and Neves, F. and Oberhummer, H. and O`Brien, S. and Pancin, J. and Papaevangelou, T. and Paradela, C. and Pavlik, A. and Pavlopoulos, P. and Perlado, J. M. and Perrot, L. and Pignatari, M. and Plag, R. and Plompen, A. and Plukis, A. and Poch, A. and Policarpo, A. and Pretel, C. and Quesada, J. and Raman, S. and Rapp, W. and Rauscher, T. and Reifarth, R. and Rosetti, M. and Rubbia, C. and Rudolf, G. and Rullhusen, P. and Salgado, J. and Soares, J. C. and Stephan, C. and Tagliente, G. and Tain, J. and Tassan-Got, L. and Tavora, L. and Terlizzi, R. and Vannini, G. and Vaz, P. and Ventura, A. and Villamarin, D. and Vincente, M. C. and Vlachoudis, V. and Voss, F. and Wendler, H. and Wiescher, M. and Wisshak, K.. (2004) Neutron capture cross section measurement of ¹⁵¹Sm at the CERN neutron time of flight facility (n_TOF). Physical review letters, Vol. 93, H. 16 , 161103, 5 S..

Adcock, K. H. and Metzger, F. and Kapfhammer, J. P.. (2004) Purkinje cell dendritic tree development in the absence of excitatory neurotransmission and of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in organotypic slice cultures. Neuroscience, Vol. 127, H. 1. pp. 137-145.

Adomßent, Maik and Altner, G. and Becker, E. and Beckervordersandforth, C. and Dehler, J. and Fischer, H. and Grunewald, A. and Grupp, H. and Holm, P. and Jastorff, B. and Kreibich, R. and Kruse, L. and Michelsen, G. and Neuweiler G., Simonis. (2004) Hochschule neu denken. Neuorientierung im Horizont der Nachhaltigkeit. Ein Memorandum. Frankfurt.

Aebersold, Peter. (2004) Restorative Justice in der Schweiz. In: Angewandte Kriminologie zwischen Freiheit und Sicherheit. Mönchengladbach, pp. 437-450.

Aebersold, Peter. (2004) Risikomanagement und Freiheitsstrafe. In: Risiko und Recht. Basel, pp. 557-574.

Aerni, Amanda and Traber, Rafael and Hock, Christoph and Roozendaal, Benno and Schelling, Gustav and Papassotiropoulos, Andreas and Nitsch, Roger M. and Schnyder, Ulrich and de Quervain, Dominique J.-F.. (2004) Low-dose cortisol for symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 161, H. 8. pp. 1488-1490.

Agyeman, P. and Duppenthaler, A. and Heininger, U. and Aebi, C.. (2004) Influenza-associated myositis in children. Infection, 32 (4). pp. 199-203.

Akiyama, T. and Gullo, M. R. and De Rooij, N. F. and Staufer, U. and Tonin, A. and Frederix, P. L. T. M. and Engel, A.. (2004) Development of Insulated Conductive Probes with Platinum-Silicide Tips for AFM in Cell Biology. Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 1, Regular papers, short notes & review papers, Vol. 43. pp. 3865-3867.

Alberici, A. and Gobbo, C. and Panzacchi, A. and Nicosia, F. and Ghidoni, R. and Benussi, L. and Hock, C. and Papassotiropoulos, A. and Liberini, P. and Growdon, J. H. and Frisoni, G. B. and Villa, A. and Zanetti, O. and Cappa, S. and Fazio, F. and Binetti, G.. (2004) Frontotemporal dementia : impact of P301L tau mutation on a healthy carrier. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, Vol. 75, H. 11. pp. 1607-1610.

Albrecht, Peter. (2004) Brauchen wir "Schnellrichter" in der Strafjustiz? Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 13. pp. 899-903.

Albrecht, Peter. (2004) Die richterliche Anordnung einer Verwahrung gemäss Art. 64 nStGB : ein verantwortbares Risiko? In: Risiko und Recht. Basel, pp. 575-596.

Albrecht, Peter. (2004) Drogenjustiz : die Gerichte haben versagt. Plädoyer, Jg. 22, Nr. 6. pp. 28-37.

