Items where Year is 2014
Number of items: 3367. Kim, Jaehong and Camera, Gabriele. (2014) Uniqueness of equilibrium in directed search models. Journal of Economic Theory, 151. pp. 248-267. Liechti, Matthias E.. (2014) Effects of MDMA on body temperature in humans. Temperature, 1 (3). pp. 179-187. AA'Campo-Neuen, Annette and A'Campo, Norbert and Ji, Lizhen and Papadopoulos, Athanase. (2014) A commentary on Teichmüller's paper Veränderliche Riemannsche Flächen (Variable Riemann surfaces) Deutsche Math. 7 (1944), 344–359. In: Handbook of Teichmüller theory, 4. Zürich, pp. 805-814. A. Chakraborty, J. Fulara and Dietsche, R. and Maier, J. P.. (2014) Electronic Transitions of C7H3+ and C7H3 Isomers in Neon Matrices. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, 16 (15). pp. 7023-7030. A. Marca Pereira, M. L. and Eppler, E. and Thorpe, K. L. and Wheeler, J. R. and Burkhardt-Holm, P.. (2014) Molecular and cellular effects of chemicals disrupting steroidogenesis during early ovarian development of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario). Environmental Toxicology, 29 (2). pp. 199-206. A. Uccello, B. Eren and L. Marot, D. Dellasega and A. Maffini, R. Steiner and D. Mathys, E. Meyer and Passoni, M.. (2014) Deuterium plasma exposure of rhodium films : Role of morphology and crystal structure. Journal of nuclear materials, Vol. 446, H. 1-3. pp. 106-112. Abad, Maria Alba and Medina, Bethan and Santamaria, Anna and Zou, Juan and Plasberg-Hill, Carla and Madhumalar, Arumugam and Jayachandran, Uma and Redli, Patrick Marc and Rappsilber, Juri and Nigg, Erich A. and Jeyaprakash, A. Arockia. (2014) Structural basis for microtubule recognition by the human kinetochore Ska complex. Nature communications, Vol. 5 , Article Nr. 2964. Abakar, Mahamat Fayiz and Naré, Ngandolo B. and Schelling, Esther and Hattendorf, Jan and Alfaroukh, Idriss O. and Zinsstag, Jakob. (2014) Seroprevalence of rift valley fever, Q fever, and brucellosis in ruminants on the southeastern shore of lake Chad. Vector-borne and zoonotic diseases, Vol. 14, H. 10. pp. 757-762. Abanto, Michael. Mechanisms of neurotransmitter receptor packaging and delivery to the synapse. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Abbet, C. and Slacanin, I. and Corradi, E. and de Mieri, M. and Hamburger, M. and Potterat, O.. (2014) Comprehensive analysis of Cirsium spinosissimum Scop., a wild alpine food plant. Food Chemistry, 160. pp. 165-170. Abbet, Christian Paul. Forgotten Edible alpine plants in the canton of Valais. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Abgottspon, Daniela. In vitro and in vivo characterization of FimH antagonists for anti-adhesion therapy - an alternative therapeutic approach against urinary tract infection. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Abrell, Jan and Weigt, Hannes. (2014) Investments in a combined energy network model: substitution between natural gas and electricity? WWZ Discussion Papers, 2014 (05). Basel. Achermann, Patrick. Demokratie, quo vadis? Kontextualisierungen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven eines politischen Ordnungsprinzips. 2014, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Ackema, K. B. and Hench, J. and Böckler, S. and Wang, S. C. and Sauder, U. and Mergentaler, H. and Westermann, B. and Bard, F. and Frank, S. and Spang, A.. (2014) The small GTPase Arf1 modulates mitochondrial morphology and function. The EMBO Journal, 33 (22). pp. 2659-2675. Adam, Martin and Imboden, Medea and Boes, Eva and Schaffner, Emmanuel and Künzli, Nino and Phuleria, Harish Chandra and Kronenberg, Florian and Gaspoz, Jean-Michel and Carballo, David and Probst-Hensch, Nicole. (2014) Modifying effect of a common polymorphism in the interleukin-6 promoter on the relationship between long-term exposure to traffic-related particulate matter and heart rate variability. PloS one, Vol. 9, H. 8 , e104978. Adametz, David and Rey, Melanie and Roth, Volker. (2014) Information Bottleneck for Pathway-Centric Gene Expression Analysis. In: Pattern recognition: 36th German Conference. Cham, pp. 81-91. Adametz, David and Roth, Volker. (2014) Distance-based network recovery under feature correlation. In: Advances in neural information processing systems, 27. Cambridge (Mass.), pp. 775-783. Adelfinger, Lisa. Modulation of GABAB receptor signaling by associated proteins and phosphorylation. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Adsul, Neeraj. Fluorescence detection based point-of-care diagnostics platforms : bridging the gap between laboratory and market. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Aeberhard, Simon. (2014) Die künstliche Muttersprache : Hermann Burgers "dialÄktische" Etymogeleien. In: dialÄktik : deutschschweizer Literatur zwischen Mundart und Hochsprache. Zürich, pp. 155-175. Aeberhard, Simon. (2014) Die künstliche Muttersprache. Hermann Burgers "dialÄktische" Etymogeleien. In: dialÄktik. Deutschschweizer Literatur zwischen Mundart und Hochsprache. Zürich, pp. 155-175. Aeberhard, Simon. (2014) Zerreissproben fürs Literaturtheater. Kleists Penthesilea und Jelineks Ein Sportstück. In: Schreiben nach Kleist. literarische, mediale und theoretische Transkriptionen. Freiburg im Breisgau, pp. 237-253. Aeberhard, Simon. (2014) Zur Kenntlichkeit verfremden. Die Berndeutschtexte von Martin Frank. In: dialÄktik. Deutschschweizer Literatur zwischen Mundart und Hochsprache. Zürich, pp. 207-219. Aeberhard, Simon. (2014) Zur ›Sprachigkeit‹ der Schrift. Mehrsprachigkeit in Arno Camenischs Bündner Trilogie. Variations, 22 . pp. 105-116. Aeberhard, Simon. (2014) »Unsichtbares Theater«? Kleists Penthesilea zwischen Hysterik und Hochkomik. In: Il teatro di Kleist. Interpretazioni, allestimenti, traduzioni. Rom, pp. 51-68. Aebersold, R. and Mooser, V. and Beckmann, J. and Dermitzakis, M. and Dorcey, E. and Kansy, M. and Knowles, J. and Kossmann, D. and Macpherson, A. and Pelkmans, L. and Probst-Hensch, N. and Reymond, A. and Schifferli, J. and Singer, T. and Tag, B. and Trono, D. and Vayena, E. and Vonder Mühll, D. and Xenarios, I.. (2014) "Personalized health" : report to discuss options and frame for a new Swiss initiative. Zürich. Aebi, Marcel and Giger, Joël and Plattner, Belinda and Metzke, Christa Winkler and Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph. (2014) Problem coping skills, psychosocial adversities and mental health problems in children and adolescents as predictors of criminal outcomes in young adulthood. European child & adolescent psychiatry, Vol. 23, H. 5. pp. 283-293. Affolter, Markus and Wüthrich, Kurt. (2014) Walter Jakob Gehring: a Master of Developmental Biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 111, H. 5. pp. 12574-12575. Agar Marco, Rocío. (2014) Le frasi pseudoscisse in italiano e in spagnolo. Una proposta di tipologia. In: Dal manoscritto al web: canali e modalità di trasmissione dell'italiano. Tecniche, materiali e usi nella storia della lingua. Atti del XII Congresso SILFI Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana. Firenze, pp. 557-565. Agrez, Urska and Zimprich, Daniel and Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph. (2014) Messinvarianz zwischen den Geschlechtern in der deutschen Version des Young Adult Self-Report (YASR). Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Forschung und Praxis, Vol. 43, H. 3. pp. 192-203. Aguar-Bartolome, P. and Annand, J. R. M. and Arends, H. J. and Bantawa, K. and Beck, R. and Bekrenev, V. and Berghaeuser, H. and Braghieri, A. and Briscoe, W. J. and Brudvik, J. and Cherepnya, S. and Codling, R. F. B. and Collicott, C. and Costanza, S. and Denig, A. and Downie, E. J. and Drexler, P. and Fil`kov, L. V. and Fix, A. and Glazier, D. I. and Gregor, R. and Hamilton, D. J. and Heid, E. and Hornidge, D. and Isaksson, L. and Jaegle, I. and Jahn, O. and Jude, T. C. and Kashevarov, V. L. and Keshelashvili, I. and Kondratiev, R. and Korolija, M. and Kotulla, M. and Koulbardis, A. and Kruglov, S. and Krusche, B. and Lisin, V. and Livingston, K. and MacGregor, I. J. D. and Maghrbi, Y. and Manley, D. M. and Masjuan, P. and McGeorge, J. C. and McNicoll, E. F. and Mekterovic, D. and Metag, V. and Mushkarenkov, A. and Nefkens, B. M. K. and Nikolaev, A. and Novotny, R. and Ortega, H. and Ostrick, M. and Ott, P. and Otte, P. B. and Oussena, B. and Pedroni, P. and Pheron, F. and Polonski, A. and Prakhov, S. and Robinson, J. and Rosner, G. and Rostomyan, T. and Schumann, S. and Sikora, M. H. and Sober, D. I. and Starostin, A. and Strakovsky, I. I. and Suarez, I. M. and Supek, I. and Tarbert, C. M. and Thiel, M. and Thomas, A. and Unverzagt, M. and Watts, D. P. and Werthmueller, D. and Zehr, F.. (2014) New determination of the eta transition form factor in the Dalitz decay eta -< e(+) e(-) gamma with the Crystal Ball/TAPS detectors at the Mainz Microtron. Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, Vol. 89, H. 4 , 044608. Aiken, Linda H. and Sloane, Douglas M. and Bruyneel, Luk and Van den Heede, Koen and Griffiths, Peter and Busse, Reinhard and Diomidous, Marianna and Kinnunen, Juha and Kózka, Maria and Lesaffre, Emmanuel and McHugh, Matthew D. and Moreno-Casbas, M. T. and Rafferty, Anne Marie and Schwendimann, Rene and Scott, P. Anne and Tishelman, Carol and van Achterberg, Theo and Sermeus, Walter. (2014) Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. Lancet, 383 (9931). pp. 1824-1830. Akay, Turgay and Tourtellotte, Warren G. and Arber, Silvia and Jessell, Thomas M.. (2014) Degradation of mouse locomotor pattern in the absence of proprioceptive sensory feedback. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 111, H. 47. pp. 16877-16882. Akeret, Örni and Kühn, Marlu and Brombacher, Christoph and Martinoli, Danièle. (2014) La végétation sur et autour du Mormont. Archéothéma. Hors-Serie, 7 (avril 2014). p. 77. Akondi, C. S. and Annand, J. R. M. and Arends, H. J. and Beck, R. and Bernstein, A. and Borisov, N. and Braghieri, A. and Briscoe, W. J. and Cherepnya, S. and Collicott, C. and Costanza, S. and Downie, E. J. and Dieterle, M. and Fix, A. and Fil`kov, L. V. and Garni, S. and Glazier, D. I. and Gradl, W. and Gurevich, G. and Barrientos, P. Hall and Hamilton, D. and Hornidge, D. and Howdle, D. and Huber, G. M. and Kashevarov, V. L. and Keshelashvili, I. and Kondratiev, R. and Korolija, M. and Krusche, B. and Lazarev, A. and Lisin, V. and Livingston, K. and MacGregor, I. J. D. and Mancel, J. and Manley, D. M. and Martel, P. and McNicoll, E. F. and Meyer, W. and Middleton, D. and Miskimen, R. and Mushkarenkov, A. and Nefkens, B. M. K. and Neganov, A. and Nikolaev, A. and Oberle, M. and Ostrick, M. and Ortega, H. and Ott, P. and Otte, P. B. and Oussena, B. and Pedroni, P. and Polonski, A. and Polyanski, V. V. and Prakhov, S. and Reicherz, G. and Rostomyan, T. and Sarty, A. and Schumann, S. and Steffen, O. and Strakovsky, I. I. and Strub, Th. and Supek, I. and Tiator, L. and Thomas, A. and Unverzagt, M. and Usov, Yu. A. and Watts, D. P. and Werthmuller, D. and Witthauer, L. and Wolfes, M.. (2014) Measurement of the Transverse Target and Beam-Target Asymmetries in eta Meson Photoproduction at MAMI. Physical review letters, Vol. 113, H. 10 , 102001. Al Kabary, Ihab and Schuldt, Heiko. (2014) Enhancing sketch-based sport video retrieval by suggesting relevant motion paths. In: SIGIR '14 : proceedings of the 37th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, July 6 - 7, 2014, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. New York, NY, pp. 1227-1230. Al Kabary, Ihab and Schuldt, Heiko. (2014) SKETCHify - an adaptive prominent edge detection algorithm for optimized query-by-sketch image retrieval. In: Adaptive multimedia retrieval : semantics, context, and adaption ; 10th international workshop, AMR 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 24 - 25, 2012 ; revised selected papers. Cham, pp. 231-247. Al Kabary, Ihab and Schuldt, Heiko. (2014) Using hand gestures for specifying motion path queries in sketch-based video retrieval. In: Advances in information retrieval : 36th European conference on IR Research, ECIR 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 13-16, 2014. Cham, pp. 733-736. Al-Hamdani, Yasmine S. and Alfè, Dario and von Lilienfeld, O. Anatole and Michaelides, Angelos. (2014) Water on BN doped benzene: a hard test for exchange-correlation functionals and the impact of exact exchange on weak binding. Journal of Chemical Physics, 141 (18). 18C530. Alain Mazé, and Timo Glatter, and Dirk Bumann, . (2014) The central metabolism regulator EIIAGlc switches Salmonella from growth arrest to acute virulence through activation of virulence factor secretion. Cell reports, Vol. 7, H. 5 , S. 1426–1433. Alba, Sandra and Nathan, Rose and Schulze, Alexander and Mshinda, Hassan and Lengeler, Christian. (2014) Child mortality patterns in rural Tanzania : an observational study on the impact of malaria control interventions. International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 43, H. 1. pp. 204-215. Albert, V. and Hall, M. N.. (2014) mTOR signaling in cellular and organismal energetics. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Vol. 33. pp. 55-66. Alberti, Giovanni and Bianchini, Stefano and Crippa, Gianluca. (2014) A uniqueness result for the continuity equation in two dimensions. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Vol. 16, H. 2. pp. 201-234. Alberti, Giovanni and Bianchini, Stefano and Crippa, Gianluca. (2014) On the Lp-differentiability of certain classes of functions. Revista matemática Iberoamericana, Vol. 30, no. 1. pp. 349-367. Alberti, Giovanni and Crippa, Gianluca and Mazzucato, Anna L.. (2014) Exponential self-similar mixing and loss of regularity for continuity equations. Comptes rendus mathematique, Vol. 352, no. 11. pp. 901-906. Alberti, M. N. and Nowakowska, S. and Tzirakis, M. D. and Nowakowski, J. and Fesser, P. and Schweizer, W. B. and Shchyrba, A. and Thilgen, C. and Jung, T. A. and Diederich, F.. (2014) Synthesis of trans-A(2)B(2)- and trans-A(2)BC-Porphyrins with Polar 4 '-(Dimethylamino)tolan-4-yl Substituents, and a Screening Protocol for Vapor-Phase Deposition on Metal Surfaces. European Journal of Organic Chemistry (26). pp. 5705-5719. Albom, Ana. (2014) Right-dislocation in Italian and Spanish. A contrastive analysis. In: Tra romanistica e germanistica : lingua, testo, cognizione e cultura = Between Romance and Germanic : language, text, cognition and culture. Bern, pp. 15-34. Albrecht, Björn and Brandeis, Daniel and von Sandersleben, Henrik Uebel- and Valko, Lilian and Heinrich, Hartmut and Xu, Xiaohui and Drechsler, Renate and Heise, Alexander and Kuntsi, Jonna and Müller, Ueli C. and Asherson, Philip and Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph and Rothenberger, Aribert and Banaschewski, Tobias. (2014) Genetics of preparation and response control in ADHD : the role of DRD4 and DAT1. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, Vol. 55, H. 8. pp. 914-923. Albrich, W. C. and Madhi, S. A. and Adrian, P. V. and van Niekerk, N. and Telles, J. N. and Ebrahim, N. and Messaoudi, M. and Paranhos-Baccala, G. and Giersdorf, S. and Vernet, G. and Mueller, B. and Klugman, K. P.. (2014) Pneumococcal colonisation density: a new marker for disease severity in HIV-infected adults with pneumonia. BMJ Open, 4 (8). e005953. Aldana, Samuel. Effective nonlinear interactions in circuit QED and optomechanical setups. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Aldana, Samuel and Bruder, Christoph and Nunnenkamp, Andreas. (2014) Detection of weak forces based on noise-activated switching in bistable optomechanical systems. Physical review A, General physics, Vol. 90, H. 6 , 063810. Alewell, Christine and Meusburger, Katrin and Juretzko, Gregor and Mabit, Lionel and Ketterer, Michael E.. (2014) Suitability of 239+240Pu and 137Cs as tracers for soil erosion assessment in mountain grassland. Chemosphere, 103, S. 274–280. Alexander, Archie A. and Jotterand, Fabrice. (2014) Market Considerations for Nanomedicines and Theranostic Nanomedicines. In: Cancer Theranostics. Amsterdam, pp. 471-491. Alkaiyat, Abdulsalam. Key elements of HIV/AIDS control in the Arab world. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Alkaiyat, Abdulsalam and Schaetti, Christian and Liswi, Mohammad and Weiss, Mitchell G.. (2014) Condom use and HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Jordan. Journal of the International AIDS Society, Vol. 17 , 18573. Alkhazraji, Yusra and Katz, Michael and Mattmüller, Robert and Pommerening, Florian and Shleyfman, Alexander and Wehrle, Martin. (2014) Metis: Arming Fast Downward with Pruning and Incremental Computation. Eighth International Planning Competition (IPC 2014), Deterministic Part. pp. 88-92. Allemann, Martin. (2014) Die spätantiken Ziegelbrennöfen in der Flur Liebrüti (Kaiseraugst AG) und ihr Bezug zur Legio I Martia. Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst, 35. pp. 157-240. Allemann, Martin and Bernasconi, Marco. (2014) 2013/30 Münsterplatz 9 (Münster Vierungskrypta). Jahresbericht der Archäologischen Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt, 2013. p. 31. Allemann, Martin and Galioto, Luisa. (2014) Rheinfelden AG, Weiherfeld (Rhe.013.1). Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, 97. pp. 242-243. Allemann, Samuel S. and van Mil, J. W. Foppe and Botermann, Lea and Berger, Karin and Griese, Nina and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2014) Pharmaceutical care: the PCNE definition 2013. International journal of clinical pharmacy, Vol. 36, H. 3. pp. 544-555. Allmendinger, A. and Dieu, L. H. and Fischer, S. and Mueller, R. and Mahler, H. C. and Huwyler, J.. (2014) High-throughput viscosity measurement using capillary electrophoresis instrumentation and its application to protein formulation. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, Vol. 99. pp. 51-58. Allmendinger, A. and Fischer, S. and Huwyler, J. and Mahler, H. C. and Schwarb, E. and Zarraga, I. E. and Mueller, R.. (2014) Rheological characterization and injection forces of concentrated protein formulations : an alternative predictive model for non-Newtonian solutions. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, Vol. 87, H. 2. pp. 318-328. Allmendinger, Andrea Martina. Rheological investigation of manufacturability and injectability of highly concentrated monoclonal antibody formulations. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Alm, Daniel and Harbrecht, Helmut and Krämer, Ulf. (2014) The H2-wavelet method. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, Vol. 267. pp. 131-159. Alonso, N. and Antolín, F. and Kirchner, H.. (2014) Novelties and legacies in crops and agricultural practices of the Islamic period in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula: the archaeobotanical evidence in Madîna Balagî, Madîna Lârida and Madîna Turṭûša. Quaternary international, 346. pp. 149-161. Alos-Palop, M. and Tiwari, Rakesh P. and Blaauboer, M.. (2014) Adiabatic quantum pumping of chiral Majorana fermions. Physical Review B, 89 (4). 045307. Alt, Kurt and Röder, Brigitte. (2014) Der inkorporierte Alltag: sterbliche Überreste als Zugang zur prähistorischen Geschlechter- und Kindheitsgeschichte. In: Ich Mann. Du Frau. Feste Rollen seit Urzeiten? Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung des Archäologischen Museums Colombischlössle 16. Oktober 2014 – 15. März 2015.. Freiburg i.Br./Berlin, pp. 202-209. Alt, Kurt W. and Brandt, Guido and Knipper, Corina and Lehn, Christine. (2014) Empfehlungen für die Probenentnahme in der forensischen Anthropologie: Untersuchung von DNA und Stabilisotopen. Rechtsmedizin, 24 (3). pp. 179-185. Althaus, Julia B. and Jerz, Gerold and Winterhalter, Peter and Kaiser, Marcel and Brun, Reto and Schmidt, Thomas J.. (2014) Antiprotozoal activity of Buxus sempervirens and activity-guided isolation of O-tigloylcyclovirobuxeine-B as the main constituent active against Plasmodium falciparum. Molecules : a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry, Vol. 19, H. 5. pp. 6184-6201. Althaus, Julia B. and Kaiser, Marcel and Brun, Reto and Schmidt, Thomas J.. (2014) Antiprotozoal activity of achillea ptarmica (Asteraceae) and its main alkamide constituents. Molecules : a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry, Vol. 19, H. 5. pp. 6428-6438. Altwicker, T. and Diggelmann, O.. (2014) How is Progress Constructed in International Legal Theory? European Journal of International Law, 25 (2). pp. 425-444. Altwicker, Tilmann. (2014) Die Zukunft des Völkerrechts - Rechtsökonomisch betrachtet : Renzension zu Joel P. Trachtman, the future of international law, Cambridge 2013. Rechtswissenschaft, 5 (1). pp. 118-126. Altwicker, Tilmann. (2014) Rechtsperson im Rechtspositivismus. In: Person und Rechtsperson. Zur Philosophie der Personalität in den interpersonalen Verhältnissen des Rechts. Tübingen, pp. 223-242. Altwicker, Tilmann. (2014) Rezension: N. Brieskorn/ G. Stiening (hrsg. v.), Francisco de Vitorias ‚De Indis‘ in interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Reihe II: Untersuchungen, Band 3, frommann-holzboog. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 2011 ; K. Bunge/ S. Schweighöfer/ A. Spindler/ A. Wagner (hrsg. v.), Kontroversen um das Recht / Contending for Law. Beiträge zur Rechtsbegründung von Vitoria bis Suáre z, Reihe II: Untersuchungen, Band 4, frommann-holzboog. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 2011. Forum Historiae Iuris, 2014. Altwicker, Tilmann. (2014) Spinozas Theorie der internationalen Beziehungen. In: Naturalismus und Demokratie: Spinozas »Politischer Traktat« im Kontext seines Systems. Ein Kommentar, 10. Tübingen, pp. 67-77. Altwicker, Tilmann and Oliver, Diggelmann. (2014) What should remain of the critical approaches to international law? : International legal theory as critique. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht (SZIER), 24. pp. 69-92. Amadeo, Marica and Molinaro, Antonella and Campolo, Claudia and Sifalakis, Manolis and Tschudin, Christian. (2014) Transport Layer Design for Named Data Wireless Networking. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Communications workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2014 : April 27, 2014 - May 2, 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada. Piscataway, NJ, pp. 464-469. Amaral, André F. S. and Ramasamy, Adaikalavan and Castro-Giner, Francesc and Minelli, Cosetta and Accordini, Simone and Sørheim, Inga-Cecilie and Pin, Isabelle and Kogevinas, Manolis and Jõgi, Rain and Balding, David J. and Norbäck, Dan and Verlato, Giuseppe and Olivieri, Mario and Probst-Hensch, Nicole and Janson, Christer and Zock, Jan-Paul and Heinrich, Joachim and Jarvis, Deborah L.. (2014) Interaction between gas cooking and GSTM1 null genotype in bronchial responsiveness : results from the european community respiratory health survey. Thorax, Vol. 69, no. 6. pp. 558-564. Amari, Khalid and Di Donato, Martin and Dolja, Valerian V. and Heinlein, Manfred. (2014) Myosins VIII and XI Play Distinct Roles in Reproduction and Transport of Tobacco Mosaic Virus. PLoS Pathogens, Vol. 10, H. 10 , e1004448. Ambrosio, Luigi and Crippa, Gianluca. (2014) Continuity equations and ODE flows with non-smooth velocity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, Vol. 144, H. 6. pp. 1191-1244. Amini, Hassan and Shamsipour, Mansour and Sowlat, Mohammad Hossein and Parsaeian, Mahboubeh and Kasaeian, Amir and Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh and Kashani, Homa and Saeedi, Reza and Mosaferi, Mohammad and Nowrouz, Parviz and Ahmadnezhad, Elham and Rabiei, Katayoun and Mesdaghinia, Alireza and Yunesian, Masud and Farzadfar, Farshad. (2014) National and sub-national environmental burden of disease in Iran from 1990 to 2013-study profile. Archives of Iranian Medicine, 17 (1). pp. 62-70. Amini, Hassan and Taghavi-Shahri, Seyed Mahmood and Henderson, Sarah B. and Naddafi, Kazem and Nabizadeh, Ramin and Yunesian, Masud. (2014) Land use regression models to estimate the annual and seasonal spatial variability of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter in Tehran, Iran. 