Items where Year is 2013
Number of items: 3317. YesA. Buchter, J. Nagel and D. Rüffer, F. Xue and D. P. Weber, O. F. Kieler and T. Weimann, J. Kohlmann and A. B. Zorin, E. Russo-Averchi and R. Huber, P. Berberich and A. Fontcuberta i Morral, M. Kemmler and R. Kleiner, D. Koelle and Grundler, D. and Poggio, M.. (2013) Reversal mechanism of an individual Ni nanotube simultaneously studied by torque and SQUID magnetometry. Physical review letters, Vol. 111, H. 6 , 067202. Abbet, C. and Mayor, R. and Roguet, D. and Spichiger, R. and Hamburger, M. and Potterat, O.. (2013) Ethnobotanical survey on wild alpine food plants in lower and central Valais (Switzerland). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 151 (1). pp. 624-634. Abbet, C. and Slacanin, I. and Corradi, E. and de Mieri, M. and Hamburger, M. and Potterat, O.. (2013) Comprehensive analysis of Phyteuma orbiculare L., a wild Alpine food plant. Food Chemistry, 136 (2). pp. 595-603. Abdel-Hamid, Sameh and Betz, Gabriele. (2013) Investigating the effect of punch geometry on high speed tableting through radial die-wall pressure monitoring. Pharmaceutical development and technology, Vol. 18, no. 1. pp. 46-54. Abdulla, S. and Salim, N. and Machera, F. and Kamata, R. and Juma, O. and Shomari, M. and Kubhoja, S. and Mohammed, A. and Mwangoka, G. and Aebi, T. and Mshinda, H. and Schellenberg, D. and Carter, T. and Villafana, T. and Dubois, M. C. and Leach, A. and Lievens, M. and Vekemans, J. and Cohen, J. and Ballou, W. R. and Tanner, M.. (2013) Randomized, controlled trial of the long term safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of RTS,S/AS02D malaria vaccine in infants living in a malaria-endemic region. Malaria journal, Vol. 12 , 11. Abdulle, Assyr and Grote, Marcus J. and Stohrer, Christian. (2013) Finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for the wave equation: long-time effects. In: Proceedings of 11th international conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation (WAVES 2013). [s.l.], pp. 233-234. Abdulle, Assyr and Grote, Marcus J. and Stohrer, Christian M.. (2013) FE Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for Long Time Wave Propagation. Comptes rendus mathematique, Vol. 351, no. 11-12. pp. 495-499. Abel, S. and Bucher, T. and Nicollier, M. and Hug, I. and Kaever, V. and Abel Zur Wiesch, P. and Jenal, U.. (2013) Bi-modal distribution of the second messenger c-di-GMP controls cell fate and asymmetry during the caulobacter cell cycle. PLoS genetics, Vol. 9, H. 9 , e1003744. Abiodun, Oyindamola O. and Brun, Reto and Wittlin, Sergio. (2013) In vitro interaction of artemisinin derivatives or the fully synthetic peroxidic anti-malarial OZ277 with thapsigargin in Plasmodium falciparum strains. Malaria journal, Vol. 12 , 43. Acevedo, Nathalie and Sääf, Annika and Söderhäll, Cilla and Melén, Erik and Mandelin, Jami and Pietras, Christina Orsmark and Ezer, Sini and Karisola, Piia and Vendelin, Johanna and Gennäs, Gustav Boije Af and Yli-Kauhaluoma, Jari and Alenius, Harri and von Mutius, Erika and Doekes, Gert and Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte and Riedler, Josef and van Hage, Marianne and D'Amato, Mauro and Scheynius, Annika and Pershagen, Göran and Kere, Juha and Pulkkinen, Ville. (2013) Interaction between Retinoid acid receptor-related Orphan Receptor Alpha (RORA) and Neuropeptide S Receptor 1 (NPSR1) in asthma. PloS one, Vol. 8, H. 4 , e60111. Ackema, K. B. and Sauder, U. and Solinger, J. A. and Spang, A.. (2013) The ArfGEF GBF-1 Is Required for ER Structure, Secretion and Endocytic Transport in C. elegans. PLoS one, Vol. 8, H. 6 , e67076. Ackermann, Sandra and Hartmann, Francina and Papassotiropoulos, Andreas and de Quervain, Dominique J.-F. and Rasch, Björn. (2013) Associations between Basal Cortisol Levels and Memory Retrieval in Healthy Young Individuals. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, Vol. 25, H. 11. pp. 1896-1907. Ackermann, Sandra and Heck, Angela and Rasch, Björn and Papassotiropoulos, Andreas and de Quervain, Dominique J.-F.. (2013) The BclI polymorphism of the glucocorticoid receptor gene is associated with emotional memory performance in healthy individuals. Psychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 38, H. 7. pp. 1203-1207. Adam, Y. and Meinlschmidt, Gunther and Lieb, Roselind. (2013) Associations between mental disorders and the common cold in adults: a population based cross-sectional study. Journal of psychosomatic research, Vol. 74, H. 1. pp. 69-73. Adams, M. and Chammartin, M. and Hamburger, M. and Potterat, O.. (2013) Case study for the Swiss flora for prior phytochemical and biological investigations. Journal of natural products, Vol. 76, H. 2. pp. 209-215. Adrom, Faried and Bickel, Susanne and Münch, Hans-Hubertus and Peintner, Erico. (2013) Die Holzstele der Nehemesbastet aus KV 64. Mitteilungen des Deutschen archäologischen Instituts. Abteilung Kairo, Bd. 67 , S. 1–15. Adrom, Faried and Müller, Matthias. (2013) Das Tertragramm in ägyptischen Quellen. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift, 30 (1). pp. 120-141. Aeberhard, Simon. (2013) Hermann Burgers selbstmörderische Poetologie. Zur Performanz testamentarischer Sprechakte. In: Ökonomie des Opfers. Literatur im Zeichen des Suizids. Paderborn, pp. 275-296. Aeberhard, Simon. (2013) Rezension zu: Simon Zusteg: 'poeta contra doctus'. Die perverse Poetologie des Schriftstellers Hermann Burger. Springer: Wien (Edition Voldemeer Zürich) 2011, 409S. Weimarer Beiträge : Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft, Ästhetik und Kulturwissenschaft, Jg. 59 , S. 317–320. Aebi, M. and Plattner, B. and Winkler Metzke, C. and Bessler, C. and Steinhausen, H. -C.. (2013) Parent- and self-reported dimensions of oppositionality in youth : construct validity, concurrent validity, and the prediction of criminal outcomes in adulthood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol. 54, H. 9. pp. 941-949. Aebi-Popp, Karoline and Mulcahy, Fiona and Glass, Tracy R. and Rudin, Christoph and Martinez de Tejada, Begona and Bertisch, Barbara and Fehr, Jan and Grawe, Claudia and Scheibner, Kathrin and Rickenbach, Martin and Hoesli, Irene and Thorne, Claire and the Swiss Mother, and Child HIV Cohort Study, . (2013) Missed opportunities among HIV-positive women to control viral replication during pregnancy and to have a vaginal delivery. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes, Vol. 64, H. 1. pp. 58-65. Aguar-Bartolome, P. and Annand, J. R. M. and Arends, H. J. and Bantawa, K. and Beck, R. and Bekrenev, V. and Berghaeuser, H. and Braghieri, A. and Briscoe, W. J. and Brudvik, J. and Cherepnya, S. and Codling, R. F. B. and Collicott, C. and Demissie, B. and Dieterle, M. and Downie, E. J. and Drexler, P. and Fil`kov, L. V. and Fix, A. and Glazier, D. I. and Gregor, R. and Hamilton, D. and Heid, E. and Hornidge, D. and Howdle, D. and Isaksson, L. and Jaegle, I. and Jahn, O. and Jude, T. C. and Kashevarov, V. L. and Keshelashvili, I. and Kondratiev, R. and Korolija, M. and Kotulla, M. and Koulbardis, A. and Kruglov, S. and Krusche, B. and Lisin, V. and Livingston, K. and MacGregor, I. J. D. and Maghrbi, Y. and Mancel, J. and Manley, D. M. and McNicoll, E. F. and Mekterovic, D. and Metag, V. and Mushkarenkov, A. and Nefkens, B. M. K. and Nikolaev, A. and Novotny, R. and Oberle, M. and Ortega, H. and Ostrick, M. and Ott, P. and Otte, P. B. and Oussena, B. and Pedroni, P. and Pheron, F. and Polonski, A. and Prakhov, S. and Robinson, J. and Rosner, G. and Rostomyan, T. and Schumann, S. and Sikora, M. H. and Sober, D. I. and Starostin, A. and Strakovsky, I. I. and Suarez, I. M. and Supek, I. and Tarbert, C. M. and Thiel, M. and Thomas, A. and Unverzagt, M. and Watts, D. P. and Werthmueller, D. and Witthauer, L. and Zehr, F. and Mami, . (2013) Measurement of the gamma p -< K-0 Sigma(+) reaction with the Crystal Ball/TAPS detectors at the Mainz Microtron. Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, Vol. 88, H. 4 , 044601. Aguilera, I. and Basagaña, X. and Pay, M. T. and Agis, D. and Bouso, L. and Foraster, M. and Rivera, M. and Baldasano, J. M. and Künzli, N.. (2013) Evaluation of the CALIOPE air quality forecasting system for epidemiological research : the example of NO2 in the province of Girona (Spain). Atmospheric environment, 72. pp. 134-141. Ahrné, Erik and Molzahn, Lars and Glatter, Timo and Schmidt, Alexander. (2013) Critical assessment of proteome-wide label-free absolute abundance estimation strategies. Proteomics, Vol. 13, H. 17. pp. 2567-2578. Al Kabary, Ihab and Buechler, Marcel and Schuldt, Heiko. (2013) TOUCHify: bringing pen-based touch screen functionality to flat panel display screens. In: Proceedings of the international conference on information society (i-Society 2013). [S.l.], pp. 111-116. Al Kabary, Ihab and Giangreco, Ivan and Schuldt, Heiko and Matulic, Fabrice and Norrie, Moira. (2013) QUEST: towards a multi-modal CBIR framework combining query-by-example, query-by-sketch, and text search. In: 2013 IEEE international symposium on multimedia (ISM). [S.l.], pp. 433-438. Al Kabary, Ihab and Schuldt, Heiko. (2013) SportSense: using motion queries to find scenes in sports videos. In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on information and knowledge management (CIKM 2013). New York, N.Y., pp. 2489-2492. Al Kabary, Ihab and Schuldt, Heiko. (2013) Towards sketch-based motion queries in sports videos. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE international symposium on multimedia (ISM 2013). [S.l.], pp. 309-314. Albert, Markus and Jehle, Anna Kristina and Fürst, Ursula and Chinchilla, Delphine and Boller, Thomas and Felix, Georg. (2013) A two-hybrid-receptor assay demonstrates heteromer formation as switch-on for plant immune receptors. Plant physiology, Vol. 163, H. 4. pp. 1504-1509. Alberti, Giovanni and Bianchini, Stefano and Crippa, Gianluca. (2013) Structure of level sets and Sard-type properties of Lipschitz maps. Annali della Scuola Normale di Pisa - Classe di Scienze, 12 (4). pp. 863-902. Albisser, Silvio and Schmidlin, Jérome and Schindler, Christian and Tamm, Michael and Stolz, Daiana. (2013) Water pipe smoking and its association with cigarette and cannabis use in young adults in Switzerland. Respiration, 86 (3). pp. 210-215. Albonico, Marco and Rinaldi, Laura and Sciascia, Sonia and Morgoglione, Maria E. and Piemonte, Monica and Maurelli, Maria P. and Musella, Vincenzo and Utzinger, Jürg and Ali, Said M. and Ame, Shaali M. and Cringoli, Giuseppe. (2013) Comparison of three copromicroscopic methods to assess albendazole efficacy against soil-transmitted helminth infections in school-aged children on Pemba Island. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Vol. 107, H. 8. pp. 493-501. Albrecht, B. and Brandeis, D. and Uebel, H. and Valko, L. and Heinrich, H. and Drechsler, R. and Heise, A. and Müller, UC. and Steinhausen, H. -C. and Rothenberger, A. and Banaschewski, T.. (2013) Familiality of Neural Preparation and Response Control in Childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychological Medicine, Vol. 43, H. 9. pp. 1997-2011. Albrecht, Imke and Bieri, Raphael and Leu, Angela and Granacher, Philipp and Hagmann, Jörg and Kilimann, Manfred W. and Christofori, Gerhard. (2013) Paralemmin-1 is expressed in lymphatic endothelial cells and modulates cell migration, cell maturation and tumor lymphangiogenesis. Angiogenesis, Vol. 16, H. 4. pp. 795-807. Albrecht, Peter. (2013) Schweigen im Strafprozess. In: Stille Tropen : zur Rhetorik und Grammatik des Schweigens. Freiburg ; München, pp. 141-157. Albrecht, Thomas and Dedner, Andreas and Lüthi, Marcel and Vetter, Thomas. (2013) Finite element surface registration incorporating curvature, volume preservation, and statistical model information. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, Vol. 2013 , art. 674273. Albrecht, Thomas and Lüthi, Marcel and Gerig, Thomas and Vetter, Thomas. (2013) Posterior shape models. Medical Image Analysis, 17 (8). pp. 959-973. Albrich, Werner C. and Rüegger, Kristina and Dusemund, Frank and Schuetz, Philipp and Arici, Birsen and Litke, Alexander and Blum, Claudine A. and Bossart, Rita and Regez, Katharina and Schild, Ursula and Guglielmetti, Merih and Conca, Antoinette and Schäfer, Petra and Schubert, Maria and de Geest, Sabina and Reutlinger, Barbara and Irani, Sarosh and Bürgi, Ulrich and Huber, Andreas and Müller, Beat. (2013) Biomarker-enhanced triage in respiratory infections: a proof-of-concept feasibility trial. European Respiratory Journal, 42 (4). pp. 1064-1075. Aldana, Samuel and Bruder, Christoph and Nunnenkamp, Andreas. (2013) Equivalence between an optomechanical system and a Kerr medium. Physical review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 88 , 043826. Ali, J. A. M. and Creek, D. J. and Burgess, K. and Allison, H. C. and Field, M. C. and Mäser, P. and de Koning, H. P.. (2013) Pyrimidine salvage in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms and the trypanocidal action of halogenated pyrimidines. Molecular pharmacology : an international journal, Vol. 83, H. 2. pp. 439-453. Alkaiyat, Abdulsalam and Weiss, Mitchell G.. (2013) HIV in the Middle East and North Africa : priority, culture, and control. International journal of public health, 58 (6). pp. 927-937. Alkhatib, M. and del Giorgio, P. A. and Gelinas, Y. and Lehmann, M. F.. (2013) Benthic fluxes of dissolved organic nitrogen in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary and implications for selective organic matter degradation. Biogeosciences, Vol. 10. pp. 7609-7622. Alles, R. and Puchkov, M. and Jablonski, C. and Speich, B. and Keiser, J. and Huwyler, J.. (2013) Development of oxantel tablets for pediatric clinical studies : a technical note. Journal of drug delivery science and technology, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 623-625. Alonso, N. and Antolín, F. and López, D. and Cantero, F. J. and Prats, G.. (2013) The effect of dehusking on cereals : experimentation for archaeobotanical comparison. In: Regards croisés sur les outils liés au travail des végétaux. Antibes, pp. 155-168. Alonso, Pedro L. and Tanner, Marcel. (2013) Public health challenges and prospects for malaria control and elimination. Nature medicine, Vol. 19, H. 2. pp. 150-155. Alos-Palop, M. and Tiwari, Rakesh P. and Blaauboer, M.. (2013) Suppression of conductance in a topological insulator nanostep junction. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, Vol. 87, H. 3 , 035432. Alperi, A. and Larrea, D. and Fernández-González, E. and Dehio, C. and Zechner, E. L. and Llosa, M.. (2013) A translocation motif in relaxase TrwC specifically affects recruitment by its conjugative Type IV Secretion System. Journal of Bacteriology, 195 (22). pp. 4999-5006. Alshihabi, Firas and Vandamme, Thierry and Betz, Gabriele. (2013) Focused beam reflectance method as an innovative (PAT) tool to monitor in-line granulation process in fluidized bed. Pharmaceutical development and technology, Vol. 18, no. 1. pp. 73-84. Altdorff, Daniel and Epting, Jannis and van der Kruk, Jan and Dietrich, Peter and Huggenberger, Peter. (2013) Delineation of fluvial sediment architecture of subalpine riverine systems using noninvasive hydrogeophysical methods. Environmental earth sciences, Vol. 69, H. 2. pp. 633-644. Altmann, Danny and Aseffa, Abraham and Bash, Margaret and Basta, Nicole and Borrow, Ray and Broome, Claire