Albrecht, Peter. (2004) Hakimin Bakış Açısından Ceza Muhakemesinde Taraflarin Birlikte Haklari – Bir İsviçre Ceza Muhakemeleri Usulü Kanunu Öntasarısı' na İlişkin Eleştirisel Düşünceler. In: Adil Yargilanma Hakki ve Ceza Hukuku. Ankara, 457 ff..

Albrecht, Peter. (2004) Opfer und Strafprozess - Was hilft den Opfern? : Standpunkt eines Strafrichters. In: Kriminologie - wissenschaftliche und praktische Entwicklungen: gestern, heute, morgen. Chur, pp. 235-248.

Albrecht, Peter. (2004) Rechtsgutachten zur Strafbarkeit der Verletzung des ärztlichen Geheimnisses gemäss Art. 321 StGB. Haftung und Versicherung, 5. pp. 60-64.

Albrecht, Peter. (2004) Zur politischen Verantwortung des Strafrichters. In: "Im Namen des Obergerichts". Liestal, pp. 9-28.

Albrecht, Peter. (2004) [Rezension von] Patrizia Schmid, Organentnahmen an Verstorbenen, Rechtsgut und Rechtfertigung : Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel, Genf, München 2003. Basler juristische Mitteilungen, 2004, Nr. 6. pp. 335-336.

Alewell, C. and Lischeid, G. and Hell, U. and Manderscheid, B.. (2004) High temporal resolution of ion fluxes in semi-natural ecosystems : gain of information or waste of resources? Biogeochemistry, Vol. 69, H. 1. pp. 19-35.

Alkauskas, A. and Baratoff, A. and Bruder, C.. (2004) Gaussian form of effective core potential and response function basis set derived from Troullier-Martins pseudopotential : results for Ag and Au. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, and general theory, Vol. 108, No. 33. pp. 6863-6868.

Amrhein, V. and Kunc, H. P. and Naguib, M.. (2004) Non-territorial nightingales prospect territories during the dawn chorus. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, Vol. 271, Supp. 4. pp. 167-169.

Amrhein, V. and Kunc, H. P. and Naguib, M.. (2004) Seasonal patterns of singing activity vary with time of day in the nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos). The auk, Vol. 121, H. 1. pp. 110-117.

Amrhein, V. and Zwygart, D.. (2004) Bestand und Verpaarungsstatus von Nachtigallen 'Luscinia megarhynchos' im elsässischen Rheintal bei Basel. Der ornithologische Beobachter, Bd. 101. pp. 19-24.

Amrhein, Valentin. Singing activity and spatial behaviour as sexually selected traits in the nightingale "Luscinia megarhynchos". 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Amstutz, Marc and Handschin, Lukas and von Bhicknapahari, Sikander. (23 November 2004) Fallstricke beim sinnvollen Entwurf des Revisionsaufsichtsgesetzes. NZZ. p. 29.

Anderson, T. G. and Tan, A. and Ganz, P. and Seelig, J.. (2004) Calorimetric measurement of phospholipid interaction with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Biochemistry, Vol. 43, H. 8. pp. 2251-2261.

Andreetti, David. Basler Bürgertestamente des 17. Jahrhunderts. Erbrechtliche Testamente als Individualisierungsweise im öffentlich-rechtlichen Raum. 2004, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Ang, Rebecca P. and Ooi, Yoon Phaik. (2004) Impact of gender and parents' marital status on adolescents' suicidal ideation. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 50 (4). pp. 351-360.

Angehrn, Emil. (2004) Epilog. In: Die Wahrnehmung des Neuen in Antike und Renaissance. München, pp. 201-205.

Angehrn, Emil. (2004) Hans-Georg Gadamer - Das Projekt einer Philosophischen Hermeneutik. In: Klassiker der Philosophie heute. Stuttgart, pp. 771-791.

Angehrn, Emil. (2004) Kant und die gegenwärtige Geschichtsphilosophie. In: Warum Kant heute? : systematische Bedeutung und Rezeption seiner Philosophie in der Gegenwart. Berlin, pp. 328-351.

Angehrn, Emil. (2004) Kultur und Geschichte : Historizität der Kultur und kulturelles Gedächtnis. In: Handbuch der Kulturwissenschaften. Stuttgart, pp. 385-400.

Angehrn, Emil. (2004) Vom Sinn der Geschichte. In: Wozu Geschichte(n)? : Geschichtswissenschaft und Geschichtsphilosophie im Widerstreit. Stuttgart, pp. 15-30.