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Kassebaum, Nicholas J. and Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia and Coggeshall, Megan S. and Shackelford, Katya A. and Steiner, Caitlyn and Heuton, Kyle R. and Gonzalez-Medina, Diego and Barber, Ryan and Huynh, Chantal and Dicker, Daniel and Templin, Tara and Wolock, Timothy M. and Ozgoren, Ayse Abbasoglu and Abd-Allah, Foad and Abera, Semaw Ferede and Abubakar, Ibrahim and Achoki, Tom and Adelekan, Ademola and Ademi, Zanfina and Adou, Arsène Kouablan and Adsuar, José C. and Agardh, Emilie E. and Akena, Dickens and Alasfoor, Deena and Alemu, Zewdie Aderaw and Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael and Alhabib, Samia and Ali, Raghib and Al Kahbouri, Mazin J. and Alla, François and Allen, Peter J. and AlMazroa, Mohammad A. and Alsharif, Ubai and Alvarez, Elena and Alvis-Guzmán, Nelson and Amankwaa, Adansi A. and Amare, Azmeraw T. and Amini, Hassan and Ammar, Walid and Antonio, Carl A. T. and Anwari, Palwasha and Arnlöv, Johan and Arsenijevic, Valentina S. Arsic and Artaman, Ali and Asad, Majed Masoud and Asghar, Rana J. and Assadi, Reza and Atkins, Lydia S. and Badawi, Alaa and Balakrishnan, Kalpana and Basu, Arindam and Basu, Sanjay and Beardsley, Justin and Bedi, Neeraj and Bekele, Tolesa and Bell, Michelle L. and Bernabe, Eduardo and Beyene, Tariku J. and Bhutta, Zulfiqar and Bin Abdulhak, Aref and Blore, Jed D. and Basara, Berrak Bora and Bose, Dipan and Breitborde, Nicholas and Cárdenas, Rosario and Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A. and Castro, Ruben Estanislao and Catalá-López, Ferrán and Cavlin, Alanur and Chang, Jung-Chen and Che, Xuan and Christophi, Costas A. and Chugh, Sumeet S. and Cirillo, Massimo and Colquhoun, Samantha M. and Cooper, Leslie Trumbull and Cooper, Cyrus and da Costa Leite, Iuri and Dandona, Lalit and Dandona, Rakhi and Davis, Adrian and Dayama, Anand and Degenhardt, Louisa and De Leo, Diego and del Pozo-Cruz, Borja and Deribe, Kebede and Dessalegn, Muluken and deVeber, Gabrielle A. and Dharmaratne, Samath D. and Dilmen, Uğur and Ding, Eric L. and Dorrington, Rob E. and Driscoll, Tim R. and Ermakov, Sergei Petrovich and Esteghamati, Alireza and Faraon, Emerito Jose A. and Farzadfar, Farshad and Felicio, Manuela Mendonca and Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad and de Lima, Graça Maria Ferreira and Forouzanfar, Mohammad H. and França, Elisabeth B. and Gaffikin, Lynne and Gambashidze, Ketevan and Gankpé, Fortuné Gbètoho and Garcia, Ana C. and Geleijnse, Johanna M. and Gibney, Katherine B. and Giroud, Maurice and Glaser, Elizabeth L. and Goginashvili, Ketevan and Gona, Philimon and González-Castell, Dinorah and Goto, Atsushi and Gouda, Hebe N. and Gugnani, Harish Chander and Gupta, Rahul and Gupta, Rajeev and Hafezi-Nejad, Nima and Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi and Hammami, Mouhanad and Hankey, Graeme J. and Harb, Hilda L. and Havmoeller, Rasmus and Hay, Simon I. and Pi, Ileana B. Heredia and Hoek, Hans W. and Hosgood, H. Dean and Hoy, Damian G. and Husseini, Abdullatif and Idrisov, Bulat T. and Innos, Kaire and Inoue, Manami and Jacobsen, Kathryn H. and Jahangir, Eiman and Jee, Sun Ha and Jensen, Paul N. and Jha, Vivekanand and Jiang, Guohong and Jonas, Jost B. and Juel, Knud and Kabagambe, Edmond Kato and Kan, Haidong and Karam, Nadim E. and Karch, André and Karema, Corine Kakizi and Kaul, Anil and Kawakami, Norito and Kazanjan, Konstantin and Kazi, Dhruv S. and Kemp, Andrew H. and Kengne, Andre Pascal and Kereselidze, Maia and Khader, Yousef Saleh and Khalifa, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan and Khan, Ejaz Ahmed and Khang, Young-Ho and Knibbs, Luke and Kokubo, Yoshihiro and Kosen, Soewarta and Defo, Barthelemy Kuate and Kulkarni, Chanda and Kulkarni, Veena S. and Kumar, G. Anil and Kumar, Kaushalendra and Kumar, Ravi B. and Kwan, Gene and Lai, Taavi and Lalloo, Ratilal and Lam, Hilton and Lansingh, Van C. and Larsson, Anders and Lee, Jong-Tae and Leigh, James and Leinsalu, Mall and Leung, Ricky and Li, Xiaohong and Li, Yichong and Li, Yongmei and Liang, Juan and Liang, Xiaofeng and Lim, Stephen S. and Lin, Hsien-Ho and Lipshultz, Steven E. and Liu, Shiwei and Liu, Yang and Lloyd, Belinda K. and London, Stephanie J. and Lotufo, Paulo A. and Ma, Jixiang and Ma, Stefan and Machado, Vasco Manuel Pedro and Mainoo, Nana Kwaku and Majdan, Marek and Mapoma, Christopher Chabila and Marcenes, Wagner and Marzan, Melvin Barrientos and Mason-Jones, Amanda J. and Mehndiratta, Man Mohan and Mejia-Rodriguez, Fabiola and Memish, Ziad A. and Mendoza, Walter and Miller, Ted