and Caugant, Dominique and Clark, Tom and Collard, Jean-Marc and Djingarey, Mamoudou and Goldblatt, David and Greenwood, Brian and Griffiths, Ulla and Hajjeh, Rana and Hassan-King, Musa and Hugonnet, Stephane and Kimball, Ann Marie and LaForce, Marc and MacLennan, Calman and Maiden, Martin C. J. and Manigart, Olivier and Mayer, Leonard and Messonnier, Nancy and Moisi, Jennifer and Moore, Katie and Moto, Daugla Doumagoum and Mueller, Judith and Nascimento, Maria and Obaro, Stephen and Ouedraogo, Rasmata and Page, Anne-Laure and Perea, Willima and Pluschke, Gerd and Preziosi, Mari-Pierre and Sow, Samba and Stephens, David and Stuart, James and Thomson, Madeleiene and Tiendrebeogo, Sylvestre and Trape, Jean-Francois and Vernet, Guy. (2013) Priorities for research on meningococcal disease and the impact of serogroup A vaccination in the African meningitis belt. Vaccine : the official journal of the International Society for Vaccines, 31 (11). pp. 1453-1457. Amari, Khalid and Vazquez, Franck. (2013) Changing the accumulation pattern of microRNAs in plants during infection of the tobacco mosaic virus. Virologie, Vol. 17, H. 2. pp. 88-95. Amrhein, V.. (2013) Entwicklungen in der ornithologischen Kommunikationsforschung. Der ornithologische Beobachter, Bd. 110, H. 3. pp. 295-306. Andersen, S. M. and Randers, A. and Mohr Jensen, C. and Bisgaard, C. and Steinhausen, H. -C.. (2013) Preceding diagnoses to adult bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in a nationwide Danish register study. BMC Psychiatry, Vol. 13 , 343. Andersen, T. V. and Schmidt, L. S. and Poulsen, A. H. and Feychting, M. and Röösli, M. and Tynes, T. and Aydin, D. and Prochazka, M. and Lannering, B. and Klæboe, L. and Eggen, T. and Kuehni, C. E. and Schmiegelow, K. and Schüz, J.. (2013) Patterns of exposure to infectious diseases and social contacts in early life and risk of brain tumours in children and adolescents : an International Case-Control Study (CEFALO). British journal of cancer : the clinical and scientific journal of The Cancer Research Campaign : BJC, Vol. 108, H. 11. pp. 2346-2353. Andorno, Roberto. (2013) The dual role of human dignity in bioethics. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 16 (4). pp. 967-973. Andow, D. A. and Lövei, G. L. and Arpaia, S. and Wilson, L. and Fontes, E. M. G. and Hilbeck, A. and Lang, Andreas and Van Tuat, N. and Pires, C. S. S. and Sujii, E. R. and Zwahlen, C. and Birch, A. N. E. and Capalbo, D. M. F. and Prescott, K. and Omoto, C. and Zeilinger, A. R.. (2013) An ecologically-based method for selecting ecological indicators for assessing risks to biological diversity from genetically-engineered plants. Journal of biosafety, Vol. 22, H. 3. pp. 141-156. Andras, J. P. and Ebert, D.. (2013) A novel approach to parasite population genetics: experimental infection reveals geographic differentiation, recombination and host-mediated population structure in Pasteuria ramosa, a bacterial parasite of Daphnia. Molecular Ecology, 22 (4). pp. 972-986. Andreas Diekmann, and Kurt Schmidheiny, . (2013) The Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce: A Fifteen-Country Study with the Fertility and Family Survey. Comparative sociology, Vol. 12, issue. 2. pp. 211-235. Angehrn, Céline and Isler, Simona. (2013) Hausarbeit als Beruf – eine Historisierung. etü – HistorikerInnen-Zeitschrift, 2013 (2). pp. 6-9. Angliker, Nico and Rüegg, Markus A.. (2013) In vivo evidence for mTORC2-mediated actin cytoskeleton rearrangement in neurons. Bioarchitecture, 3 (4). pp. 113-118. Annaheim, Beatrice. (2013) Who is smoking pot for fun and who is not? An overview of screening instruments for cannabis-related problems in general population surveys. Addiction Research and Theory, 21 (5). pp. 410-428. Ansari, K. and Ying, J. Y. S. and Hauser, P. C. and de Rooij, N. F. and Rodriguez, I.. (2013) A portable