Angehrn, Emil. (2004) Vom Zwiespalt des Historischen. In: Généalogie de la pensée moderne : volume d'hommages à Ingeborg Schüssler = Genealogie des neuzeitlichen Denkens : Festschrift für Ingeborg Schüssler. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 365-380.

Angehrn, Emil. (2004) Widerspruch. In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, Bd. 12: W-Z. Darmstadt, pp. 687-699.

Appenzeller-Herzog, C. and Roche, A. -C. and Nufer, O. and Hauri, H. -P.. (2004) pH-induced conversion of the transport lectin ERGIC-53 triggers glycoprotein release. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 279, H. 13. pp. 12943-12950.

Appenzeller-Herzog, Christian. Molecular insights into the transport lectin function of ERGIC-53. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Arber, S.. (2004) Subplate neurons : bridging the gap to function in the cortex. Trends in neurosciences, Vol. 27, H. 3. pp. 111-113.

Arber, Silvia and Wong, Rachel. (2004) Neuronal and glial cell biology. Current opinion in neurobiology, Vol. 14, H. 5. pp. 519-521.

Arck, Martin. Untersuchungen zur räumlich verteilten Modellierung des fühlbaren Wärmestroms über Schnee in einem komplexen Gelände. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Arlt, Veit. (2004) Der Tanz der Christen : zu den Anfängen der populären Musik an der Goldküste, ca. 1860-1930. In: Jahrbuch für Europäische Überseegeschichte, 4. Wiesbaden, pp. 139-178.

Arlt, Veit. (2004) Making scholars : the Bana Hill Senior Boys' Boarding School. In: Werkschau Afrikastudien - 4. Hamburg, pp. 285-307.

Arlt, Veit. (2004) The Union Trade Company and its recordings : an unintentional documentation of West African popular music, 1931-1957. History in Africa, Vol. 31. pp. 393-405.

Arndt, Stefan K. and Kahmen, Ansgar and Arampatsis, Christina and Popp, Marianne and Adams, Mark. (2004) Nitrogen fixation and metabolism by groundwater-dependent perennial plants in a hyperarid desert. Oecologia, 141 (3). pp. 385-394.

Arnet, Ruth. (2004) Markenschutz für Formen : Theorie und Praxis zu den spezifischen Schutzausschlussgründen für die Formmarke gemäss Art. 2 lit. a und b MSchG. sic! - Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht, 2004 (11). pp. 829-840.

Arnet, Ruth. (2004) [Besprechung von] Art. 492ff. OR - Abgrenzung zwischen Bürgschaft und kumulativer Schuldübernahme : Bedeutung der Geschäftsunerfahrenheit für die Auslegung von Willenserklärungen bei Verwendung juristischer Fachbegriffe : Bundesgericht, I. Zivilabteilung, Urteil vom 23.9.2003 i.S. X. AG c. A, BGE 129 III 702, Berufung. Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 13. pp. 883-889.

Arni, Caroline. (2004) Entzweiungen : die Krise der Ehe um 1900. Köln.

Arni, Caroline. (2004) Simultaneous love : an argument on love, modernity and the feminist subject at the beginning of the twentieth century. European Review of History, 11 (2). pp. 185-205.

Arni, Caroline and Müller, Charlotte. (2004) More sociological than the sociologists : undisciplined and undiscplinary thinking about society and modernity in the nineteenth century. In: Engendering the social. Maidenhead, pp. 71-97.

Arnold, H. and Bumann, D. and Felies, M. and Gewecke, B. and Sorensen, M. and Gessner, J. E. and Freihorst, J. and von Specht, B. U. and Baumann, U.. (2004) Enhanced immunogenicity in the murine airway mucosa with an attenuated Salmonella live vaccine expressing OprF-OprI from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Infection and Immunity, 72 (11). pp. 6546-6553.

Aste, A. and Hencken, K. and Jourdan, H. and Sick, I. and Trautmann, D.. (2004) Coulomb corrections for quasielastic (e,e′) scattering: eikonal approximation. Nuclear Physics A, 743 (4). pp. 259-282.

Aste, A. and Hencken, K. and Trautmann, D.. (2004) Coulomb corrections for coherent electroproduction of vector mesons: Eikonal approximation. European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei, 21 (1). pp. 161-167.