R. and Mills, Edward J. and Mokdad, Ali H. and Mola, Glen Liddell and Monasta, Lorenzo and de la Cruz Monis, Jonathan and Hernandez, Julio Cesar Montañez and Moore, Ami R. and Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar and Mori, Rintaro and Mueller, Ulrich O. and Mukaigawara, Mitsuru and Naheed, Aliya and Naidoo, Kovin S. and Nand, Devina and Nangia, Vinay and Nash, Denis and Nejjari, Chakib and Nelson, Robert G. and Neupane, Sudan Prasad and Newton, Charles R. and Ng, Marie and Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J. and Nisar, Muhammad Imran and Nolte, Sandra and Norheim, Ole F. and Nyakarahuka, Luke and Oh, In-Hwan and Ohkubo, Takayoshi and Olusanya, Bolajoko O. and Omer, Saad B. and Opio, John Nelson and Orisakwe, Orish Ebere and Pandian, Jeyaraj D. and Papachristou, Christina and Park, Jae-Hyun and Caicedo, Angel J. Paternina and Patten, Scott B. and Paul, Vinod K. and Pavlin, Boris Igor and Pearce, Neil and Pereira, David M. and Pesudovs, Konrad and Petzold, Max and Poenaru, Dan and Polanczyk, Guilherme V. and Polinder, Suzanne and Pope, Dan and Pourmalek, Farshad and Qato, Dima and Quistberg, D. Alex and Rafay, Anwar and Rahimi, Kazem and Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa and ur Rahman, Sajjad and Raju, Murugesan and Rana, Saleem M. and Refaat, Amany and Ronfani, Luca and Roy, Nobhojit and Pimienta, Tania Georgina Sánchez and Sahraian, Mohammad Ali and Salomon, Joshua A. and Sampson, Uchechukwu and Santos, Itamar S. and Sawhney, Monika and Sayinzoga, Felix and Schneider, Ione J. C. and Schumacher, Austin and Schwebel, David C. and Seedat, Soraya and Sepanlou, Sadaf G. and Servan-Mori, Edson E. and Shakh-Nazarova, Marina and Sheikhbahaei, Sara and Shibuya, Kenji and Shin, Hwashin Hyun and Shiue, Ivy and Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora and Silberberg, Donald H. and Silva, Andrea P. and Singh, Jasvinder A. and Skirbekk, Vegard and Sliwa, Karen and Soshnikov, Sergey S. and Sposato, Luciano A. and Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T. and Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos and Sturua, Lela and Sykes, Bryan L. and Tabb, Karen M. and Talongwa, Roberto Tchio and Tan, Feng and Teixeira, Carolina Maria and Tenkorang, Eric Yeboah and Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman and Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L. and Tirschwell, David L. and Towbin, Jeffrey A. and Tran, Bach X. and Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis and Uchendu, Uche S. and Ukwaja, Kingsley N. and Undurraga, Eduardo A. and Uzun, Selen Begüm and Vallely, Andrew J. and van Gool, Coen H. and Vasankari, Tommi J. and Vavilala, Monica S. and Venketasubramanian, N. and Villalpando, Salvador and Violante, Francesco S. and Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich and Vos, Theo and Waller, Stephen and Wang, Haidong and Wang, Linhong and Wang, XiaoRong and Wang, Yanping and Weichenthal, Scott and Weiderpass, Elisabete and Weintraub, Robert G. and Westerman, Ronny and Wilkinson, James D. and Woldeyohannes, Solomon Meseret and Wong, John Q. and Wordofa, Muluemebet Abera and Xu, Gelin and Yang, Yang C. and Yano, Yuichiro and Yentur, Gokalp Kadri and Yip, Paul and Yonemoto, Naohiro and Yoon, Seok-Jun and Younis, Mustafa Z. and Yu, Chuanhua and Jin, Kim Yun and El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa and Zhao, Yong and Zheng, Yingfeng and Zhou, Maigeng and Zhu, Jun and Zou, Xiao Nong and Lopez, Alan D. and Naghavi, Mohsen and Murray, Christopher J. 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(2014) Pregnancy-related mortality in Africa and Asia : evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Global health action, Vol. 7 , 25368. Streatfield, P. Kim and Khan, Wasif A. and Bhuiya, Abbas and Alam, Nurul and Sié, Ali and Soura, Abdramane B. and Bonfoh, Bassirou and Ngoran, Eliezer K. and Weldearegawi, Berhe and Jasseh, Momodou and Oduro, Abraham and Gyapong, Margaret and Kant, Shashi and Juvekar, Sanjay and Wilopo, Siswanto and Williams, Thomas N. and Odhiambo, Frank O. and Beguy, Donatien and Ezeh, Alex and Kyobutungi, Catherine and Crampin, Amelia and Delaunay, Valérie and Tollman, Stephen M. and Herbst, Kobus and Chuc, Nguyen T. K. and Sankoh, Osman A. and Tanner, Marcel and Byass, Peter. (2014) Cause-specific mortality in Africa and Asia : evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Global health action, Vol. 7 , 25362. Streatfield, P. Kim and Khan, Wasif A. and Bhuiya, Abbas and Hanifi, Syed M. A. and Alam, Nurul and Bagagnan, Cheik H. and Sié, Ali and Zabré, Pascal and Lankoandé, Bruno and Rossier, Clementine and Soura, Abdramane B. and Bonfoh, Bassirou and Kone, Siaka and Ngoran, Eliezer K. and Utzinger, Juerg and Haile, Fisaha and Melaku, Yohannes