lab-on-a-chip instrument based on MCE with dual topbottom capacitive coupled contactless conductivity detector in replaceable cell cartridge. Electrophoresis, Vol. 34, H. 9-10. pp. 1390-1399. Antolín, F. and Blanco, A. and Buxó, R. and Caruso, L. and Jacomet, S. and López, O. and Marlasca, R. and Piqué, R. and Saña, M.. (2013) The application of systematic sampling strategies for bioarchaeological studies in the Early Neolithic lakeshore site of La Draga (Banyoles, Spain). Journal of wetland archaeology, Vol. 13. pp. 29-49. Antonovics, J. and Boots, M. and Ebert, D. and D., Koskella and B., Poss and Sadd, B. M.. (2013) The origin of specificity by means of natural selection : evolved and nonhost resistance in host–pathogen interactions. Evolution, 67 (1). pp. 1-9. Antusch, Stefan and Calibbi, Lorenzo and Maurer, Vinzenz and Monaco, Maurizio and Spinrath, Martin. (2013) Naturalness of the Non-Universal MSSM in the Light of the Recent Higgs Results. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1. p. 187. Antusch, Stefan and Cefala, Francesco. (2013) SUGRA New Inflation with Heisenberg Symmetry. JCAP: Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics, Vol. 1310. 055. Antusch, Stefan and Gross, Christian and Maurer, Vinzenz and Sluka, Constantin. (2013) A flavour GUT model with $theta_13^PMNS simeq theta_C/sqrt2. Nuclear physics. B, Particle physics, Vol. 877. pp. 772-791. Antusch, Stefan and Gross, Christian and Maurer, Vinzenz and Sluka, Constantin. (2013) theta^PMNS_13 = theta_C / sqrt2 from GUTs. Nuclear physics. B, Particle physics, Vol. 866. pp. 255-269. Antusch, Stefan and Holthausen, Martin and Schmidt, Michael A. and Spinrath, Martin. (2013) Solving the Strong CP Problem with Discrete Symmetries and the Right Unitarity Triangle. Nuclear physics. B, Particle physics, Vol. 877, H. 3. pp. 752-771. Antusch, Stefan and King, Stephen F. and Spinrath, Martin. (2013) Spontaneous CP violation in A4timesSU(5) with Constrained Sequential Dominance 2. Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation and cosmology, Vol. 87 , 096018. Antusch, Stefan and Maurer, Vinzenz. (2013) Running quark and lepton parameters at various scales. Journal of High Energy Physics. p. 115. Antusch, Stefan and Nolde, David. (2013) Matter inflation with A_4 flavour symmetry breaking. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP), 10. 028. Appenzeller-Herzog, Christian and Birk, Julia. (2013) Erratum: Green fluorescent protein-based monitoring of endoplasmic reticulum redox poise. Frontiers in genetics, Vol. 4, art. 255 , 1 S.. Archetti, Marco. (2013) Evolution of polygamous marriage by maximization of inclusive fitness. Journal of theoretical biology, Vol. 319. pp. 134-143. Archetti, Marco and Scheuring, István. (2013) Trading public goods stabilizes interspecific mutualism. Journal of theoretical biology, Vol. 318. pp. 58-67. Arcones, A. and Thielemann, F. -K.. (2013) Neutrino-driven wind simulations and nucleosynthesis of heavy elements. Journal of physics. G, Nuclear physics, Vol. 40, H. 1 , 013201. Arheit, Marcel and Castaño-Diéz, Daniel and Thierry, Raphaël and Abeyrathne, Priyanka and Gipson, Bryant R. and Stahlberg, Henning. (2013) Merging of image data in electron crystallography. Methods in Molecular Biology, 955. pp. 195-209. Arheit, Marcel and Castaño-Díez, Daniel and Thierry, Raphaël and Gipson, Bryant R. and Zeng, Xiangyan and Stahlberg, Henning. (2013) Automation of image processing in electron crystallography. Methods in Molecular Biology, 955. pp. 313-330. Arheit, Marcel and Castaño-Díez, Daniel and Thierry, Raphaël and Gipson, Bryant R. and Zeng, Xiangyan and Stahlberg, Henning. (2013) Image Processing of 2D Crystal Images. Methods in Molecular Biology, 955. pp. 171-194. Arnet, Isabelle and Walter, Philipp N. and Hersberger, Kurt E.. 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