Aste, A. and Jourdan, J.. (2004) Improved effective momentum approximation for quasielastic (e,e') scattering off highly charged nuclei. Europhysics Letters: a letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics , 67 (5). pp. 753-759.

Atanasoski, Suzana and Notterpek, Lucia and Lee, Hye-Youn and Castagner, François and Young, Peter and Ehrengruber, Markus U. and Meijer, Dies and Sommer, Lukas and Stavnezer, Ed and Colmenares, Clemencia and Suter, Ueli. (2004) The protooncogene Ski controls Schwann cell proliferation and myelination. Neuron, 43 (4). pp. 499-511.

Attignon, Serge Eric Kokou. Invertebrate diversity and the ecological role of decomposer assemblages in natural and plantation forests in Southern Benin. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Auckenthaler, Adrian Georg. Transport von Mikroorganismen in einem Karstaquifer am Beispiel der Lützelquelle. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Audhya, Anjon and Loewith, Robbie and Parsons, Ainslie B. and Gao, Lu and Tabuchi, Mitsuaki and Zhou, Huilin and Boone, Charles and Hall, Michael N. and Emr, Scott D.. (2004) Genome-wide lethality screen identifies new PI4,5P2 effectors that regulate the actin cytoskeleton. The EMBO Journal, 23 (19). pp. 3747-3757.

Augé, Christelle. Proteomic analysis of inflammatory protein expression patterns in cell culture and transgenic animal models for Alzheimer's disease. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Aust, Martin and Schenk, Frithjof Benjamin. (2004) Die doppelte Historisierung des "Anderen" innerer und äusserer Feind in Darstellungen altrussischer Geschichte der Stalinzeit. In: Unsere Feinde : Konstruktionen des Anderen im Sozialismus. Leipzig, pp. 321-347.


Babic, Bakir. Electrical characterization of carbon nanotubes grown by the chemical vapor deposition method. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Baeriswyl, Bruno and Rudin, Beat. (2004) Moderner Datenschutz - auch eine Wachstumschance für die Wirtschaft. Jusletter, 28. Juni 2004.

Baier, Simon. (2004) The Dream of Absolute Equivalence : on Setareh Shahbazi. In: Oh, no, no... - The crystal series. Karlsruhe, pp. 2-22.

Bangert, Michael. (2004) Der Glaube wächst ein Leben lang. In: Jahrbuch der christkatholischen Kirche der Schweiz, 2004. Allschwil ; Basel, pp. 40-43.

Bangert, Michael. (2004) Die Mystikerin Gertrud die Grosse und das Frauenkloster St. Maria in Helfta. In: Freiheit des Herzens – Mystik bei Gertrud von Helfta. Münster, pp. 5-22.

Bangert, Michael. (2004) Ersehnen, Erleiden und Geniessen des Heiligen : Grundelemente des mystischen Erlebens. In: Freiheit des Herzens – Mystik bei Gertrud von Helfta. Münster, pp. 129-152.

Bangert, Michael. (2004) Freiheit des Herzens - Kirchlichkeit bei Gertrud von Helfta. In: Die Kirchenkritik der Mystiker : Prophetie aus Gotteserfahrung / hrsg. von Mariano Delgado ... [et al.], Bd. 1. Fribourg, pp. 247-272.

Barde, Y. -A.. (2004) Death of injured neurons caused by the precursor of nerve growth factor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 101, No. 16. pp. 5703-5704.

Barmettler, Esther. Pi Ledergerber. Die Arbeit am Stein. 2004, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Barr, Francis A. and Silljé, Herman H. W. and Nigg, Erich A.. (2004) Polo-like kinases and the orchestration of cell division. Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology, Vol. 5, H. 6. pp. 429-440.

Barry, Robert Edward. Functional analysis of the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor and its role in tumourigenesis. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Bartholdy, Boris Alexander. Identification of downstream targets of the lymphoid-specific transcriptional coactivator OBF-1. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Bartsch, Cornelia. (2004) Geburtstagslieder von Fanny und Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy : Reflexionen über das Schreiben. In: Musik und Biographie. pp. 73-81.

Bartsch, Cornelia. (2004) Virtuosität und Travestie – Frauen als Virtuosinnen. In: Musikalische Virtuosität. Mainz, pp. 77-90.