A. and Weldearegawi, Berhe and Gomez, Pierre and Jasseh, Momodou and Ansah, Patrick and Debpuur, Cornelius and Oduro, Abraham and Wak, George and Adjei, Alexander and Gyapong, Margaret and Sarpong, Doris and Kant, Shashi and Misra, Puneet and Rai, Sanjay K. and Juvekar, Sanjay and Lele, Pallavi and Bauni, Evasius and Mochamah, George and Ndila, Carolyne and Williams, Thomas N. and Laserson, Kayla F. and Nyaguara, Amek and Odhiambo, Frank O. and Phillips-Howard, Penelope and Ezeh, Alex and Kyobutungi, Catherine and Oti, Samuel and Crampin, Amelia and Nyirenda, Moffat and Price, Alison and Delaunay, Valérie and Diallo, Aldiouma and Douillot, Laetitia and Sokhna, Cheikh and Gómez-Olivé, F. Xavier and Kahn, Kathleen and Tollman, Stephen M. and Herbst, Kobus and Mossong, Joël and Chuc, Nguyen T. K. and Bangha, Martin and Sankoh, Osman A. and Byass, Peter. (2014) Adult non-communicable disease mortality in Africa and Asia : evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites. Global health action, Vol. 7 , 25365. Streatfield, P. Kim and Khan, Wasif A. and Bhuiya, Abbas and Hanifi, Syed M. A. and Alam, Nurul and Diboulo, Eric and Niamba, Louis and Sié, Ali and Lankoandé, Bruno and Millogo, Roch and Soura, Abdramane B. and Bonfoh, Bassirou and Kone, Siaka and Ngoran, Eliezer K. and Utzinger, Juerg and Ashebir, Yemane and Melaku, Yohannes A. and Weldearegawi, Berhe and Gomez, Pierre and Jasseh, Momodou and Azongo, Daniel and Oduro, Abraham and Wak, George and Wontuo, Peter and Attaa-Pomaa, Mary and Gyapong, Margaret and Manyeh, Alfred K. and Kant, Shashi and Misra, Puneet and Rai, Sanjay K. and Juvekar, Sanjay and Patil, Rutuja and Wahab, Abdul and Wilopo, Siswanto and Bauni, Evasius and Mochamah, George and Ndila, Carolyne and Williams, Thomas N. and Khaggayi, Christine and Nyaguara, Amek and Obor, David and Odhiambo, Frank O. and Ezeh, Alex and Oti, Samuel and Wamukoya, Marylene and Chihana, Menard and Crampin, Amelia and Collinson, Mark A. and Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa W. and Wagner, Ryan and Herbst, Kobus and Mossong, Joël and Emina, Jacques B. O. and Sankoh, Osman A. and Byass, Peter. (2014) Mortality from external causes in Africa and Asia : evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Global health action, Vol. 7 , 25366. Streatfield, P. Kim and Khan, Wasif A. and Bhuiya, Abbas and Hanifi, Syed M. A. and Alam, Nurul and Diboulo, Eric and Sié, Ali and Yé, Maurice and Compaoré, Yacouba and Soura, Abdramane B. and Bonfoh, Bassirou and Jaeger, Fabienne and Ngoran, Eliezer K. and Utzinger, Juerg and Melaku, Yohannes A. and Mulugeta, Afework and Weldearegawi, Berhe and Gomez, Pierre and Jasseh, Momodou and Hodgson, Abraham and Oduro, Abraham and Welaga, Paul and Williams, John and Awini, Elizabeth and Binka, Fred N. and Gyapong, Margaret and Kant, Shashi and Misra, Puneet and Srivastava, Rahul and Chaudhary, Bharat and Juvekar, Sanjay and Wahab, Abdul and Wilopo, Siswanto and Bauni, Evasius and Mochamah, George and Ndila, Carolyne and Williams, Thomas N. and Desai, Meghna and Hamel, Mary J. and Lindblade, Kim A. and Odhiambo, Frank O. and Slutsker, Laurence and Ezeh, Alex and Kyobutungi, Catherine and Wamukoya, Marylene and Delaunay, Valérie and Diallo, Aldiouma and Douillot, Laetitia and Sokhna, Cheikh and Gómez-Olivé, F. Xavier and Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa W. and Mee, Paul and Herbst, Kobus and Mossong, Joël and Chuc, Nguyen T. K. and Arthur, Samuelina S. and Sankoh, Osman A. and Tanner, Marcel and Byass, Peter. (2014) Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia : evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Global health action, Vol. 7 , 25369. Streatfield, P. Kim and Khan, Wasif A. and Bhuiya, Abbas and Hanifi, Syed M. A. and Alam, Nurul and Millogo, Ourohiré and Sié, Ali and Zabré, Pascal and Rossier, Clementine and Soura, Abdramane B. and Bonfoh, Bassirou and Kone, Siaka and Ngoran, Eliezer K. and Utzinger, Juerg and Abera, Semaw F. and Melaku, Yohannes A. and Weldearegawi, Berhe and Gomez, Pierre and Jasseh, Momodou and Ansah, Patrick and Azongo, Daniel and Kondayire, Felix and Oduro, Abraham and Amu, Alberta and Gyapong, Margaret and Kwarteng, Odette and Kant, Shashi and Pandav, Chandrakant S. and Rai, Sanjay K. and Juvekar, Sanjay and Muralidharan, Veena and Wahab, Abdul and Wilopo, Siswanto and Bauni, Evasius and Mochamah, George and Ndila, Carolyne and Williams, Thomas N. and Khagayi, Sammy and Laserson, Kayla F. and Nyaguara, Amek and Van Eijk, Anna M. and Ezeh, Alex and Kyobutungi, Catherine and Wamukoya, Marylene and Chihana, Menard and Crampin, Amelia and Price, Alison and Delaunay, Valérie and Diallo, Aldiouma and Douillot, Laetitia and Sokhna, Cheikh and Gómez-Olivé, F. 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