Number of items at this level: 43.
Bierl, Anton.
Rezension von: John Scheid, Jesper Svenbro: La tortue et la lyre. Dans l’atelier du mythe antique. Paris: CNRS Editions 2014.
Gnomon, 89 (5).
pp. 385-389.
Bierl, Anton.
The Bacchic-Chor(a)ic Chronotope: Dionysus, Chora and Chorality in the Fifth Stasimon of Sophocles’ Antigone.
Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture.
Berlin/New York, pp. 99-144.
Bierl, Anton.
‘Hail and Take Pleasure!’ Making Gods Present In Narration Through Choral Song and Other Epiphanic Strategies in the Homeric Hymns to Dionysus and Apollo.
The Winnowing Oar. New Perspectives in Homeric Studies.
Berlin/New York, pp. 231-266.
Bierl, Anton and Christopoulos, Menelaos and Papachrysostomou, Athina.
Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture.
Berlin/New York, ix-xvii.
Coray, Marina.
Homers Ilias. Gesamtkommentar. Band XI: Achtzehnter Gesang. Faszikel 2: Kommentar.
Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare.
Willi, Andreas.
Epicharmus, the Pseudepicharmeia, and the Origins of Attic Drama.
Fragmente einer Geschichte der griechischen Komödie = Fragmentary History of Greek Comedy.
Heidelberg, pp. 109-145.
Willi, Andreas.
The language of Greek literature.
A Companion to Greek Literature.
Chichester, pp. 443-460.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
Das Satyrspiel.
Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike, Bd. 2: Die Literatur der nachklassischen Zeit.
München, pp. 926-967.
Lämmle. Rebecca, .
Quartum datur: Das Satyrspiel in der tragischen Tetralogie.
Die Macht des Vierten : über eine Ordnung der europäischen Kultur..
Hamburg, pp. 99-119.
Stoevesandt, Magdalene.
Rezension zu: Catherine Collobert: Parier sur le temps. La quête héroïque d'immortalité dans l'épopée homérique, Paris 2011.
Gnomon, Bd. 86, H. 1.
pp. 1-5.
Willi, Andreas.
The language(s) of comedy.
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Comedy.
Cambridge, pp. 168-185.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
Historische Gestalten der Antike.
Stuttgart, pp. 439-452.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
Poetik des Satyrspiels.
Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. Neue Folge. Reihe 2, Bd. 136.
Probert, Philomen and Willi, Andreas, eds.
Laws and Rules in Indo-European.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Franco Ferrari, Sappho’s Gift, The Poet and Her Community : Ann Arbor, 2010.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 69.
p. 210.
Lämmle, Rebecca and Scheidegger Lämmle, Cédric.
Homer on Kithairon : Negotiating Narrative and Dramatic Representation in Euripides’ Bacchae.
The classical journal, Vol. 108, no. 2.
pp. 129-158.
Willi, Andreas.
Challenging authority: Epicharmus between epic and rhetoric.
Theater Outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy.
Cambridge, pp. 56-75.
Willi, Andreas.
Languages from the World of the Bible.
Berlin, pp. 209-241.
Willi, Andreas.
‘We speak Peloponnesian’: tradition and linguistic identity in post-classical Sicilian literature.
Language and Linguistic Contact in Ancient Sicily.
Cambridge, pp. 265-288.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
Das Satyrspiel.
Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike. Bd. 1, Die Literatur der archaischen und klassischen Zeit, 2011.
München, pp. 611-663.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Eric Csapo, Actors and Icons of the Ancient Theater : Malden, MA, 2010.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 68.
pp. 225-226.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Gregory Dobrov (Hg.), Brill’s Companion to the Study of Greek Comedy : Leiden/Boston, 2010.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 68.
pp. 217-218.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Dee L. Clayman, Timon of Phlius, Pyrrhonism into Poetry : Berlin/New York, 2009.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 67.
pp. 239-240.
Willi, Andreas.
Campaigning for utilitas: style, grammar and philosophy in C. Iulius Caesar.
Colloquial and Literary Latin.
Cambridge, pp. 229-242.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Euripides VIII, Fragments, Oedipus-Chrysippus, Other Fragments : Cambridge, MA/London, UK, 2008
Euripides. VII/VIII: Fragments. VII: Aegeus–Meleager; VIII: Oedipus–Chrysippus; Other Fragments. Edited and translated by Christopher Collard and Martin Cropp. Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge MA/London 2008. VII: XXXIX, 640 S.; VIII: XXIII, 710 S.
Museum Helveticum, 66 (4).
pp. 234-235.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] S. Douglas Olson, Broken Laughter, Select Fragments of Greek Comedy : Oxford/New York, 2007.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 66.
p. 235.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Charles Platter, Aristophanes and the Carnival of Genres : Baltimore, 2007.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 65.
pp. 222-223.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Natalia Kyriakidi, Aristophanes und Eupolis, Zur Geschichte einer dichterischen Rivalität : Berlin/New York, 2007.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 65.
pp. 223-224.
Stoevesandt, Magdalene.
Homers Iliad. Gesamtkommentar. Band IV: Buch VI. Faszikel 2: Kommentar.
Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
Der eingeschlossene Dritte : zur Funktion des Dionysos im Satyrspiel.
Literatur und Religion : Wege zu einer mythisch-rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen.
München, pp. 335-386.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Enrico Medda Maria Serena Mirto/Maria Pia Pattoni (Hgg.), ΚΩΜΩΙΔΟΤΡΑΓΩΙΔΙΑ, Intersezioni del tragico e del comico nel teatro del V secolo a.C. : Pisa, 2006.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64.
pp. 240-241.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Gary S. Meltzer, Euripides and the Poetics of Nostalgia : Cambridge, 2006.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64.
p. 230.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Hesiod I, Theogony, Works and Days, Testimonia, Edited and translated by Glenn W. Most : Cambridge, MA/London, 2006.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64.
p. 227.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] James Robson, Humour, Obscenity and Aristophanes : Tübingen, 2006.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64.
p. 231.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Martin Amann, Komik in den Tristien Ovids : Basel, 2006.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64.
pp. 244-245.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Richard Hunter (Hg.), The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women, Constructions and Reconstructions : Cambridge, 2005.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64.
p. 228.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Richard Seaford, Dionysos : London, 2006.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64.
pp. 265-266.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension] Martina Hirschberger, Gynaikōn Katalogos und Megalai Ēhoiai, Ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten zweier Hesiodeischer Epen : München/Leipzig, 2004.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64.
pp. 227-228.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Dimitrios Yatromanolakis und Panagiotis Roilos (Hgg.), Greek Ritual Poetics : Cambridge, 2004.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 63.
p. 223.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Euripide, Il Ciclope, Introduzione, traduzione e note di Guido Paduano : Milano, 2005.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 63.
p. 212.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] George W. Harrison (Hg.), Satyr Drama, Tragedy at Play : Swansea, 2005.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 63.
pp. 224-225.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Martin Revermann, Comic Business, Theatricality, Dramatic Technique, and Performance Contexts of Aristophanic Comedy : Oxford, 2006.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 63.
p. 225.
Lämmle, Rebecca.
[Rezension von] Euripides, Selected Fragmentary Plays, Volume II, Edited with Introductions, Translations and Commentaries by C. Collard, M. J. Kropp and J. Gibert : Oxford, 2004.
Museum Helveticum, Vol. 62.
p. 225.
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