Battegay, Caspar. (2004) Gegen eine Politik des Bluts : Franz Rosenzweig mit Giorgio Agamben gelesen. Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Judaistische Forschung, Nr. 13. pp. 21-35.

Bauer, Y. and Knechtle, P. and Wendland, J. and Helfer, H. and Philippsen, P.. (2004) A Ras-like GTPase is involved in hyphal growth guidance in the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 15 (10). pp. 4622-4632.

Baumgartner, Matthias R. and Dantas, M. Fernanda and Suormala, Terttu and Almashanu, Shlomo and Giunta, Cecilia and Friebel, Dolores and Gebhardt, Boris and Fowler, Brian and Hoffmann, Georg F. and Baumgartner, E. Regula and Valle, David. (2004) Isolated 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency : evidence for an allele-specific dominant negative effect and responsiveness to biotin therapy. American journal of human genetics, Vol. 75, H. 5. pp. 790-800.

Beauville, Arnaud and Blanc, Jérémy. (2004) On Cremona transformations of prime order. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique. Series 1, Mathematics, Vol. 339, H. 4. pp. 257-259.

Becker, K. L. and Nylen, E. S. and White, J. C. and Muller, B. and Snider, R. H. Jr.. (2004) Procalcitonin and the calcitonin gene family of peptides in inflammation, infection, and sepsis: a journey from calcitonin back to its precursors. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 89 (4). pp. 1512-1525.

Beckers, K. and Schaad, U. B. and Heininger, U.. (2004) Compliance with antenatal screening for hepatitis B surface antigen carrier status in pregnant women and consecutive procedures in exposed newborns. European journal of pediatrics, Vol. 163, H. 11. pp. 654-657.

Beckmann, Michael. (2004) Art auctions and bidding rings : empirical evidence from German auction data. Journal of cultural economics, 28. pp. 125-141.

Beckmann, Michael. (2004) Why do sellers at auctions bid for their own items? : theory and evidence. Schmalenbach business review, Vol. 56. pp. 312-337.

Becskei, Attila and Boselli, Monica G. and van Oudenaarden, Alexander. (2004) Amplitude control of cell-cycle waves by nuclear import. Nature Cell Biology , 6 (5). pp. 451-457.

Behnisch, Urs. (2004) Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte erklärt die Mitwirkungspflicht im Steuerhinterziehungsverfahren als EMRK-widrig. Archiv für schweizerisches Abgaberecht, 69 , H. 11/12. pp. 855-859.

Behnisch, Urs. (2004) Gibt es den steuerfreien Kapitalgewinn bei einer Beteiligungsveräusserung noch? Jusletter, 20. September 2004.

Belser, Thomas. Verankerung von Rhodium-Hydrierkatalysatoren an Alkylthiolat-beschichtete Goldkolloide. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Ben-Tekaya, Houchaïma. The ER-Golgi-Intermediate compartment : dynamics and cargo sorting studied by time-lapse video microscopy. 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Benabdillah, R. and Mota, L. J. and Lutzelschwab, S. and Demoinet, E. and Cornelis, G. R.. (2004) Identification of a nuclear targeting signal in YopM from Yersinia spp. Microbial pathogenesis, Vol. 36, H. 5. pp. 247-261.

Benjamin, D. and Colombi, M. and Moroni, C.. (2004) A GFP-based assay for rapid screening of compounds affecting ARE-dependent mRNA turnover. Nucleic Acids Research, 32 (11). e89.

Benjamin, Suresh P. and Zschokke, Samuel. (2004) Homology, behaviour and spider webs : web construction behaviour of Linyphia hortensis and L-triangularis (Araneae : Linyphiidae) and its evolutionary significance. Journal of evolutionary biology, Vol. 17, H. 1. pp. 120-130.

Bennewitz, R. and Gnecco, E. and Socoliuc, A. and Wyder, U. and Meyer, E.. (2004) Atomic friction and wear. Abstracts of papers / American Chemical Society, Vol. 227, Part 1 , 060-COLL.

Bennewitz, R. and Schar, S. and Gnecco, E. and Pfeiffer, O. and Bammerlin, M. and Meyer, E.. (2004) Atomic structure of alkali halide surfaces. Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, Vol. 78, H. 6. pp. 837-841.

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